Friday, October 30, 2009

I would just like to say....

...that when you search Google for "layered side bangs hairstyles"

It is just plain wrong for pictures of Zac Efron to come up. That's just majorly wrong. What is with guy's hair styles these days? It's insane. Plus, his bangs ( really creepy to say.) weren't on the *side*. But yes. I found this amusing and wrong.

I'm not sure why I'm looking.... For hair pictures, I mean. It's fun. And that way, when it's time to get another cut, I'll be all prepared.

And that's all I wanted to say.

I love cold weather....yesssssss

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wasn't feeling so great after lunch today. So, after school was over I took a nap. A very looong nap. I wasn't really expecting to take a nap. But my dad came home early or something, so I went down into my parents and laid on their bed. And...I just kinda feel asleep. I dreamed a dream. Again. A very strange dream. But I didn't listen to Les Miserables, so maybe that's not the problem, lol. Maybe it's the weather. But anyway. I dreamed I was in SAB (School of American's uber cool.) and I was doing pointe work at the barre. And some teacher (I have no idea who it was...) and he/she said I was so amazingly awesome! Because of my stuffed animal collection.

One thing I'm why do stuffed animals keep coming up? This is strange.

Anyway. Now I'm sitting here on a couch. Bertie's perched next to my head. I'm watching Singing in the Rain...for the 13 bajillionth time. Which is fitting...seeing as it's raining.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with my voice?! What am I, dumb eh somethin'?!"
~ Lena Lamont.


"Hey Coz, call me a cab!" "'re a cab!"

This is relatively cheesy, but oh well.

Friday, October 23, 2009

"I dreeeeeamed a dreammmm"

No matter what, this song will allllways remind me of Susan Boyle. Yep. Hmmmhm

and yes. I am currently listing to Josh Groban sing "I'll be Home for Christmas" I officially love both Josh Groban and Christmas. Especially when they're put together :-)

Anyway, going back to the title. No, I've never seen the musical/movie. No, I haven't heard the whole story. Buuuut, I had another weird dream last night. I shall now relate....

For Thanksgiving. I think we're going to my uncle and aunt's. All my aunt's family is going to be there. Most of my family (Meaning, my uncle's) will be there. Plus some people who aren't related at all. If you know me at all....or a little bit...or a lot...(meaning like we've played Twister EVERYTHING is ok then, lol.) THIS IS LIKE. MAJORLY EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that was needed. Hmmmhm, I am just like that...I needed every single on of those exclamation points :-) Last year, we did the same thing. And mom had this brilliant to get this shirt that we saw at Old Navy, that had a turkey on the front and said "Happy Thanksgiving 2009!" then have everyone sign Thanksgiving. Which, was maaajor fun. Cause for one, I got this awesome shirt, with tons of signatures. and I got to know a lot of people that I had no idea existed before. No one my age...all older people, but that was fun.

ANYWAY. THIS WAS NOT MY DREAM. Because that's not weird...and we do that. So yeah

NOW I'll tell my dream

We were at my uncle's house. And everyone was there. And everyone was having fun and talking. And I was told I couldn't be with anyone. And that I had to renovate their bathrooms. With this neon yellow, black, and blue tile.

And yes. Um. My only solution WHY I dreamt this....was because I listened to Les Miserables right before bed....again. lol.

Anyway. Must dash. Tea time calls :-) And we're talking half day and going to Barns and Noble.

I MUST GET THE NEXT MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY BOOK! Or else. I'll be sad. Oh, and coffee. Starbucks...that's also important.

So, yes, must go :-) Tooooodley pips!

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Thiiiink of me..think of me Foooondly!"

Ok. So...last night? I dreamed I was Christine (as in from POTO). But first, there was a huge this huge warehouse...that people picked out little stuffed animals..and they had to act like them, while whoever was it went around, watched everyone's acting, then choose the winner, who then got to be it. For some reason, I was obsessed with picking out little duckies. I'm serious. Then after I was done with the last round, I went and was in some version of the Phantom.

