Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Post. posting. Posssstting. Woot.

Um. Got sick yesterday. Flu = not fun. Thankfully, it's not as bad as I've gotten it before. So, that's good. Still sick today, not as bad as yesterday. But still not 100%. No piano or ballet tomorrow.:-(. Don't know about ballet on Thursday.

Got Lynn Hilary's cd (again, because out of the many times we've scrubbed my computer, it never gets on the place where we save things. >.<. Thankfully, it's on the cheap site...so it's not on iTunes. Woot.) And, she's...just. Awesome. But, how could anyone from Celtic Woman *NOT* be awesome? Except Alex what's-her-name. She's not that great. 

Anyway, the cd has a great mix. Of fast songs, and slow songs. Great to go to sleep to.  speaking from experience, lol. 

Stayed in bed most of yesterday (but alas, had to math in the morning >.<) and finished listening to Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield. Another one of my absolute favorite authors, no matter what. I looooove that book. Just the setting..makes me want to do that. Like, live in England, and go to this Theater and Dance academy...then get parts in all the plays that come, and it's just so....yeah. 

But, yeah. Um. Yep. 

You know that person is a good author, when...it feels real (of course) that you're there, and you then want to go an do those things yourself. Or whatever. That made no sense. 

Um. I like listening to books...I still like to read them, but I superly enjoy listening to them. It's great for knitting, lol. And laying in bed wishing everything would just go away. It's even better when the person narrating is just...awesome. or British. Like, the lady doing Ballet Shoes. Her voice...is very comforting when...it's a good time for it, lol.

and. yeah. I'll leave this now. what do you prefer? The actual book, the audio, or it depends on your mood?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Me - The Church Pianist...

Writing the title...it made me think. Usually, you think of like...church pianists being..old ladies. Who...look like Miss Marple, and knit. For one, I'm not too terribly old, and 2, I don't look like Miss Marple. 

This was not my point in writing this post. 


You guys know...Grace Anne left to live in Idaho, and learn from Mr.Callihan, (along with a lot of other people I know...) so, I'm the next in line to have this wonderful job. 

One thing I did NOT know about being the church pianist...how many embarrassing things you can do...by just sitting there. Or walking up, but yeah. Just gotta be careful. 

For example. I was sitting there, getting ready to play a song...I start playing it. Apparently, I had the list wrong, and had started playing the wrong song. Our pastor came over to me and was like "Um, I think it's I To the Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes...". Of course, at this time, everyone was standing up, so everyone could see me. *bangs head on piano*

Another example. Once again, imagine this. I was *sitting*. Again. Our pastor was saying something, that was important. I decided (brilliant me) to get some music ready for the music during the offering. The book that I use, or used at the time, was rather heavy. And small. It was sitting on top of the piano. I pick it up. It slips from my hands. And hits a very very loud C. In the middle of whatever our pastor was talking about. Everyone was standing. again :-) *bangs head on piano*

One more example, but this time I was walking. This was when Grace Anne was still here, and I was playing 2 service pieces. I walk up. Get to the stairs. 2nd step. *thunk* Whoops, lost my shoe. Great. 

Yet, this is only my like...3rd month doing it. So, I'm sure many other things will happen that will be embarrassing, lol. 

But I'm realllly enjoying it. I get to play awesome songs, and Psalms. The rest of the congregation is really supportive of all my work, and are really nice....

And I must cut this short...for I am going to brawl with my dad :-)

I might continue later. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I shall call this...

...the cramming post. 

Why? Because I only have a limited amount of time between now, and when Latin starts again. 

But the main question is..what to cram about. 

My desktop has been having major problems. It's just...old. And slow. And old. And yeah. 

So, for the online classes, I resort to either my dad's computer, or my mom's wonderful Apple laptop. Right now, I'm on the laptop, seeing as my dad is home today, and is using his computer. I'm *really* enjoying the laptop, lol. it goes fast! So yes. 

I'm sitting on my bed. Window wide open. A wonderful breeze is blowing in that smells like rain. (It was pouring this morning...for a long time :-D) and Jeeves asleep at my feet. Oh, and a cup of tea :-) Plus, a pair of cozy socks. That completes the picture. 

Um. I finished listening to Fairest (Gail Carson Lavine) last night. Duuude, I love her books. Haven't read the newest one yet...anyone read it yet? The cool thing about the recording I found was that it was the...like, it had a cast, and stuff. I forget what the company was called who did it. But since in the book, there's a bunch of singing, they did the singing too..and some dude wrote a ton of music for the words. And it was pretty much awesome. Didn't like the main singer girl, though. It was kinda weird. 

My list of books to read/re-read is growing larger every day. Though, I still haven't even finished the list I made for the summer. Baaaad. So, I have a long line of books, staring me in the face asking me why I haven't read them all yet. Some of them I really want to read. But when I *want* to read them, I don't have time. When I *do* have time, I don't. "Funny how that works out, aint it?" ~ I forget. 

