Monday, August 31, 2009

Oreos. double stuffed oreos.

Ok. Riding home from Witchta Falls, Texas. Get to Dallas. Spend the night. Then ride home from Dallas, Texas to Houston, Texas. Where I can finally sleep on my own bed. With my own cat. With my own towels. My own carpet.

But, don't get me wrong. I love to travel. But I'm majorly happy when I get home again :-) totally where my cat is! Maybe not all the time, but hey. I'm a cat...person..thinger. whatever.

ANYWAYS. Ok, got some yarn in Fredericksburg, Texas, as you guys may recall. For KNEE SOCKS. Never done those before. noooow..I love them :-D. Knit one, on the way back to Houston, from Fredericksburg. So, 1 done, 1 to go. Didn't even start the next one till the trip to Witchta Falls...after spending one night in Dallas. Which was...Friday...morning? afternoon...something like that. Knit knit knit and knit. Knit some more. the leg part done, which...was as you can imagine pretty long. So, I was ready for the rest for the trip back, or any other spare moment I got. Turned the heel waiting for the rest of the fam to get back from their ride...didn't work on it on the way back to Dallas. Um. Then, on the way home, picked it up again, and got it finished before we reached the nearest Buckees :-D (if you don't know what that is...I'm extremely sorry for you..and you should go look it up. Seriously. It's like..the best rest stop EVAH. Just in my humble opinion. No, I'm not going to put...imho. That just looks weird. Plus, I can never remember what it means anyway, lol. )

SOOOOOOOOO. Finished my socks! My first ever, knee socks. WOOT. Now...what to do? Still got...3 hours and 1/2 to do stuff. So...I had to decide what to do next. Didn't really feel like hands were kinda like...getting...knitters cramp. if that makes sense. If you knit for awhile at a fast rate, you'll then know what I'm talking about, lol.

I had a stroke of BRILLIANCE. Oooooh yes I did. I decided to write. a poem. Type thing. That's epic epic MAJOR epic fail. But who cares. I tried. And I had fun. I laughed (inside my head) a lot when I wrote this. So yeah. Enjoy.

This is what I wrote in my notebook. If it doesn't make sense because I'm's's in a note book. Just...btw. Yeah.

The World of Inside Jokes.

Friends are forever
They are so very clever.

They make me laugh.
They make me sing
They make me want to give roller coasters a fling.

I could try to make this rhyme.
But it's not going to be worth a dime.
Oh well. I'll continue on anyway.

Whether it's official, or it's called Churchill...The Prime Minster of England! (hee hee)
Or it's Cockaleeky...while drinking tea!

Laughing when someone says I'm delightful. Or laughing at me when a cockroach attacks me.

Calling people "punk" is not at all funny...
even though we all still end up *grubbing*

(I totally fail at rhyming..
That talent is still...desiring...?
See. I told you.)

They snap pictures at *just* the right moment, Whether over the computer, or on a camera.
It goes on Facebook anyway. But I don't care, because it always reminds me of the most bestestest friends I have.

Though some of us disagree about things it still ends up in laughter.

We are part of a club where we might be weak outside, but inside we are strong. And true. We sell red roses with black ribbons too!

Talking pianos, pink or white. Doesn't matter. Just as long as it's talking. It gives great advice. Speaking from experience, lol.

Laughing hysterically about Elijah Wood's bad choices in kid shows. Why humiliate yourself by raising arms and legs with neon balls of fluff while singing? That just doesn't work for him. Ever.

Watching certain movies, and during a certain part screaming "NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!!" and scaring everyone around us.

Dreaming up music videos of either a strangely girly-looking guy, or singing orchestral music. Laughing at our attempts. We rock anyway.

Always asking *someone* to tell *someone* that they are cute but the first *someone* doesn't alyways convey the message. (I will totally take a year...or something)

Quizzing people about their knitting knowledge...wondering if they'll actually knit socks by the time I see them. I doubt it, but who knows. There's a first time for everything.

Apparently, one family "delights" in me. An Amoeba thinks I'm a star. It was written on my hand. in Sharpie. *gasp*

When a certain person and the term "prettay" are assoitated with each other, it gives me the uber uber creeps. *shiver* *cringe* bleeeech.

Laughing about my, recently learned knowledge about corn. And all it's pros. Joy. I'm totally interested in that. I could make a hat, hut, table, chairs, you name it...with corn. If I ever get lost in a corn field.

