Thursday, April 30, 2009


if any of you readers get an email from me that's like...strange?



Blame Joey for it. Feel free to get revenge, or whatever. I'm just ignoring it. 

So, if you get one. Don't think it's me, cause it's not. I needed to make this clear, cause Joey said that he wasn't going to tell anyone that it was him, and not me. 

This is not my real post...scroll down for my real post..or one with actual content. 

IT'S NOT ME SENDING THOSE EMAILS. just remember that...please. 

Waters Keep Rising

It's stopped raining...but a ton of people are draining water from somewhere...and I have no idea *how* exactly they're draining...but they are. So, now our little place that holds all the water, is close to flooding. I think it's called Addicks-Fairbanks...or just Addicks. Something like that. Anyway, so they closed all these roads....major highways. It's crazy. Sooo today, Grace Anne didn't come. And neither did we go to ballet. My teacher (or, I guess, my teacher's daughter) replied to my mom's email, and said, that if it rained any more they wouldn't be able to get out of their driveway. Scary thought, huh? You see all these pictures, and shows on the weather channel...and don't really think about how it *could* happen to you. God is so amzingly good to keep us safe. 

Today is the LAST DAY OF APRIL. I have several comments on this. 

  1. Bask in the last day of Aprilness, peoples. It's just...something you should do. Lol. There are only 4 and 1/2 hours left of April. For me anyway.
Joey told me that if a person uses more than 5 exclamation's a sign of insanity. I laughed, I hope you did too. But, I'm kinda going insane with school almost being over. It's like wanting so bad, that's so close to you, you can feel it. But it's just out of your reach.

Wow, this is like...philosophical night for me or something...

The sun set this evening was beautiful. The sky was pink, clouds various shades of dark blue and light purple, and this sun was this HUGE burst of orange. It's not really's like...a.....the color looks like fresh, wet, orange. That's a weird way to describe it, but...that's what I think of, lol. It was slowly going down, and little wisps of clouds were lazily drifting in front of it - giving it the look that Spring is almost over, and Summer is almost here *major grin* Just the word "summer" is a happy thing. The thought, the sound, the way it's pronounced. It's just happy.  Summer is full of new sights to be seen ( the mall...dude, that is so much fun. People could seriously, like right a book about the people they see at the mall in one day. it's amazing.) things to smell (like...sun-screen. I love that smell) (Oh, and I could never forget...Sharpies! OF COURSE! ^.^ Yes, peoples. I like the smell of Sharpies. lol) All the fun knitting classes that will be available to take. Sleep-overs to have, to stay up late, and not worry about the next morning's math lesson, and if you'll have an epic fail like the day before.  All the fun books to read...the list is endless! 

We have a new car :-) You know how families are known by the kind of car they drive? Like, if you happen to drive a huge 15 passenger van, you're known by "The family who drives the huge 15 passenger van" or something fo the sort, lol. We are, or we were known as the "Family with the black expedition" . Nooot anymore :-) We had that car for 8 years, and it had more than 100,000 miles on it...or something like that. It's amazing how attached you can get to a car. We...drove to Houston in that car, my mom and I...and Bertie, lol. So, we kinda went through a lot in that car. Ok, this sounds stupid...getting sentimental over a car? Craaaazy. Nooow, we have a Highlander...that's this AMAZING blue's so awesome. It's a summer-y blue :-D We're going to call the car, itself "Panda". And the navigation system inside, "Dory". People who know us, or me, we love to name things. Our other navigation system is called "Nadine":-)
As in, D.W's imaginary friend from the PBS, kid tv show Arthur.

Also, a sad thing has ocurred. I'm almost out of yarn for my Clapotis. Total saddness! We *were* planning on going to the yarn store today...cause ballet is kinda close to it. But. the streets were closed and/or flooded, so we couldn't go to ballet, and so therefore no yarn store. I think we're planning on going on Saturday, when my dad will be driving :-)

Better go! Time to finish that ball of yarn, and watch "4:50 at Paddington" (Miss Marple) with me mom :-) 

Happy last day of April! Enjoy it while you can...! *is in a very strange mood*

Valete Omnes :-)

grace }|{

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Normal Disturbance As Occured.

When people think of "flooding"...most people think of New Orleans, with good reason, lol. But, not everyone thinks of "Houston" and "flooding" going hand in hand. (there are a lot of people, but not everyone...yeah)

I shall now describe my doings last night.

Went to bed, after a huge-o ginormous (first thing that popped into my head to describe that, lol) squall type thing. Raaaain is sooooo awesommmmme. ^.^ Annyway. So yeah, the storm was continual through like the whole evening...7:30 to whatever...10:00 or 9:45. Got in bed, went to sleep. Then...

Ok. That sounds extremely dorky. Like I was trying to start out some weird adventure novel or something. That, was NOT my purpose. If I did...that'd be extreme Epic Fail. Ooooh yes.

So, then, after we thought it'd just kinda rain after the storm..just rain. Nothing else, just rain. We had a....*thinks of a strange term to use* Uhhh...double whammy? Lol. It was another really bad storm.

"Lemme 'splain. *pause* No, there is too much - lemme sum up."

Houston Weather -
Rain - in a "squall" type thing, rain doesn't usually go in one direction, lol. It's going eeeeevery where. rightways, leftways, upways, downways, slantways, sideways. (Props to whoever can guess who I'm quoting, lol) It's never only going just *down*
Lighting - We don't usually have a ton of lighting. And when we do, it's not so often that it's a....I know there's a real term for it, but I forget it. When it's a line, lol. It doesn't do that often. most of the time, it's just a huge-o ginormous flash. lol.
Thunder - well...nothing special about that.