For some reason, I'm thinking it had something to do with Les Miserables. Because right before I fell asleep, I was listening to that. Hm.

I was so not ready for the weekend to be over. But I a way. I
wanted something constructive to do...instead of like sitting there knitting and like watching a movie. So, more like..working on papers. But I did not want to wake up early and be greeted by that cursed geometry book, staring in my face laughing it's silly little head off. Yeah, didn't want that to happen.

Plus, I cut my finger. Fingers, pardon me. Cutting apples, with that ub
er cool apple cutter thing? That you press on the apple...and it cuts it into slices. Well, not only did I have to practically jump multiple times to get the silly thing to act
ually cut through the apple, when I was trying to get the now cut apple out...I decided that the way of pressing your fingers on the bottom, and then go up...which would mean touching the razor sharpness of the thing. I'm so brilliant. My mom said be careful. I wasn't. Always. always always listen to your mother. It may spare you bleeding fingers.

But Haley came over! On...Saturday! She touched my hair. And I was shocked. As you can see, lol.

We had major fun.

Like....drinking sun beams. We so awesome. Cheeeck yes!

Now, I'll leave. To work on my GB paper...and music paper. And writing in general.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Night tiiiime shaaaarpens. Heightens each sensation....!"

Seriously..Where would we be without NORO!????! lol. Sadly, all the pictures with stuff, with words....are backwards. Obviously. But I'm guessing all of you could read that...even though it is backwards. This is the most awesome knitting book ever. It's like, this lady who wrote all this stuff about Mr. Noro. (yes, there REALLY is a guy named Noro. It's not just some random name someone came up with, lol.) Mr. Noro, is like 80 something. And keeps in good shape by walking one hour every morning and evening. I think his son is going to take over it or something...sometime...whenever that is.

Almost done with my Noro project. Woot! Got...well, heh. Um, several projects. But not all of them are for me...One is a Christmas present for Katie. then there was some more sock yarn, which I'm going to make a barret out of. Tecnically, I'm going to make *2* but with different yarn. We got some other sock yarn there last time we went, and it needed to be wound. And, yeah. Can't knit with anything that's not wound. It...just won't work. Period. Then, got some yarn for....*drum roll please* Claptois!! Yes, I AM making it again. No, it's not the same kind of yarn. Yes,....(dude. Just looked at the line up of that side of the paragraph...or in this text box anway, it's like yarn, yeah, yarn, yarn. lol.) Anyway. So yes, it IS a different color...theme...thing.'s going to be lacy :-D. And yeah....I think that's it.

I love listening to books. I got Les I started that. it's...57 hours? Hmmmh, yeah, it is. I also have the Phantom of the Opera. And the dude who reads it, is awesome.

and now. I'll leave. So bye!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ballet today. Woot!

Thursday. = pointe/advanced. *fist pump*

One thing. That was so awesome. Major exciting. Lol. To me, anyways. Everyon
e else can just sit back...and be...bored. But I haaave to tell.

During the center floor, we did these awesome combinations. And like this week it was much easier to get them, and them fast...along with Miss Wendy (who, is my teacher's daughter, just btw. Who also teaches. But in this class, she takes as a warm up for her teaching classes. But she also gives us it's kinda like having double teacher. at once. Crazy stuff.) anyway. she ALWAYS goes really fast. Cause...she just likes that. Usually, it's really rare if people in my studio can keep up with her with the beginning of a combination. But...I did this week! Major happiness! It was like...nevermind. I won't bother with the french spelling. Plus, some of you peoples wouldn't understand most if it anyway, lol. Anyway, there were a lot of turns in it. Gotten a lot better at those. During first year there. I
was HORRIBLE. at...pretty much everything. especially turns. I mean, I couldn't even get sahsays. (it's kinda like a skip, but a tad more complicated.) (and...I don't think that's how you spell that, lol. )which are super super super easy. So yes. I was so happy about that. WHEE!!!!