This has opened up a floodgate of inside jokes. Pardon me for rambling. My hand kinda hurts from writing all this.

Cupcake, hatstand, S*Q*uiggle, Churchill, Iggplant, Amoeba, Cranberry, Jell-o...uh..and any others I forgot. Gotta love those words.

YOU ARE SO RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be a Negative Nancy either. *pout*

I just saw an aqua school bus..? (seriously. I did. at that point. It was creepy.)

Anyway, hope this as amused you. But I thank God everyday for giving me the friends I have. Just to put it siomply.

You guys TOTALLY rock my feet COMPLETELY off. lol

No matter whether I've never actually seen your face in person, or I've known you since I was 8...or something..

Love you guys :-)
And I still stink at rhyming.
Must have been my bad timing...
or something :-) lol


The end.

And yes. Just. I'll shsh now. Cause I'm guessing you guys are tired of hearing me talk. And ramble. And be totally insane. But oh well. I tried :-)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Purple Red Pandas, Iguanas.

If you find my subjects...title things really random...that would be me, really random. And, I can't think of anything else to put, lol.

Could one have more awesome earrings than that? I don't think so. I got those in San this authentic Texan store...everything there was centered around..Texas. a Cowboy's dream come true. Those are handmade...I LOVE THEM.

Also gotta love the "vivid" setting on cameras. My converse (WOOT! Converse FTW!) the Bartell's awesome blanket, and a itty bitty bit of my scarf. At the Theater Under the Stars....waiting for Twelfth Night to start...

More things to love. My girlies. BFFs. Amicae. Biffles. You get the idea. This was at the ice rink at the Galleria. Major wootage.

Us, once again. At Ritters. Eatting our spoons. After eating ice cream. Love that too...

Shopping at the more than amazingly awesome British shop. BRITAIN ROCKS MY BARE FEET

Trying on pretty dresses....

Waiting for the play to start :-D

Walkin' the car...after ann awesome at Kemah.

Staying up into the early morning/ very very late night playing poker..."The Night is yet a puppy!"

Lunch after trying on dresses. I seriously love these peoples. *major heart*

On the boardwalk at Kemah. *major major heart*


They leave...

And I'm sad. I miss them terribly.

"What's laughter when there's no one to laugh with? What's flowers when there's no one to smell them with? There's stars in the sky, but it's not as bright. I'm dancin' alone in the rain but it's not quite right....Without friends, the beautiful things in life lose there shine. It's friends...that make the difference. "

Love you guys.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pink little otters, and neon orange fluffy bunnies

Whooooooohoooo! I love casting something on. Then working on it, all day. Or, not all day...during the time you have, but that's all you work on? (opposed to socks, or something, lol.) and then seeing how far you got....oooo, just too fun. too fun.

Cherie Amor on the needles! LOVE THE YARN. But I wasn't doubting that I was. Turned out softer then it was when it was a hank (but it's always like that...scratchy not balled up...still scratchy then...knit up, much softer then expected.) I'm...just one round short of finishing the bottom skirt thing. it's called a skirt, but yeah...the skirt thing. Next comes the 30 rounds of 2x2 ribbing. It says that I need to go down to the "Smaller Sized Needle". No problem, I can totally do that. It's a size 9. O.o?? Dude. Wait, go back a bit. Easy putting stuff from a size 13 onto size 9, but back the other way (I forgot to mention that, that all of the stitches, after the ribbing, have to go back onto the size 13s....*cringe*) Yeah, it'd make it super cool...but I'm not going to give up my sanity for something that just looks cool. Plus, it'd prob be really tight. So, I'm planning on either A) sticking with the 13...totally disobeying the pattern *gasp* or B) going down to an 11 or something. Then....dunno what comes next. Something more...lacy I think. This pattern is super easy. But, followed the wonderful advice of the Knitting Calender, and like always, it worked wonderfully. Mysteriously. Wonderfully...I have no idea why I said mysteriously. But I did. And that's that. Hm. Go figure.

Excuse me, I'm starving right dad ordered pizza...that SHOULD be here any minute. and it's kinda making me...crazy. Like randomly saying "mysteriously" instead of..."wonderfully"


AHHHHH. It's HERE. I'm starving. Chao!

As Christopher Paolini would say...*tries to imitate dorkyness*

"And remember! May your swords always stay sharp! *mumbles something in some weird language he came up with*...bye!"


Thursday, August 20, 2009

It has been 11 days exactly...