Anyway. It was one amazing show. I had my window the part of the time, till rain started coming in, then I had to shut it. The storm was right over us, or it seemed that way. A couple of times the sky turned like this greeny-blue with lightning. Another time it was more like an orangey tint. It's all over, if you want to see more about it.

Soooo, today. Everything is closed :-) Water is *everywhere* Tons of streets are flooded, and...yeah. Ballet was canceled, and so was piano. They were still giving lessons, but it wouldn't be really safe to go swimming in the car. But, I'm glad we have the evening dance, no piano. (Note: if at any time in the future, and say I was glad to skip dance? Stop me and ask me if I'm ok...that's not normal, lol) It's just nice to have a break every so often.

Uuuuuh...there was something else...that I wanted to write about.

Ooh, I'm almost done with my feels so nice to have a clean, orginized room again, lol.

Now...I'm going to get a Dr.Pepper and a book :-) Oh look, it's still raining. The waters keep rising. Note: We're no where near the flooding areas. We picked a house that was out of flooding danger zone thing. So yeah :-) No worries.

Grace }|{

P.S. Note on the title, "A Normal Disturbance" meaning this happens a lot, lol.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy post now...Everyone SMILE!

Ok. Happiness abounds now...I've had 3 cups of tea today...things are awesome :-D lol.

I've re-arranged my room. For those of you who have seen my room (or a little of it) one of my dressers and my reading chair have switched places. I love change, change is awesome. Of those of you who haven't...that's what happened, lol.

My list of books to read is completely endless. But I'm guessing everyone's is. Book list, I mean. Though, I'm slowly, but surely, getting through it...while it still grows longer no matter how many books I can check off :-D I'm currently...almost done with the Scarlet Pimpernel! It's soooo awesome. Next on my list..."The Naming" By...someone. lol. Another fantasy that I picked up at Barns and Noble (aren't old, un-used gift cards the most amazingly awesome things??) It's a series...called like the Pallinor series or something. I'll look that up later, when I've actually started it :-D

I also got, with my B&N gift card, is Sara Watkins' new cd! Sooo awesomeness! *silence* Uh. Ok. So, maybe not *everyone* knows who Sara Watkins is. Ever heard of Nickle Creek? Every listened to those sooo awesome songs? Wondered who the girl was? Who played the violin (technically, it's called "fiddling" in that case, but...this is another thing I could ramble on for a while. So, never mind :-D) That, my friends, would be Sara Watkins. Sister of Sean Watkins (who is also part of Nickel Creek) and...fellow band member of Chris Tile...or something or the sort. Chris Tile...part of Nickle Creek, he does the mandolin amaaaaazingly. It's just...amazing to listen to him

It's official, "amazing" is my new favorite word.

Uuuuh. So yeah, they kinda branched off, and now doing their own separate things. I just recently heard that she was coming out with a cd, from Grace Anne, who is also a big fan. There are 2+ songs that are just her playing the violin (technically, it's "fiddling" but I won't go into that) And they are SOOO AWESOME!!! Talk about major amazing dance music!!

What else was I going to write about? Do any of you remember?

I knooooow. How 'bout. For something fun.

It's also official that I love very short sentences.

Thaaaat. People comment, or whatever. And give me something to talk about. Preferably, something that I know something about. And something..that's not either a) religious. or b) political. If anyone gives me anything that has anything to do with religion, or politics...I shall ignore :-). Lol, but don't take up an offence. I don't ramble well with those topics.

Also...on a quick reminder to anyone who cares to know...


it's like major wootage. Extremely.

The very happy, tired, and soporfic (dunno if I spelled that right...but anyhoo)
Grace }|{ :-D

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cleaning out my closet

I've been cleaning out my closet. Cleaning out my room. I've said this to many people. But, I need a new post. Plus, I haven't told *everyone*. Also, I haven't said *what* I've found. There are multiple items.

Ok, I'll start at the beginning. Cleaning out my closet brought me back to my childhood.

I found...

My old dress-up clothes. I used to LOVE to dress up. A lot of it was handed down from my sister...

I also used to love do to crafts. I found a ton of half finished crafts, lol. (actually, those were in a box under my bed...)

I found beading stuff....loved to do that too. lol. Katie was big on beading as the Klutz books where you could make either bead animals, beaded rings, or decorate bobby pins with beads :-D I found a bunch of rings that I had made (plus a lot of lizards and and now I'm wearing one. It was supposed to be like a pointer finger ring or it makes due as a pinky ring :-) Apparently I had small fingers.

I also collected all my favorite magazines that came in the mail, and planned to make this huge collage. That...never happened. Lol, so I ened up with this huge pile of magazine dating back in 2005. Now, I'm planning on going through them...when and if I get the time, lol.

Next year is going to be one *extremely* busy year. Heh, and I though *this* year was busy. *shakes head* My ballet teacher wants me to do a hour and 1/2 in both pointe and technique. But, with 4 online classes, there surely has to be a problem withe schedule. Of course. I reallllly want to do both technique, pointe *and* those 4 online classes. Actually, it's too late for the online classes, already paid for those, lol. So now we're in a huge muddle trying to figure out ballet. But, I just need to trust that whatever God has for me is the best, right?

Today has been a long day. Perhaps not the greatest day. One of those days, where you just want to either a) sit, read, and drink a pot of tea. b) get out in the fresh air and run/roller blade/dance/whatever. or c) sit and do nothing, wishing that school was a tad lighter than it is.

Me, I'm all of the above :-).

Dude, that sounded depressing. O.o.

Ok. Well. Um, I left that...did other things. Now I feel better :-) Tea helps. Rain helps. reading helps. Everything helps :-)

Thanks for listening!

~ Grace }|{

Thursday, April 23, 2009


When all else fails when thinking of a title? Be random. It does wonders.

