Monday, August 31, 2009

Oreos. double stuffed oreos.

Ok. Riding home from Witchta Falls, Texas. Get to Dallas. Spend the night. Then ride home from Dallas, Texas to Houston, Texas. Where I can finally sleep on my own bed. With my own cat. With my own towels. My own carpet.

But, don't get me wrong. I love to travel. But I'm majorly happy when I get home again :-) totally where my cat is! Maybe not all the time, but hey. I'm a cat...person..thinger. whatever.

ANYWAYS. Ok, got some yarn in Fredericksburg, Texas, as you guys may recall. For KNEE SOCKS. Never done those before. noooow..I love them :-D. Knit one, on the way back to Houston, from Fredericksburg. So, 1 done, 1 to go. Didn't even start the next one till the trip to Witchta Falls...after spending one night in Dallas. Which was...Friday...morning? afternoon...something like that. Knit knit knit and knit. Knit some more. the leg part done, which...was as you can imagine pretty long. So, I was ready for the rest for the trip back, or any other spare moment I got. Turned the heel waiting for the rest of the fam to get back from their ride...didn't work on it on the way back to Dallas. Um. Then, on the way home, picked it up again, and got it finished before we reached the nearest Buckees :-D (if you don't know what that is...I'm extremely sorry for you..and you should go look it up. Seriously. It's like..the best rest stop EVAH. Just in my humble opinion. No, I'm not going to put...imho. That just looks weird. Plus, I can never remember what it means anyway, lol. )

SOOOOOOOOO. Finished my socks! My first ever, knee socks. WOOT. Now...what to do? Still got...3 hours and 1/2 to do stuff. So...I had to decide what to do next. Didn't really feel like hands were kinda like...getting...knitters cramp. if that makes sense. If you knit for awhile at a fast rate, you'll then know what I'm talking about, lol.

I had a stroke of BRILLIANCE. Oooooh yes I did. I decided to write. a poem. Type thing. That's epic epic MAJOR epic fail. But who cares. I tried. And I had fun. I laughed (inside my head) a lot when I wrote this. So yeah. Enjoy.

This is what I wrote in my notebook. If it doesn't make sense because I'm's's in a note book. Just...btw. Yeah.

The World of Inside Jokes.

Friends are forever
They are so very clever.

They make me laugh.
They make me sing
They make me want to give roller coasters a fling.

I could try to make this rhyme.
But it's not going to be worth a dime.
Oh well. I'll continue on anyway.

Whether it's official, or it's called Churchill...The Prime Minster of England! (hee hee)
Or it's Cockaleeky...while drinking tea!

Laughing when someone says I'm delightful. Or laughing at me when a cockroach attacks me.

Calling people "punk" is not at all funny...
even though we all still end up *grubbing*

(I totally fail at rhyming..
That talent is still...desiring...?
See. I told you.)

They snap pictures at *just* the right moment, Whether over the computer, or on a camera.
It goes on Facebook anyway. But I don't care, because it always reminds me of the most bestestest friends I have.

Though some of us disagree about things it still ends up in laughter.

We are part of a club where we might be weak outside, but inside we are strong. And true. We sell red roses with black ribbons too!

Talking pianos, pink or white. Doesn't matter. Just as long as it's talking. It gives great advice. Speaking from experience, lol.

Laughing hysterically about Elijah Wood's bad choices in kid shows. Why humiliate yourself by raising arms and legs with neon balls of fluff while singing? That just doesn't work for him. Ever.

Watching certain movies, and during a certain part screaming "NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!!" and scaring everyone around us.

Dreaming up music videos of either a strangely girly-looking guy, or singing orchestral music. Laughing at our attempts. We rock anyway.

Always asking *someone* to tell *someone* that they are cute but the first *someone* doesn't alyways convey the message. (I will totally take a year...or something)

Quizzing people about their knitting knowledge...wondering if they'll actually knit socks by the time I see them. I doubt it, but who knows. There's a first time for everything.

Apparently, one family "delights" in me. An Amoeba thinks I'm a star. It was written on my hand. in Sharpie. *gasp*

When a certain person and the term "prettay" are assoitated with each other, it gives me the uber uber creeps. *shiver* *cringe* bleeeech.

Laughing about my, recently learned knowledge about corn. And all it's pros. Joy. I'm totally interested in that. I could make a hat, hut, table, chairs, you name it...with corn. If I ever get lost in a corn field.

This has opened up a floodgate of inside jokes. Pardon me for rambling. My hand kinda hurts from writing all this.

Cupcake, hatstand, S*Q*uiggle, Churchill, Iggplant, Amoeba, Cranberry, Jell-o...uh..and any others I forgot. Gotta love those words.

YOU ARE SO RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be a Negative Nancy either. *pout*

I just saw an aqua school bus..? (seriously. I did. at that point. It was creepy.)

Anyway, hope this as amused you. But I thank God everyday for giving me the friends I have. Just to put it siomply.

You guys TOTALLY rock my feet COMPLETELY off. lol

No matter whether I've never actually seen your face in person, or I've known you since I was 8...or something..

Love you guys :-)
And I still stink at rhyming.
Must have been my bad timing...
or something :-) lol


The end.

And yes. Just. I'll shsh now. Cause I'm guessing you guys are tired of hearing me talk. And ramble. And be totally insane. But oh well. I tried :-)


Bre said...

I see my inside joke! Tee hee :D You rock too Grace! ((hug)) I could probably make a huge list of inside jokes too, that's a good idea. (and an aqua school bus? innnteresting...)

Kaley Grace said...

OH MY WORDNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are seriously an amazing poem writer ( I SO just spelled that righter...gaaaah)!

I LOVES IT SOOOOOO MUCH! I'm printing it out and putting it on my bulletin board. LOL!!! *rolls* :)

Ok...and knee socks are pretty rocking too!! (and so are you!! :D)
What color are they?

Haleymay said...

Oh my goodness....I laughed harder than I have in weeks!! I'm copying Kaley's idea and printing it out. The rollercoasters line made me laugh...and so did the Churchill one...and...every other line :P

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!