Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bllllarg. a new post. Yaaay me.

I just repainted my nails. The color. I got for Christmas. I absolutely adore it. it's called..."Mint Candy Apple". Though, the "candy apple" part doesn't really...strike me as...what the color might be. I would describe it as more like...the color of mint chocolate chip ice cream. If that gives you a good mental image. That would be the color.

Wouldn't it be fun to have the job...of naming new things? Like. for scents. Or. colors. Like nail polish, or crayons. ?!?!?!??!! I always thought that would be a fun job. Also along with having a job at a knitting store. Seriously. You would get to sit around and knit all day, and wait for customers. Or to teach a class. You would get the first dibs on the brand new (Noro!!!!) yarn. Knit up the shop samples, if they didn't come already made. Seriously.

Though. I guess. If I got a job in a yarn store *now*. I wouldn't get to knit all day. Cause. That would a perfect time on school. Bleh.

I. Now need to paint my toe nails. Seeing as it *is* March. and sandal season type thing is coming. And yeah. Mine are really icky. So yep :-P



Katie Jo said...

I love making new words! And I love painting my nails :) I need to redo mine. I put Yellow on for getting ready for spring, I want to put my maroon on, maybe Sunday night. I looooooove maroon :)

RainyDayDreamer said...

Ooooh yellow! Yellow is pretttty awesome. My toes are now orange. Maroon is sweet too!

Katie Jo said...

You know what's cool? YELLOW AND ORANGE!!!!!! XD

Hannah May said...

Grace, you are the ultimate user of sentence fragments.
A lot.



RainyDayDreamer said...

LOL Hannah!! :-P. It's....a skill of mine, lol. I've gotten into the habit, where I just kinda hit the . key...and go on. Lol. (oh, whoops. Did it again) And then..sometimes I mean to hit the , and...miss that and hit the . and just keep going. lol. It's kinda the way I talk :-P In

Kaley Grace said...

You are just the awesomest blog writer eevvveer. LOL! I love your writing :) And, the nail polish sounds beaUtiful! AND, I always thought that job, of naming colors on stuff, would be SO MUCH FUN too!

Hannah May said...

Oh, don't get me wrong--I love 'em. Especially when I'm writing dialogue or deep POV--thoughts, that is. Nobody thinks or talks in complete sentences.
But you use them more than I do. :-D