Just got back from ballet. It was a lot of fun, cause today... we did something different :-D I love change...if it's not too drastic, and not to something that I know so well, I'd hate it if it changed.

When I walked in, and after I was finished stretching, my teacher started quizzing me on what we do at the barre is called, or what we do on the floor is called, or in the middle, etc.

  • Barre Work (meaning the bar that's attached to the wall that you see millions of in a stereotype ballet studio)
  • Floor Work (means actually *on* the floor. )
  • Center Work (combinations that you do on the floor)
make sense? I got them all right, except for Center Work. I called it floor work...cause I didn't know there was a difference between the two. Oh well, learn something new everyday!

Quick Sidetrack: Just like Aristotle like to learn more and more stuff about a certain thing because you 1) love to learn and 2) you love what you're learning about. *is super happy she's actually kinda/not really understanding the reading this week* Yessss! *ahem* anyway.

So, my teacher said, after the quiz, "Alright. So, today...we're going to do floor work!"

Ok. Look at my definitions? Actually *on* the floor. Lol, I've never even heard of this don't usually think of ballerinas at some famous studio, all of them laying on the floor waving their legs around. Lol, funny mental image, huh? It's actually A LOT harder than it sounds. Pretty much EVERYTHING in ballet is A LOT harder than it looks/sounds. "Ok, balance, leg extended, en pointe, arms just right." Probably anyone and everyone (maybe not *everyone* but a lot of people) who hear this, or think that people do this think "Oh, easy-peasy. Let me try..*crash* Oh...uh...whoops. Maybe not so much." You have to lay on your back, (on a cold floor, lol) and pretend that there's a floor under your feet. So, your feet have to be flexed the whole about cramping feet, lol. 

There are 4 different positions that you can be laying on the floor. Laying on the back, stomach, right side, left side. Once again, it's a lot harder than it sounds. Have to make sure you roll through the foot when coming in, after tonduing, or degaging (that is not pronouced "de-gagging" Just to clear things up.) arms too...they can't be just laying there on the, otherwise it'd be easy....easier, I should say. 

Anyway. Now, on to the Center Work. It can be tough, and rough for me at times. Other times, like today (yay!) It can be amazingly awesome. Today, I started on working on during it in a circle. Actually, it's more like an oval...but it depends on the shape of the room. It's supposed to be done with a class of more than 2, cause then it gets more tricky. But, the combination included a tour jete, which is like one of my favorite moves. Dunno why, just is. 

Pardon me, non-ballet people, if that bored you. Aristotle speaks the learn something, then gab about it so much people get bored with you. Lol.

Anyway, I'm playing for church this Sunday. So, if you happen to have a spare though this Sunday, at 11:00...please pray for me. it'll be greatly appreciated. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"I wanna dance till my feet can't feel the ground" (part 3)

Now, for the Hat Dance.

One quick thing: Pardon me that those pictures are like...cut in half. It so stinks that it didn't work...though I don't know why. Evil. Blogger went emo, it's true.

NOW for the Hat Dance.

1) It's not really a dance, it's more like a game. 2) people have different ideas about how you "win" and "lose"

It starts out with couples. (brilliant) in a guy line and girl line, in front of 3 chairs. It can either start out with 2 girls and 1 guy, or 2 guys and 1 girl. Oh, and you also need some sort of "special" item. It's supposed to be a hat (hence the name) but as you can see from the pictures, we used plastic plates. ^.^. So, either way you start. Wait. I'm making myself confused...I hate it when I do that.

2 girls 1 guy - the guy has the plate/hat/stick of gum/whatever and 2 girls on either side. The girls either (this is where people's different ideas come if) either try to *get* the plate/hat/stick of gum/whatever or the try and *not* get it. If you *get* it, you sit in the middle chair, then it starts over, but with the girl in the middle, and 2 guys on either side. If you *don't* get it, then you "dance" down the middle of the lines with the guy that "chose" you. Then, the dude can either keep his partner, that he chose for the next dance, or thank her, and find a new one.

Did that make sense? If it didn't...comment. if it did...comment. lol.

Personally, I find it more fun to get the plate/hat/gum/'s really funny to watch and hear guys argue. "I have better hair." "Look at his shoes! They have LACES! Mine have Velcro, haha" "I'm wearing tie!" "I still have better hair" See what I mean?

Also, reverse physiology works really well here, lol. (speaking from experience)

Now, I must go. School calls me by name, and I'd rather not listen to it. But I must.

Lol, hope you enjoyed that...


Grace }|{

Monday, April 20, 2009

"I wanna dance till my feet can't feel the ground" (part 2)

NOTE: The pictures were not be nice, and went in backwards. They weren't really in order...but some of them are...So I *highly* advise scroll to bottom of post, and start there, lol.

More of the Fairy/Ferry/Fary Wheel/Reel. (I have no idea how it's spelled, and I always get the name mixed up. There are is' various forms. lol) That other picture of the same people, were also doing the same dance.