I must go. Cramming post, complete. Woot. I feel successful. Back to Latin :-)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I be here. I shall repeat myself...

School takes up lives, and time. Seriously. But you know this already. But...I love stating the obvious.

Let's see. Ok. Well. To start off things...I know I haven't posted. In a while. Since the 8th. 13 days. *gasp* shame on me.

....There is a mower dude...driving along really fast...in the road...on his lawn mower. Um. That was random. Sorry, I'm sitting in my dad's office, which is like...facing the road, and has 2 windows, which the desk is set up against. Or...facing, I should say. It's not actually *leaning* on the windows...Um. Yeah.

Um, we went to go see the Terra Cotta Warriors....they were superly uberly cool! Duuude. It wasn't too terribly big of an exhibit, which was nice. I don't like it when the subject is super interesting, but it's so long that when you get tired, you stop paying attention. It was just the right amount. Anyway, in the last section, where there were actually *real* warriors, the main...looker-outer person, thinger..dude. Who..tells people about things. Was like, talking to us about the little...warrior thingers. And, he was telling us about how he thought that not all 9 (there were 9 there...I think) were from China...which you could tell by their faces.

Anyway...so, he started listing what he thought the other 3 were. Starting off with the one nearest us. ....

"This guy, well...he's built a lot like me. Tall. Lean... narrow face. Most likely from a tropical place."

Which made me wonder what tropical place he was from. Meaning, the talker, looker-outer person... Not the Warrior dude. Lol.

Another rather interesting/sad observation while were standing there, looking at these amazing 9 clay-type-thing dudes, a big group of public schoolers come in. They are the best thing to watch. Ever. It's super entertaining. Anyway, the 2 sad things I overheard were the following.

Girl 1: So...why aren't these horses *points at picture* here...?
Man from the Tropics: Because they're too fragile.
Girl 1: Ummm....*pause* Oh, so you mean they break easily?


Lady who was escorting the kids around who looked like she really didn't want to be there: Here, this guy right here...he's an *looks at sign* an archer.
Girl 6 (there were a ton of people there, lol.): .....
Girl 3: Ummmm...
Girl 8: What's that?

Plus, they totally like...kept cutting in front of us while we were looking. Oh well. It was still a pretty awesome exhibit.

I've taken some pictures of relatively random things. Which I kinda wanted to post *now*. But. This would mean having to plug in the card thing from the camera...which would make my computer go really slow. Which, isn't good. So...I'll try and have that ready for next time :-)

Um. Thhhhhe dance practice!!!! Woooooooooot!! There wasn't a ton of people. But the good thing that, this time (which this is extremely rare...except last time too...but I wasn't there.) More guys than girls. Which is like...amazing. Yeah. So. Um. Yep. the Psalm Sing went well. Played better than I expected. Instead of people just calling out numbers (like when Grace Anne was here) we just started going through the Cantus (our hymnal)...so, I played a bunch of stuff that I hadn't played in awhile and/or I stunk at playing. But. those songs were needed, so I did them anyway. Oh well. I tried.

Now, I shall leave. And let you bask in the wonderfulness of my post. Or not. Most likely not :-).

"If we have entertained you just a little bit, then we have succeeded." ~ Anne Shirley

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Knit 1, school 2....

School claims lives and time. And many other things..which I can't think of, and aren't that important to me. I needed to post. So, here I am. posting

Yes, I joined the Epic Warfare ness and all. Or, I will be joining...I've joined, but haven't been accepted yet. But, I don't really want to write a poem *right now* Nope. And, not moving from my chair either. No matter what. 

Um. Oh, did I tell you that when in Dallas, for the bike ride, and after...that my mom and I realized that we had *never* been to a knitting store in Dallas before? Soooo...the day we headed up to Wichita Falls, we stopped in at the Shabby Sheep. Major Wootage!  That was like...my 2nd favorite yarn stores. The people were majorly nice, and the selection was HUGE. it was like...knitter's heaven. (there are most likely other places that are more amazing, but I haven't experienced those places -yet- and so this is going to have to do for now. I'm being grateful.) And yeah. Went there and got....GUESS. what do I *always* get?


seriously. You can NEVER have too much sock yarn. It's just...so awesome. Plus, you don't have to just make socks with it. There are other things you can make with sock yarn. And it's so adorable. Going to make knee socks with it. (*loves knee socks*) and. they had this vest type thing, as a store sample, and it was sooo cute. And, the best thing. (or the 1st best thing, there are 2 best things about this thing) the best thing is that it only takes *2* (count 'em *2*) skeins. Wooooot! Which is really nice. Cause, usually stuff that's like...bigger than a scarf takes a lot of yarn. And this yarn was cheap. And it's soft. And the color is beautiful. My mom ended up getting some yarn for it, so she's going to make it too. Mine is...this really pretty dark greeny-blue. With flecks of lighter blue and lighter green in it. (no wood. lol) My mom's is this relatively bright dark purple. Neither of us have something that we've made out of the colors we chose. So yes. it was a good choice. 