(EDIT: Wanted a new layout. Couldn't do it by myself. Thanks to my wonderful brother, he fixed all my problems :-) And made it look super cool.) last post. Which means...that it's been 11 days since Kaley left :-( *sniff*

Now, mustn't dwell on the sad things...dwell on the happy things! (you know...wouldn't it be cute if it was happi, instead of happy? I just thought this, as I accidentally typed "happi"...instead of happy...I love over explaining things...).......(the "happi"? It...just reminded me of a tigamagotchi...doubt that's how you spell it, but yeah.)

Um. Ummmm. Ummmm. umumumumumum. I'm so brilliant. Typing, while sitting back in a chair, can prove sometimes problematic. Mostly because my pinky was all the time over the caps lock, and therefore made it look like I was shouting. Which I wasn't. Yes, I normally do that. I shout to the world that I AM BRILLIANT. Which is 1) false. and 2).....I wasn't shouting anyway.

I love being random

My nails are brown. Someone has said "ewwww.." to the color. Not ALL of them are brown...just most of them, lol. Both thumbs, pointer, and middle finger on my...(*holds up L with both hands.* uuuuuuuh. Right. Heh. Lol, just kidding, lol) right hand. have gold stripe. Man. did that before. Before, I said "gold stripes" which is wrong, because there's stripe. So, then making sure that it was singular, said "have gold stripe" which is also all of you can see, I can imagine. Toe nails are blue. Dark blue. I love dark's good for the summer, on the nails, then anytime on toe nails. Pretty much awesome, lol.

That's...not quite up-to-date picture. That was taken...yesterday....or...Tuesday. Maybe Monday. or maybe Sunday. I forget. lol. (feel free to call my Dory any time you like. I rather like it, and don't find it offensive in the least, lol. which some people either 1) think that I do, or 2) find it offensive if they were Dory themselves. Rabbit trail)

But NOW. It's got that dark stripe, a large dark stripe (it's actually dark purple, if you peoples remember correctly) on the bottom, and....5/6 rows of the main color. Then. IT'S CAST OFF. HAHAHAHAHAHHA.

Next on my list?

Ok. WELL. I got this awesome yarn. But NOT where you think I got it. Surpise, eh? Not Yarntopia. Not there. Definitely not Hobby Lobby. Haven't been there in forever to get yarn.

(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I must say this BECAUSE Joey just started picking out Life in Technicolor on the piano....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I lurv that song. X 1000)

No, no. Not the normal places. But I don't know what other places...that I go to...seeing that the only yarn stores that I might normall go to, (which one, I haven't been to at all)...there are only 2 of them. That. Did not make sense. Just scratch that sentence...thinger. That. thing. Uh. Yeah I'll stop now.

ANYWAY. To cut a long story short. My dad had to go to San Antonio (some, if not most, of you know this.), and brought us along for fun. My mom had the brilliant idea to FIND A KNITTING STORE. While we were there, of course. AND WE DID. AND IT WAS AWESOME. The yarn I got? IT SMELLS LIKE THE BEST GOOD YARN EVER. Pardon me, I wasn't shouting, that just...needed to be said in caps, lol.

In fact? We went to TWO knitting stores. Because, we drove to a little town, maybe an hour away from San Antonio, called Fredericksburg...the Peach town. EVERYTHING was about peaches....(see note below ***) anyway. The people in the SA knitting store told us about this store, so we went. And...lemme get their I can look it up...and find a you all shall be greatly enraptured that you will be able to see this knitting store(s) that are so amazingly awesome. Good readers. You all are so kind to humor me, lol. In my...strangely weird rants...about nothing in

There it is. Yarnivore. The one in...SA. that the people were really kind. There was one lady, who worked there...with pink roots. Apparently, she was known for her pink hair, but she was letting it...go whatever it was before the pinkness struck her. lol. This pink haired lady, had a daughter working there...who was going off to college. Oh. My. Word. Wouldn't it be AWESOME to get a job at a KNITTING STORE? that...for me, anyway...wouldn't be like..working at all. Plus, knitting up shop samples, oooooooooo. *bliss*. Anyway, the main store lady, who at recently...taken it over, her name was Tammy. And very nice.

Now, for "Stonehill Spinning. Ltd."

Seriously. Who could NOT refuse a knitting store, in a building that looked like a barn...type thing. that was full of yarn??