I you can see...that EXTREMELY creepy picture of the background, lol.
Mary Beth: "KEEP IT!" Me: "Mary-Beth should have it...really"
The discussion is extremely deep, as you can tell.
More In Order Pictures: Mary-Beth, me, and some guy who I have no idea who he is. More Hat Dance. Me: "Mary-Beth should get the plate!" Mary-Beth: "Nope. Grace, she's the one!"
Next day: what do we do? DANCE! We're crazy, no? (*feels like Tevya*)
I don't need to tell you guys who this is, right? The "older" people (meaning college kids, or kids who are too cool fo the hat dance) were up watching us...when they decided to do The Wave. We all stood there and watched...and I have this stupidly clueless look on my fave.
The Hat Dance can get *hilarious* sometimes. Maggie, David, and Esther.
"I have to choose one of them...but I'd REALLY rather not."
Another in order picture...kinda. This is the 12 and younger Hat Dance (I'll explain it later.) Walker, in the middle. and...Lydia and...wither Mallory or Chelsea. M and C are twins, and there's no way I can tell them appart.
I find this picture knida funny. There's a group of boys who *hate* to dance. This group is like...90% of the boys in our whole church. So, a guy who loves to dance? is a rare and awesome thing indeed. People who know him, Hudson is in the the really nice suit.
After a couple of run-ins with people, almost falling over, David gave up. I think Jenny wanted to keep going, lol.
Now one of the important ones that COMES FIRST. Tis one of the ones that has an order to it. Polka. David, and his step-sister, Jenny.
Polka. Me and Quint...Natayla and Aaron. Ok, when Quint asked me to dance, I was thinking..."Ok...he prob doesn't know what he's doing..." But he suprised me! He was a really good polka person. I think he's like...10 or something.
During the "young" Posties, there was an "older" posties going on. For the mom's. Me mom, and Mrs.Habegger
I just noticed that Maggie is in a lot of these, lol. Anyway, that's Maggie, Josh, and then Kate. Who gave me voice lessons, is the sister of Grace Anne, and one of the daughters of my pastor.
Father & Daugher or Mother & Son. Either one is cute.
These are aslo cute pictures. Little kids waltzing, or just any kind of dancing.
Hunting the Fox, or as you Ponca people call it, The Dashing White Sargent. I met a really nice girl, Madison, she's wearing that navy dress, with shiny polka-dots
That*blanks out* Aaron, that's his name. Why'd I forget that? (the "nooby" people at Brawl, and...prayer group people. )And you peoples get to see Grace Anne! Lucky peoples. She's making that funny face in the background, lol.
First waltz. Maggie...and dunno who. Lizzy's in the back, and the girl on the right is Emily.
Lol. No idea what they were doing. It's Elaina, and Sylas.
I love the pictures where it's a dad and a small daughter - especially this one.
La Grand March - (front Miranda, and Quint. Back, me and Nathan)
I love this picture. Tis me parents, during the Grand you can tell, they were having an awesome time :-D
Waiting for the next dance to be announced. (LH to RH. Me, Cathrine, (front)...uh...Daniel? and then David.)
One of my friends, Maggie, likes to swing guys really hard...they usually end up almost falling over...if she get's them going. lol.

First Virginia Reel (Note: the beautiful dress in front...!! :-D)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"I wanna dance till my feet can't feel the ground"

Oooooh my word. If only stuff like that happened more often...than twice a year. Meaning the *real* balls, not the practices. People can be extremely random. And, have a knack for finding really short-sized sets of people. Short people in the sets...uh. I think that's right. If that didn't make sense. There are only short people in the set. There, ha, I did it. Hunting the Fox + 1 tall couple + 7 other short couples = awkwardness, and slow. This, has actually happened before. Same dance. Same guy, actually. It's creepy. Details later...some peoples know the guy I'm talking about, some people don't. Meaning, you readers *points*. Hi. Pictures will come soon...I hope. I have to load them off of my mom's camera...and there's be more.."action" type pictures from facebook that I can get. (my mom was busy talking during the dances, not taking pictures :-D)

And, below. Are our rules for the balls/ball practices. For people who don't know or they do know, but know a bit differently than we do, or...don't want to know. If you don't want to know, then...skip. Or skim, either one.

Gentlemen, if you come to these dances, it generally means that you're willing to dance. Since there are usually more girls than guys at this sort of thing, you are expected to do your duty and dance with as many girls as possible so none of them feel left out. Of course, don't kill yourselves (though what a noble cause this would be! hehe), and don't feel guilty if you are unable to dance with all the girls with which you would like to dance. But make an effort; we appreciate it! If a girl refuses you, don't ask why - she has a good reason! Just politely walk away and ask another girl.

Ladies, help the guys out! Accept them when they ask you to dance, stand up (and preferably stand where the gentlemen will know you're dancing this one) while waiting for a partner, and be polite. If you feel you absolutely must refuse a young man (i.e., my leg fell off, I stood too close to the fire and my dress is burned through in the back, I really think you're a total creep, etc.), do it nicely and give them a reason if you can courteously do so. Try not to be too obvious in attracting a certain young man's attention! This can often be a major turn-off, and tends to scare the poor guy away.

General rule: Be polite! These are our Christian brothers and sisters, so act like it!

~ Grace Anne

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Life, is so awesome.

Ok, like. Where to start *gets muddled* Uuuuh.

Right! I remember. Ok, Psalm Sing. *silence abounds in audience* Lemme explain :-D

A Psalm Sing is....where you sing Psalms! (*brilliantness, lol) But, it's a thing our church does once a month, where we all get together at some house, eat, sing old Psalms, learn new ones, fellowship with friends, and sing some more. BUT. There's one special one. Once a year, there's a *state wide* Psalm Sing. And, if you've ever been to Texas? Seriously, you can drive for like 5 hours, and still be Texas. Or longer. It's just crazyness. So, today, was the amazingly awesome State Wide Psalm Sing. Our first one to experience since we moved here. IT. IS. SO. AWESOME. Oooooh my yes. Imagine, 140+ people in this small sanctuary, singing all different parts (bass, tenor, alto, and soprano) at the top of the lungs (while still being in tune...for most the people) and at the end of every one there's this super loud "Aaaaaamen". It's not something that I can really just have to experience it. Plus, they always bring a ton of like all the kids (including myself) got hyper afterwards :-D Some of the Psalms we have in our hymn book we always use (called the Cantus Christi) it's got ones with majorly different parts of everyone. So it's like a round type thing. Bass start. Then tenor, then alto, then soprano. It's SO fun to listen hear all those melodies and harmonies mix together in a small building, lol.