Writing: check. Greek: check. Biology: check. Vocab: check. Latin: check. Great Books(duos): check. Math...eeeeeh.: fine, check.

Actually, geometry is turning out better than I thought. But this is most likely because it's a) at the beginning of the book. b) the first chapter. and c) it has no numbers so far. 

mostly it's all logic. Which, is nice, cause Joey and I are taking logic...from Mr. Wells...and so we can kinda apply what we're learning...some what. Both ways. math to Mr. Wells, and visa versa. Woot.


DANCE. This...next Saturday. the 19th. BE THERE.....

Or miss out great fun. 

Oh, there's also a Psalm Sing that day, and so...yeah. food, singing, fellowship, dancing there. THEN a real dance (practice. not a ball. just practice.)

So yeah. You better be there. Or...you'll be sad you missed out on such fun dancing. Extremely. 

I'm now going to sit in my wonderful brown arm chair, no matter how degrading to my dignity...and knit. Woot. 

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Poem.

I wrote another poem. It was supposed to be for the warfare thinger. But the way it was planned...doesn't quite fit the way I wrote it. And...yeah. But maybe it is. Who knows. I'm not quite sure. So whatever. And yeah. Here it goes...

I was random. I was being funny. Or trying..anyway. Most likely failing. But yes. I tried.

Once there was a man named Plato
And when he was young he loved to play with Play-Dough
He liked to eat it too...
but his mother disaproved.

And there was another man. His name was Aristotle
And all his life, he loved to toddle

But one day. One fatal day.
When they thought all their problems were at bay.

DISASTER STRUCK! *everyone gasps*

When things started going amuck....

When a new kazoo player came to town
Joe Jonas.
The guru of Shih-Tzuz
He lived in a bayou
in a hut. Made of bamboo.
and corn.
Oodles and oodles of corn.

He loved to feast on baloney.
while driving a zamboni
Where he gave his testimony
about his longings...for a Shetland pony.

But along came Robin Hood.
And brought back Joe Jonas' second childhood.

When Maid Marion came along.
Joe forgot about his boyhood.
All he could think of was the Maid of Sherwood

She made him pudding.
Oodles and oodles of pudding.
Plum pudding
snow pudding
cottage pudding
Yorkshire pudding
and Indian pudding too.

All while she lectured him...
about the amazingness of do-gooding

"Why must I be a fan of Britain?" questioned Joe.
Even though he was smitten.
"Though...I do love the fur of a kitten."

Maid Marion sneezed...
for she was not at all pleased
"That must be immdidately unwritten!"

Then suddenly.

Natasha Beningfield...or something
popped up, and started belting out her Disney hit.

"Feel the rain on your skin! No one else can feel it for you.
No one else!
No one else!"

"Gosh! This is swell!" exclaimed Joe as the lady kept on singing

He saw a beautiful girl with the name of Giselle
out of Maid Marion's window.
And wanting some sport,
he bounded out with a great amount of
creme caramel.

"Fare thee well!" called Maid Marion.
"But watch out for that storm cell!"
"alright! The pudding was delicious! Thank you much!"
It was then Joe realized that he had eaten too much.

He ran, hearing Giselle's concert
When he fell down into the dirt.
And ruined his favorite Hawaiian shirt.
He cried in horror.
For also his pants, which were extremely skinny,
had gotten a stain
of a jade plant.
Once again, he screamed in horror.

He longed to be in El Salvador.
But Joe had lost sigh of the young lady with the pompadour.
Giselle, who had fled to Artesian-Wells
to learn Latin and Logic
From Mr. Wells.

Thinking of his close shave
Joe forgave Giselle
and let her go sing.
and learn latin.
And make dresses out of curtains.

When David Downs (the producer of Celtic Woman)
came out, and was appalled by Joe's horrible singing skillz.

So he decided to give Joe a couple of drillz.

But it failed. David's skillz were to no avail.
Joe still screeched. and howled.
David Downs scowled.
For Joe was being exactly like a screech owl.
David threw in the towel..and left.

Joe smiled really big when he left.
For he had cold feet. Clammy feet.
So Joe sat down, and ate a pile of sweet meats....

And...wanted some more. But there was none to be had.
So he was sad. So very sad.


Yes. I wrote that. Yes. It was stupid. No, I'm not crazy. At least, I hope not. And yes, I'm sorry if that scared you. Now. I shall go.

Say whatever you like about this poem. Doesn't matter to me. Lol.