Second thing. Wasn't so great. Got an ingrown toenail, which is....ahem, painful in pointe shoes. Ooowhoow. But it eventually goes numb, so it's all good. We did a lot of sou-sous (which is like...suddenly sliding your feet together in...5th, on relave. Uh, on your toes. Did a lot of those both feet. Then, the ones I don't like so much are sou-sous en kouppe. (prob butchered that spelling.) which means. the same thing as a sou-sous, but instead of both feet..just one. Which also means that your one foot has to move in a little, even's supporting if it moves too much your toast. Major toast. Like, fallin'-over-on-your-face-flat toast. Oh, kouppe is like, with your foot, pointed. at the ankle. Thankfully, got through falling.


Yep. Just thought I'd share. Cause, it was so amazingly awesome.

Gotta love pigtails :-)
I.....shall leave you now. Toodles!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Ok. I don't mean to like...overload you...with anything or anything.

But. Seriously. I LOVE MY CAT. Beyond like...beyondness.

I ...get the kitty-kitties. What is that, you may ask? I....just can't stand my cat's adorableness, and I think he's just so cute and get that feeling like I-think-I-could-squeeze-your-little-eyeballs-out-I-love-you-so-much!! with Bertie. And yeah. I don't...actually do that..btw. But I do squeeze him pretty hard, lol.

Dancing with him. He's my parrot sometimes. But, he doesn't always like he growls a lot. He's growling a lot in thie video, but you can't really hear him since of the music. But, I'm telling you, he really does growl...a lot. Fine, don't believe me. Be that way....hmph, lol.

Music: Owl City (WOOT!!!!!) Don't remember the was one that I wasn't so familiar with. I think it was Early Birdie, or something. From "Maybe I'm Dreaming". Care to look it up, see if I'm right, or I'm delusional.

Bertie's first entrance into video. He'll be famous one day. Just you wait, lol. Just like Benji, or...Homeward Bound. Or any other pet movie. Woot. He'll go platinum! Except, that's for music, and cds and such. Epic fail.

Anyway, enjoy.

Also, main...wordy (not that this isn't wordy...that one just doesn't have a video) blog post of the day (10-7-09) is below. Scroooool down. And comment. Please :-) Thank you :-)

It needs something...

...something. Even though it might be tiny. Uuuhmmm.

Finished that vest thing. Got buttons...sunflower buttons! I took a picture. In fact..I think...since I'm on this uber super computer...I can just get that picture so very easily (without lag, that's
the main thing. Woot!) from my Photobooth.

(Oooh my goodness. Osborn...just DIED. In Wives and Daughters. It's normal. He had a bug...crawling across...his face! EW. What I don't that he closes his coat...right before he dies. ...?)

So, yes. the vest. Here it goes. let's see if I can figure this out.

Ahhh, WIN! I DID IT. Woooot.

Anyway. Those...I just realized it changed the format of the text. That. is fail. *sigh*

So. Sunflower buttons Woot. Gotta love 'em!

So. yes. Um. I have another knitting project. It's. NORO. You know what that means?!?! WOODY YARN! Where would we be without that?! Seriously...I have no idea how many times I have been little pieces of wood. And for those who have never knit, and never will, Noro yarn, obviously. And. It' wood in it. Seriously. No kidding. It's woven into the wool. And seriously hurts if it pokes you. And it will spear your finger, or hand...or even your arm, if you don't get it out soon enough...and so when it's all sewn together, and it's actually a sweater, or pokes you. While you're like singing in church or something. Not good. And also by then, it's like...really in the yarn and sweater/whatever. So, it's harder to get out than when it's just a strand of yarn. *shuts up about Noro before everyone dies. Meaning the non-knitters*

What's another picture I can post...oooo...this opens a world of possibilities.

Gotta love pop-art. And peace signs. Nope. Can't go wrong.

"I'll be out of my mind! And you'll be out of ideas pretty soon, so let's spend in this cold hot air balloon! Leave your jacket behind. We've knelt to touch the treetops. I can't wait to kiss the group wherever we touch back down!"


Not even if I sing the Numa Numa. Or. The Egg Song. Or, even songs from the Frog Prince! When that doesn't work? Things are baaaaaad.

Good thing I love the song :-)