Ok. Moving on to another subject. CELTIC WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't really say anything about this to anyone, cause I had kinda forgotten about it till a couple of days before. But, anyway. A group of girls from my church all went to the new Celtic Woman concert, while it's in Houston. (last night) IT. WAS. SO. AWESOME. Everything is, right? (Note: not *everything* everything just...happy things, lol) They had a bunch of new songs, but some of them were kinda weird (*GASP!* Celtic Woman...weird?!?!? NEVER!) They did celtic-y versions of modern songs. Like, one of the ones out of the Prince of Egypt. And one, that I KNOW where it's from, but I can't think of exactly where. It's been BUGGING ME LIKE CRAZY (I feel in the mood for a great deal of caps, excuse me if I'm shouting.) It's called "You'll Be in My Heart" I bet it's some Disney movie...once I remember where it's from, or someone tells me? I'll think how stupid I was that I couldn't remember it. Also, one that later, when I found out where it came from? it kinda creeped me out. They did a version of some song by Phil Collins (if you peoples don't know who he is...he's an old old singer...who did the music for Tarzan.) But, imagine that. Celtic Woman? Singing *PHIL COLLINS* That's like...that should NOT happen. But THEN. they had some really cool new songs. Most of them were about like..."We love America"..."America is the best"...strange huh? But was the story of Ellis Island, and the travels of a 15 year old girl. It was pretty cool. PLUS. Our seats?! THEY WERE AWESOME. They were, like. RIGHT NEXT TO THE STAGE! It was soooo cool. Oh, and my new favorite? Lynn...she is A) an AMAZINGLY AWESOME singer B) She is super duper cute and C)....uh...she has cute hair, lol. The drummer dudes. They are soooo fun to watch. They're like...kinda old, maybe late 30's, early 40's. One, (*is explaining this who have no idea who Celtic Woman are, lol* If you already know this stuff, feel free to skim) he's got this like longish pony tall, and always (always, always) wears this leather vest thing. It's reallly funny. The other guy, he's more normal, lol. He's short. Really short. He's got short spiky hair, and always wears this black turtleneck tank's weird too. Oh, the leather dude, he also wears cowboy boots (or that's what they looked like) and relatively skinny jeans. it's funny. Lol. Those guys are funny. But, it's Celtic music, so they have like all the special drums...what's that one called. The one you hold with your hand on the back, with a little stick to drum it with...the Ballinger's got's SO cool...but really super hard to play. So, with all those songs they'd sing...(the girls, lol, not the drummer dudes) and the drummer dudes would have those special drums, they'd be like...hopping all over the place. skipping...the leather dude, was like...really active. He was wanting to do this weird move with the short guy, but the short guy didn't want to. They hoot, and holler. THEN. when they're back with their huge drum's hilarious to watch them. They're like competing with each other...cause you can watch them watch each other, then laugh. Then, when the music is really peppy...they'll start jumping while banging...or drumming. But more like banging.

What else.

THE BALL!!!!'s almost *2* HOURS!!!! We have to leave at Yeah. My the most beautiful in the whoooole world. Pardon me, if this is getting annoying, me saying this all the time. But, I'm a girl...I love pretty dresses, lol. And, only a few people have really seen it (some haven't seen it after it's been fixed up) but, just have to wait till pictures are posted :-D My mom will be in charge of the camera, but she might take very I might get some from Facebook people that will have taken a lot of pictures. Oh, and I got a realllly pretty necklace and earrings to go with sparkles muchly. *feels like a raccoon* Ooooo, SHINY!!

Um, there was something else. OH. You guys know about the MS150, right? They *CANCLED* the first day!!! (*total shock*) Dude, if these people *cancel* a day of *biking* thing are baaaad. We've been getting reallly bad rain lately, it's flooding everywhere. La Grange (the half way point, between Houston and Austin. Where everyone camps for the night) was like...the big tents with all the food was like...the water was up a foot, or whatever in the tents. It's raining all the time, so hard, it's kinda hard to see on the road (though we did make it to the Psalm Sing) the ditches (these are *extremely* nessicary for Houston, lol) are full to the brim, if not already on the road...things are pretty bad. BUT. my older brother, Jeff? The weenie that is he, he went and did the first day. In the rain. and dark. and cold. He is a huge weenie. The MS150 people kept emiling people that they SHOULD NOT go biking, cause it'd be really dangerous...rain + brakes + gears = total mess. Jeff went with like 50 other people (out of 1300) went biking in the rain, and chased a tornado. Sounds fun, huh? Lol, actually, Jeff always wanted to chase a tornado, and so now he finally got to.

There was something else...*glances at scroller bar thinger* Duuude. Ok, I better stop, before your eyes fall out after reading all that in one sitting...pardon me, lol. I'm going to try and knit...hopefully to keep my mind off the time, and hopefully make it go quickly. Aaaah, I see the sun! Oh's gone now.

So extremely excited that I can't eat anything ~

Friday, April 17, 2009

Interesting Stuff....

Ok, Some of you peoples know that I take piano lessons from a girl named Grace Anne. She's teaching me all the church music, so I can play when she's off college or something. Anyway, on to my point. I started a new song, "For All the Saints" Also known as Sine Nomine (If you have not heard this song, LOOK IT UP!) Actually...I'll do that for you.
Ok, no one's singing. The lyrics go roughly like this ~

 For all the saints, who from their labors rest,   
who thee by faith before the world confessed,

thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.

Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thou wast their rock, their fortress, and their might;

thou Lord, their captain in the well-fought fight;

thou in the darkness drear, their one true light.

Alleluia, Alleluia!

O may thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold,

fight as the saints who nobly fought of old,

and win with them the victor's crown of gold.

