Friday, September 25, 2009

Me - The Church Pianist...

Writing the made me think. Usually, you think of pianists being..old ladies. Who...look like Miss Marple, and knit. For one, I'm not too terribly old, and 2, I don't look like Miss Marple. 

This was not my point in writing this post. 


You guys know...Grace Anne left to live in Idaho, and learn from Mr.Callihan, (along with a lot of other people I know...) so, I'm the next in line to have this wonderful job. 

One thing I did NOT know about being the church many embarrassing things you can just sitting there. Or walking up, but yeah. Just gotta be careful. 

For example. I was sitting there, getting ready to play a song...I start playing it. Apparently, I had the list wrong, and had started playing the wrong song. Our pastor came over to me and was like "Um, I think it's I To the Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes...". Of course, at this time, everyone was standing up, so everyone could see me. *bangs head on piano*

Another example. Once again, imagine this. I was *sitting*. Again. Our pastor was saying something, that was important. I decided (brilliant me) to get some music ready for the music during the offering. The book that I use, or used at the time, was rather heavy. And small. It was sitting on top of the piano. I pick it up. It slips from my hands. And hits a very very loud C. In the middle of whatever our pastor was talking about. Everyone was standing. again :-) *bangs head on piano*

One more example, but this time I was walking. This was when Grace Anne was still here, and I was playing 2 service pieces. I walk up. Get to the stairs. 2nd step. *thunk* Whoops, lost my shoe. Great. 

Yet, this is only my like...3rd month doing it. So, I'm sure many other things will happen that will be embarrassing, lol. 

But I'm realllly enjoying it. I get to play awesome songs, and Psalms. The rest of the congregation is really supportive of all my work, and are really nice....

And I must cut this short...for I am going to brawl with my dad :-)

I might continue later. 


Ellie Degenhart said...

Hahaha That was really funny!
But I know exactly what you're talking about.
Our churches piano really isn't a piano it's a keyboard so you can put it on lots of diffrent settings and make it sound like from anything to a fire engine to people singing. So it was my first time playing at church and I was playing a song to begin the service and it's at the time where everyone first stops talking. So I begin a hymn only to notice to my horror that the keyboard was on the rap setting. Yeah. What a great way to start the worship service.

Haleymay said...

Haha, I've never noticed you doing anything weird or embarrassing...I must've missed that C :P

You are one rockin' awesome pianist. It's a real treat to hear you play :)

Looove you!!

RainyDayDreamer said...

Ellie - LOL!!! That's awesome! Loool. I have this extremely funny mental image of that happening...loool.

Haley - playing the wrong song happened while Kaley and Josiah were here >.< But the other ones were awhile ago. But thank you! Love you too!! :-D

Kaley Grace said...

You did AWESOME from what I saw!!! :) :) :)

Playing piano for church is so much fun! And..kind of scary lol