Saturday, December 19, 2009

"I fall asleeeeeeep...counting myyyy blesssssingsssss."

Poor peoples. Poooor pooor people who my blog readers. I have deprived you of my blogness...and left you...bored....

*cough* rather people are excited that I've stopped writing so they don't have to listen to my rambles *cough*

Lol. yes.

This really is bad of me...I was planning on doing a lot..for Advent or something. And here I am, the 19th of December. And my last post...was sometime at the beginning of December, lol. I fail.

Uuuuhhmmmm...what I can tell you that well more or less bring you up to speed on my life.

I. Am. Breathing. *gasp* Oooh my goodness.

No, not that. Well. not that I'm NOT breathing...I am. last time I checked, lol. But. *thinks* *Pooh moment*

We...went to the Messiah last night. Before I give my observations on people. I must explain my great passion for the Theater District of Downtown Houston.

*closes eyes in pure bliss* It's's like....well. EVERYTHING is connected together. Somehow...some way. What. is wrong. scratch that. All the parking lots that are underground are connected, lol. Downtown Houston has a lot of old special buildings. That. well. they give *me* the shivers. Along with music and dance did you know that I have a passion for history? Yes, I do. Now you know. So, all these old buildings that...look like their old with like decorations from who-knows-when all over it. But then, there are all these other modern know, all made of glass. The kind that if you were a window cleaner it would be a huge pain to clean one of those...seeing that every piece of glass is a window. Fail. Ish.

Distracted. Where was I...OH. the coolness of Downtown the Theater District. *aaaaahhh*

Knowing that all the parking lots are connected, this must mean that the Jones Hall, Wortham Center, Alley Theater, and many more are relatively close together. Yes, this is true. The tunnels that lead you to the various different places (see list above) all of them are lined with posters of upcoming performances. So you see all these cool things..then get to the place you're trying to get to. Go in...and then, you're like in some amazing building. And that's...not including going in and finding your seats. Doing that.....makes me really want to do something that's part of that. Not...finding our seats. No, I don't want to be an would be horribly interesting, but not for me. Doing that makes me really want to do something with the visual art...that's connected with all that...down there. Especially dancing. I mean...doing that anywhere sounds soooo me. The Wortham Center (That's where...the ballets, musicals, and operas are. Symphony wise, they're all in Jones Hall. Oh, and people like...Garrison Keeler (Yes, that's not how you spell his name, I know I know.) (Yes, we did go and see him) and Hayley Westenra. And...I'm not sure where the Celtic Woman people were. I think they were in the Wortham...) Random. Anyway..the Wortham Center.....*blank look* Uuuuuuhhhh...I just forgot what I was going to say about it. Oh, it's just so original, I know.

Loooohooong. Sorry about that. Let's just say going down there for anything and everything motivates me to want to do something down there. Wow. I could have said that. And....left you without that awesome ramble. But, I like my rambles. So I'll keep it.


Ok. for starters. I did not like the Bass-Baratone. Or the Mezzo-Soprano. They were just kinda weird. The Bass-Baratone was waaaay to small for that part. He looked like he was in college. And he failed at really...moving people when he sang. So. Fail. the Mezzo-Soprano. Was really weird. first of all. she was barefoot. Which is relatively cool. Second, she tried to act. Which was just wrong. Peoples, this is an oratory. (here comes my music history classes..heehee) No acting. And she was like...really...getting into it. At the end of one of her ended on "Fire" after a rather...angry/harsh line. And like, on the ending note of the orchestra she slammed her book really "add effect". But, on a good note. (if you find this a pun, no I did not mean it...and yeah.) the Soprano and the Tenor were amazing. the soprano was this old lady...with gray hair. and uberly sparkly earrings on. Lol, speaking of her. The mezzo-soprano was wearing this really flashy dress. and this huge coat..and scarf (it was apparently really cold for her..) and the soprano was wearing this black dress thing with this nice aqua tunic thing over it. So I was like "Ahhh. That's nice...that since she's old ish...she's not like over doing it..." When she went to go sit down after her first song, I saw this huge slit on the side of her dress...which was like holy cow! And yeah. That...was the first time I have used that in actually using that term not in just saying it to make some comment about it. The conductor....he was awesome. ...wazzum. That. is SO my new word. Wazzum. Oooh yes. meaning...awesome. Wheeeee. Um. yeah, he was wazzum. His hair. was. really. um...puffy? And he was In his...conducting, lol. So, jumping, waving, hopping, etc, etc. Which. made his hair. wiggle. Lol. So, from the back, it looked HILARIOUS whenever he any of the above. When he came out the first time, it was nice and smooth...ish. Well, as smooth as it could get. Then by the kinda looked like he had just rolled out of bed, lol.

There were SEVERAL people around us who were doing the following through out the whole performance.
giving a loud commentary to the person next to them
all of the above.

The conducting part was really funny to watch...most of the people I saw used only one hand...but there was this one kid in front of Joey...and a little to the left, who was like using both hands. and almost imitating the conductor.

And. Yeah. Saw several creepy kids. As in guys who's moto in life are "I am going to dye my hair black/dark brown, even though I'm uber pale enough already...but I wanted to accent my skin color." or, "I love growing my hair so long that from a distance people will have to ask themselves "Is that a girl or a guy walking towards me?"" It was usually both. Those people are really creepy. It's like Zac Efron. We just don't go there.

1 comment:

Bre said...

This post just made my day :) I laughed. Hard. Especially about the conductor, and the creepy kids :P

Apparently, I conduct with my right hand when I listen to classical...with my eyes closed, of course. :) I do believe I do it subconsciously, because I had no idea I was doing this and I was informed of this by my sister who, when I opened my eyes, said, "What on earth are you doing?"

*sigh* She just doesn't understand. (haha)

Anywho, sounds like tons of fun, Houston sounds *awesome*, I wish Charlotte wasn't Everything is too shiny here. No old stuff.