Alleluia, Alleluia!

That's only 3 out of 8 though. Didn't want to bog down anything. Anyway.

So, now you've heard it, and read the lyrics (if you hadn't already known the song)

A guy named Ralph Vaughan Williams composed this tune (and millions more) specifically for this tune. "Ok, so...?" Grace Anne told me something interesting about him. He was a devout athiest throught this life, to his death bed. He also wrote the mu
sic for "Come Down, O Love Divine" Which, that one, I don't know as well, but the music is *amazing*. He also wrote a LOT of music of old hymns and wrote opera music to things like Pilgram's Progress. point is. How could this guy, an ahtiest, write music *like that*. It's SO glorifying to God! And's just kinda really strange. Grace Anne told me that, and I had to share.


My new knitting project!!!! EEEEE!
This *motions to picture* Is called "Clapotis" My mom pronouced it lik e "Clappoties" but our friend at the yarn store said "Clap-otis". But I really like my mom's version better, lol.
It's a free pattern on, and if you want to look it up, you go there, "search" and..."Clapotis" peoples, if you wanted to, could figure that out anyway, lol.
It's a really easy pattern, and super easy to memorize. It goes kinda slowly, cause it's only on size 8 needles, but the yarn makes it more fun, and the little twists in the pattern.

Here's the yarn I'm using

It's a Malabrigo, and worsted (meaning it's kinda light) And, it's a veriagated yarn, but not self-striping. Plus, it's cheap, lol.

And yeah. There are 2 versions, there's the scarf, and a shall/stole type thing. I'm making the shall/stole type thing.



I'll leave it at that...since this is kinda a mixed post...I'll tomorrow and talk about the ball and ...something else. lol. YAY!!!!!!!!
You peoples who have never been to a ball are extremely missing out. Also if you've never done the Posties.

Valete Omnes!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I think I remember where that sidetrack was going...maybe not. I thought I just flew before my eyes, and I thought I remembered. But...I didn't. Lol, I don't remember everything all the time :-D.

I was going to talk more about dance though. So....uh....

Man, today is my day of forgetfulness. I can't remember what I was going to say. Wow.

*comes back after walking around and picking up stuff* -- We're having our weekly prayer group thinger this evening, so, of course. Things need to be clean :-D


I love to check ballet books out of the library (Lol, sounds like a little girl. Loves to look at pictures of beautiful ballerinas doing beyondly amazing feats.) and look at the pictures :-D I still read the books, but the pictures are the best part. I have one of particular. It's called: On Tour With the Moscow City Ballet - A Young Dancer's Apprenticeship by Olympia Dowd.
It's soooo amazing. This girl, is only 15, and she's accepted out of like 50 students, and apprenticeships with the Moscow ballet -- talk about a dream come true! Another book, it's like this huge jumbled bag of all these different types of dances (both guys and girls, doing ballet, modern, jazz, lyrical, the list is endless) One thing I read, that I really liked, and helped me a lot.
"When I was a kid, I wish I had known what a lot time I had. You feel this rush that you have to do this or that by a certain age. You hear about people at the age of 16 who are in the New York City Ballet and you think you have to do that, too. But people have their own time lines. it wasn't until my late twenties when everything came together for me."
~ Elizabeth Parkinson.

Ok, I know this must seem *extremely* boring for some people, cause they don't do anything that's close to ballet, and don't really want to. So, they might find, boring. But, I read it, and I needed to post it. I've been feeling kinda bad about my dancing, cause I'm the oldest (young) person in my studio, and no where near going to go dance in the NYC Ballet, or Anaheim Ballet Company, or the Moscow Ballet, or the Houston Ballet Company, which is like always the case in the books I read. All the girls are like 14 or 15 when they're accepted into some ginormous company. But, tis not the case with me :-) Just gotta know what God's doing for me is the perfect thing. And it always be, no matter what.

On a more positive note, lol. I'm *finally* getting the hang of pirouettes on pointe (they're ok in flat shoes, but horrendous on pointe, lol) (Pirouettes = turn, usually with the not-working leg either at the ankle, calf, or knee height.) Usually, my problem is waaaay over turning...then over turning so much, you either fall over, or trip when landing and *then* fall over, lol. The end of a pointe shoe is satin, so when you go up on that, add a little momentum, and *whooosh* you're off. Also arms help, if you're pulled up, if your spotting, and if your leg is turned out. Gotta think about that all for just one little turn that will (or should) take only about 10 seconds. After being on pointe for almost 2 years, I can extremely appreciate the dancers on pointe when I see a ballet. It takes soooo much control just to stand up, let alone do a pekay walk, then go straight into a triple+ turn in attitude. That's kinda hard move to explain, but just know that it's *extremely* hard. Even in flat shoes, let alone in pointe. Also. I hate frappes. And fuettes. Those things are EVIL. (frappes, meaning not the drink :-D) One thing I can be thankful for, are all those muscles I built during all those many many many MANY months of bike training (dude, those were horrible. and then actually riding those 150 miles. But, I'll save that for another post) It's helping me a ginormous amount. Extremely.

Ok, that was super random. I felt in a random mood :-) Just a warning: There'll be plenty of random posts in the future, so...don't always think of me insane :-D I'm not that way all the time...hopefully. lol.

And. I think that's all I had. Also, thanks everyone for commenting :-D I really enjoy reading what everyone says (even though it might not be so optimistic, lol) Tis helping me post :-D

Valete Omnes!
~Grace }|{

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hey, double post. Sweeet.

Ok, so maybe I would have time.

Meaning, I'm back from ballet, and yet I'm sitting at my computer, and...yeah. Ok, dude. That took me 7 tries to get "yeah" right. There are multiple spellings of it in my dictionary. Meaning, like..."yeag" Oh yeah.

