Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I be here. I shall repeat myself...

School takes up lives, and time. Seriously. But you know this already. But...I love stating the obvious.

Let's see. Ok. Well. To start off things...I know I haven't posted. In a while. Since the 8th. 13 days. *gasp* shame on me.

....There is a mower dude...driving along really fast...in the road...on his lawn mower. Um. That was random. Sorry, I'm sitting in my dad's office, which is like...facing the road, and has 2 windows, which the desk is set up against. Or...facing, I should say. It's not actually *leaning* on the windows...Um. Yeah.

Um, we went to go see the Terra Cotta Warriors....they were superly uberly cool! Duuude. It wasn't too terribly big of an exhibit, which was nice. I don't like it when the subject is super interesting, but it's so long that when you get tired, you stop paying attention. It was just the right amount. Anyway, in the last section, where there were actually *real* warriors, the main...looker-outer person, thinger..dude. Who..tells people about things. Was like, talking to us about the little...warrior thingers. And, he was telling us about how he thought that not all 9 (there were 9 there...I think) were from China...which you could tell by their faces.

Anyway...so, he started listing what he thought the other 3 were. Starting off with the one nearest us. ....

"This guy, well...he's built a lot like me. Tall. Lean... narrow face. Most likely from a tropical place."

Which made me wonder what tropical place he was from. Meaning, the talker, looker-outer person... Not the Warrior dude. Lol.

Another rather interesting/sad observation while were standing there, looking at these amazing 9 clay-type-thing dudes, a big group of public schoolers come in. They are the best thing to watch. Ever. It's super entertaining. Anyway, the 2 sad things I overheard were the following.

Girl 1: So...why aren't these horses *points at picture* here...?
Man from the Tropics: Because they're too fragile.
Girl 1: Ummm....*pause* Oh, so you mean they break easily?


Lady who was escorting the kids around who looked like she really didn't want to be there: Here, this guy right here...he's an *looks at sign* an archer.
Girl 6 (there were a ton of people there, lol.): .....
Girl 3: Ummmm...
Girl 8: What's that?

Plus, they totally like...kept cutting in front of us while we were looking. Oh well. It was still a pretty awesome exhibit.

I've taken some pictures of relatively random things. Which I kinda wanted to post *now*. But. This would mean having to plug in the card thing from the camera...which would make my computer go really slow. Which, isn't good. So...I'll try and have that ready for next time :-)

Um. Thhhhhe dance practice!!!! Woooooooooot!! There wasn't a ton of people. But the good thing that, this time (which this is extremely rare...except last time too...but I wasn't there.) More guys than girls. Which is like...amazing. Yeah. So. Um. Yep. the Psalm Sing went well. Played better than I expected. Instead of people just calling out numbers (like when Grace Anne was here) we just started going through the Cantus (our hymnal)...so, I played a bunch of stuff that I hadn't played in awhile and/or I stunk at playing. But. those songs were needed, so I did them anyway. Oh well. I tried.

Now, I shall leave. And let you bask in the wonderfulness of my post. Or not. Most likely not :-).

"If we have entertained you just a little bit, then we have succeeded." ~ Anne Shirley

1 comment:

Bre said...

you succeeded :D I love hearing about your people watching observations. Because...well, because people watching is COOL. lol (but it is sad, when kids don't know what fragile means..)