Actually, it wasn't JUST knitting. It was also, spinning. rug hooking...and crocheting.

OH, lol. it was hilarious. We went to Yarnivore...saw this normal family and brother sitting in chairs, looking bored out of their minds, and this mother and daughter looking at big hunky wool...for spinning purposes...(Yarnivore also did spinning...) thought nothing of them...until...

We saw them at the Stonehill Spinning. Ltd. Amazing. dad and brother, sitting there, bored our of their minds, mother and daughter looking for hunky wool. For spinning. The mother said...that both she, and her husband were postmen...people. and were traveling around for a conference (who knew that postmen have conferences to go to??) but had to be back before next week, because (they have 6 kids) one of her daughters...had a goat in the county fair, and had to be back to see Pennsylvania. Looooooong way. And we thought Houston to Ponca was bad? Iiiigh.

and yeah. That really didn't cut a long story short. But kinda it did...seeing as I could have given you ALL the details of all the people I saw...but no. I won't bore you. Or annoy you. But, now to the real point of the post, to post my new yarn, and project.

Cherie Amor~ *drum roll please*

IS THAT NOT GORGEOUS or what?! One, for the girl's and two for the pattern itself, lol.

Moi yarn. IT SMELLS SO GOOD. Book people know this. Open up an old book, it smells good. Um, outdoors people...don't think gun people, but whatever. Something you love, that smells good..when it normally doesn't. Because it smells good? Will make it all the more fun to work with :-D

It smells good. It looks good. It feels good. IT'S PERFECT. OH MY WORD. I can't wait to cast it on :-D

I'll leave you that you all have all that knitting to think about...and wish that you were a knitter. But I'm guessing most of you aren't, and don't. But oh well :-) Poor you.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


It's not a slammin' screen door. throwin' rocks, tappin' on your window. No, it's not that. And that was a really corny joke. I'm sorry. I tried.

Um. Since I haven't posted in a while, you can just scroll down a bit and see that KALEY IS HERE. And yeah :-D

So, yesterday. We wrote a song. An actual, real, song. Like...with music and everything. We think we're better than Taylor Swift :-). Anyway, just for anyone's interest...I'll post it. I'll also be posting it on Facebook, just btw.

Anyway. Here it is.

Shining Dimes and Sparkling Times OR It's friends that Make the Difference. (we're still undecided on the title.)

Talking really late at night
Watching all the stars grow bright
Laughing loudly about old times
Our parents wish that were mimes

What's laughter when there's no one to laugh with?
What's flowers when there's no one to smell them with
There's stars in the sky but they're not as bright
I'm dancing alone in the rain, but it's not quite right.
Without friends the beautiful things in life lose their shine
It's friends...that make the difference

Shopping sometimes wears us out
But Dr.Pepper takes away our doubts
Snapping pictures at everything
Gathering around the piano to sing...!

What's laughter when there's no one to laugh with?
What's flowers when there's no one to smell them with?
There's stars in the sky but they're not as bright
I'm dancing alone in the rain but it's not quite right.

Friends are forever
Keep them nearby
Don't let friendships drift off and die!
Aaaaaaah aaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaah

What's laughter when there's no one to laugh with?
What's flowers when there's no one to smell them with?
There's stars in the sky but they're not as bright
I'm dancing alone in the rain but it's not quite right...

What's laughter when there's no one to laugh with?
What's flowers when there's no one to smell them with?
There's stars in the sky but they're not as bright
I'm dancing alone in the rain but it's not quite right
Without friends the beautiful things in life lose their shine.
It's friends...that make the difference....


Ok. that was fail. I do all that. And now...I can't get it out of italics...that stinks. Oh well. you can tell what's the song, and what's the blog...ness.

Typed that out...after everyone left. Actually. I wrote the first part, and typed up half of it WHILE they were here. Came back, typed up the rest of it after they left. made me kinda sad.

Since...I usually find a lot of things that I find REALLY hard to describe, because I love whatever/whoever so much...that it's easier just to put things simply. and not elaborate...which really kills me, cause I LOVE to elaborate. lol.


Not that I don't have other friends besides Ponca friends. It's just...that...every friend is in a different section.

And...that didn't make any sense.

Um. Lemme rephrase that...


That's better...a bit longer, but oh well. Everything can't be perfect.

And yeah. We wrote the song. The song is ours. We made it. We laughed a lot. Then cried this morning when Kaley left.


And don't be a negative Nancy either...that's not good.