Um, class was awesome, as usual. Tuesdays are my pointe. Thursdays are my technique. Tuesdays, I have one other classmate (who, is a 45 year old mother.) Thursdays, are just me. It's prob better that way, but I have to get everything just right -- which makes me more tired. And sweaty, lol. We did this awesome combination, it's relatively easy, but it's so fun. It was super easy for me to memorize. Sidetracking time: I usually have a hard time with memorizing the combinations that my teacher gives me. Mostly on Thursdays, cause I have to rely on myself, instead of watching my teacher's daughter (who is like 27) who takes the class, but is more like a teacher. And, on Thursdays, instead of using the bars in the center, we use the bars on the mirrors, and so, I'm either infront of my teacher's daughter, or behind me. Either way, I'll have to do it on my own sooner of later. And...I forget where that sidetrack was supposed to go. Yeah.


La de Daaaaa....

I haven't posted in...1 day? 2 days. Whenever it was, it was awhile ago (if I'm not as constant as posting per day, this blog shall sit in the dust, which I don't want to happen, so therefore, I need to post nearly every get in the habit of doing it. This is my plan.) So. This is not a good beginning.

I shant be on this evening, seeing that tonight is ballet, and piano right after that. We usually get home around like 9 or something. So, yeah. No posting this evening :-) So, might as well do it now.

I started Aristotle today (For GB) Tis interesting. For some reason, I love the first line.

All men by nature desire to know. ~ Aristotle

I dunno why, it just seems cool like that. There are sooooo many things that are out in the world to know. (Like the art of painting, or knitting, or....whatever. The list is endless) Just by looking at the book, you can tell that there's a ton of things to learn about. And that's hardly anything, compared to everything else. (Note: to people who are wondering about how I'm going to pull this blog off. This would be a perfect time to start talking about religion, and politics. But. I'm still not going to. If I did, I'd sound like a complete idiot, cause I have no idea what I'm talking about)

Also, another thing I've discovered. The Cadbury Mini Eggs? They are like, one of the most amazingly thing in the world. "Solid Milk Chocolate With a Crips Sugar Shell" Random fact: I like the shell best, lol.

This was extremely random, but I must go now, and work on my writing :-)

Until next time! (hopefully tomorrow, lol)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter is here!

Today...I have a feeling I shall be posting a lot. So, rather than have many small little posts, that would look rather crazy in my archives ("What in the world? She has 5 posts just on Easter...she's crazy.) So yeah, I'll do one big long one, and just leave this thing open, so I can come and write whenever.

Now, I shall start.
Ok, well. Um, we opened presents with my mom this morning (seeing it is her birthday today :-)) And, that was a lot of fun :-D She loved everything. I got her this "Mother Daughter" knitting book, that my dad spotted at Barns and Noble, and glancing through it, it looked like a TON OF FUN. Pardon the shouting, but yes. Well, actually, I wasn't really meaning to shout, just...pronouncing how fun the book looked..heh. lol. Joey, the most amazing drawer person/artist that he is, took the pictures that Panara has hanging around, and copied them. Not with butterpaper, or any is SO amazing looking, they look like the originals! We had french toast for breakfast :-). Also, for future refrence to anyone? If you ever question yourself if you should get "edible Easter grass" for the baskets? Don't. Speaking from experience, it tastes reallllly's not my favorite. lol.

Seeing as I'm sick, I, alas, stayed home today, along with me mother. Joey and dad went to church, though. I'm rather disapointed that neither my mom, or myself got to go to church to worship God on this most amazing day. Our church was planning an easter egg hunt for the little kids, while the older kids (like myself) would be hiding them (this sounded like a lot of fun, but I'm not crushed I didn't get to do it, lol) BUT. From the looks (and sounds) of the weather, I have a feeling, that won't be able to happen. Currently, it's thundering, raining, and cold. Wonderful Easter weather, isn't it? Though, the rain is more likely to lift my spirits than sunny weather would :-) call me crazy, but it's true. The sky is very dark (after having taken a turn around the house, and looked out all the windows) And, I think we're getting some humungo front that's from both the west coast, and the east coast. And...they're like mixing together, or something? Whatever it is, it's going to be big. Like, major rain, thunder, lighting, possibly hail. :-) Thanks to anyone who lives on the west/east coast, we now have your weather :-). lol. Well, I shall go now. I want to experience every bit of this glorious weather. It just now started raining harder :-)

Lunch was awesome, my mother is a wonderful cook :-D. I am, extremely full. I think we're all going out for a walk (a roller blade in my case) later, cause the rain clouds have gone, and the sun is now shining in a cloudless sky. It's such a brilliant blue, it's amazing. From where I'm sitting, I can see the pool water reflecting onto the garage wall, it's beautiful. Jeff and Laurie are here, and they're sitting with my parents (I am too, I'm on my mom's laptop) and...yeah. They were talking about cars, and now they're talking about some book Jeff is reading. Um...
I started the Scarlet Pimpernel, and it's really good so far, though I'm not very far into it...maybe chapter 5, or something. While my dad and Joey were at church this morning, my mom and I sat in my parent's room, read, drank tea, and listened to the rain. It was marvelous. Um...I'm not really looking forward to going back to school tomorrow...though I am looking forward my online classes. 

Ok, well, I'm going to go now...I might write later, but...this, is not certain. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Friends are so awesome, beyond words. Did you know? (There I go again, stating the obvious. lol)

God has blessed me SOOOO MUCH with my so awesome, beyond word friends. They're always there when I need them. When I need to chat about something that's worrying me, I know I can count on someone to listen. When I need help, there's always someone there. Even when I'm bursting with joy, and extremely hyper, my friends don't care, and keep on talking with me :-) lol.
Even though the ones who are online, aren't online all the time, I know that they'll be on sooner or later. When I ask to tell me the bad things about myself, they say yes, of course. Half of my friends, are online. Another half of my friends life 10+ hours away from me, and my other half live maybe 30 minutes away. Not bad, but still. Sometimes, I wish that every one could be together...and it'd be one big (I'd say the word dance, but that might not be fun for everyone, lol) party, let's put it that way. one big party :-D

I'm glad my friends are the kind of people who don't care what kind of jeans I wear. If that were the case, I'd just have my online friends, lol. I'm glad there's little groups of certain people that always hang around each other, instead there is everyone in one huge group. Someday, I'd really (beyond words) want to meet all of my online friends. Hopefully before we're all too old. Meaning, like in college. But, I guess in that case, it better be soon, cause some people don't have much time left, heh. We'd all get together and we'd...(*refrains from saying "dance" but ends up strangling herself instead.*) have a big party...a really big party that involved lots of fast Irish/Celtic/bluegrass type music. There, there's an indirect way of saying it, lol.

Ok. Pardon me if that was....sappy? Something that was boring, anyway. I might have more on the subject later...but if you were wondering if I was going to talk about "deep" things (and still keep it interesting, lol) that was it. For now aways.

Today, on goes the car hunting. So Joey and I have the house to ourselves for the morning. I'm planning on...getting my cleaning done early. Hopefully make myself a cup of tea (*closes eyes of pure bliss*) Annnd, start the Scarlet Pimpernel, which I have never read. Yesterday, I finished the Crown Duel/Court Duel (two books smushed together, main title is the Crown Duel) By Sherwood Smith. It was sooooooo good. (I just noticed they don't have the underline tool along with the italics, and bold. That's weird.) I would really recommend it to peoples. the first one (Crown Duel) has got a ton of action, a little bit of mystery, and a little bit of fantasy. the 2nd one (Court Duel) has like, no action, ton of mystery, tad of romance, little of fantasy, and....that's it. the 1st one is the forest, wandering around, traveling everywhere. The 2nd one is mostly in the court (hence the title) But yeah, they are extremely good books. If, or when you see the cover, don't be scared at the girl's eye, it looks like she's like...half evil and half good, but in actual fact. It's black eye :-). So, yeah :-) What else am I planning on doing....Um, I believe that's it. I might come up with more for my "deep thoughts" later, but don't count on it :-)

And, if I don't get to post tomorrow. Happy birthday Mom!!!

(to be funny) valete omnes! (in all seriousness) Valete!!
Grace :-D

Friday, April 10, 2009

Major Extreme EPICNESS! (2 posts = 1 day *gasp*)

What I was about to say...

"Did you know..."

was that, did you know that tea is SO amazingly awesome? I'm guessing that all of you peoples already know this.'s fun to state the obvious. Sometimes, though. Not all the time. So, yes. tea is so nice, especially when one is sick. I have 2 current favorites. There's and chocolate hazel nut and vanilla caramel. They. are. so. GOOD. Just to get my point across, lol. I've been having the vanilla caramel one all day, *closes eyes in contentment* Life is good, especially when you have tea. Without tea, life would be boring.

Note: Life would be boring without a lot of other things too. Like, friends, and dancing, and knitting, and...all my favorite things to do...the list is endless.

I've now passed the "Miley Cyrus" stage...and into the "Rachel Ray" stage. Isn't that AWESOME?! (notice: sarcasm)

I thought of something else, but yeah...I'll post it later. If I remember it...hopefully :-) And, I currently don't have the time, as my parents and I are going hot tubbing :-) That'll feel good.


Yaaaaay! I'm back! Hopefully!

Greeeetings peoples!

I get motivated easily for blogging. Once I see only *one* blog, I'm like..."OH YES! That's for me!!" And then....I write a (boring) first post, and leave my blog to sit in the dust. I be a bad person. Lol, if you're one of those people who I've said I have a new blog, and are faithful to look and see if I have anything new? I appreciate that...I makes me feel special. lol. But, usually with my (many) blog attempts, I always sound extremely dorky. Please pardon that, if that does occur...and think that I'm not really as dorky as I sound...heh.

Now....What to write about? Heh. I'm sooo brilliant. BUT! I'm thinking that at least one that I write about my knitting projects. That'd be cool (hopefully). Like, take pictures, and note the pattern, what kind of yarn I'm using, and perhaps tips for that pattern. But, peoples, don't get too hopeful. This blog may yet be sitting in the dust later this week. But let's hope not (the word hope is awesome, isn't it? I use it a you can tell, lol)

Um. *silence* So yes. Uhhh...*shuffles feet* So, this won't be like...some super intullectiual blog that like is bringing up subjects to debate (which is not my most favorite thing to do...some people may know this) or...talking about politics...BORing! Excuse me, peoples, who love discussing politics.

Did you know....

wait. This was actually a pretty good post. (heh, I say that. I've written so many posts like this, and then it's down in the dumps. Great.) Nevermind...uh...well. yeah. I So I'll save the stuff for later posts...that I'll (hopefully) do. Later...or maybe later today. Seeing as my parents are starting to go "car hunting" and meeting up with hot-doggy, 20 yr old salesmen, who have nothing to do in their spare time except talk about how good they are on Facebook (is straying from the point) Where was I? Oh, my parents are going car hunting...and since, it's just beginning, (and plus, I'm sick) I am staying home, with the little brother. Or, known as the Wonderful Jo. Heee.

Man, I say I'll finish..then it ends up to be a huge paragraph. Well, I suppose that's a good thing, right?

Also. Happy Good Friday! The day when Christ was sent to the cross. HE is so amazing.

~ Le Blogger/Grace