Friday, April 17, 2009

Interesting Stuff....

Ok, Some of you peoples know that I take piano lessons from a girl named Grace Anne. She's teaching me all the church music, so I can play when she's off college or something. Anyway, on to my point. I started a new song, "For All the Saints" Also known as Sine Nomine (If you have not heard this song, LOOK IT UP!) Actually...I'll do that for you.
Ok, no one's singing. The lyrics go roughly like this ~

 For all the saints, who from their labors rest,   
who thee by faith before the world confessed,

thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.

Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thou wast their rock, their fortress, and their might;

thou Lord, their captain in the well-fought fight;

thou in the darkness drear, their one true light.

Alleluia, Alleluia!

O may thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold,

fight as the saints who nobly fought of old,

and win with them the victor's crown of gold.

Alleluia, Alleluia!

That's only 3 out of 8 though. Didn't want to bog down anything. Anyway.

So, now you've heard it, and read the lyrics (if you hadn't already known the song)

A guy named Ralph Vaughan Williams composed this tune (and millions more) specifically for this tune. "Ok, so...?" Grace Anne told me something interesting about him. He was a devout athiest throught this life, to his death bed. He also wrote the mu
sic for "Come Down, O Love Divine" Which, that one, I don't know as well, but the music is *amazing*. He also wrote a LOT of music of old hymns and wrote opera music to things like Pilgram's Progress. point is. How could this guy, an ahtiest, write music *like that*. It's SO glorifying to God! And's just kinda really strange. Grace Anne told me that, and I had to share.


My new knitting project!!!! EEEEE!
This *motions to picture* Is called "Clapotis" My mom pronouced it lik e "Clappoties" but our friend at the yarn store said "Clap-otis". But I really like my mom's version better, lol.
It's a free pattern on, and if you want to look it up, you go there, "search" and..."Clapotis" peoples, if you wanted to, could figure that out anyway, lol.
It's a really easy pattern, and super easy to memorize. It goes kinda slowly, cause it's only on size 8 needles, but the yarn makes it more fun, and the little twists in the pattern.

Here's the yarn I'm using

It's a Malabrigo, and worsted (meaning it's kinda light) And, it's a veriagated yarn, but not self-striping. Plus, it's cheap, lol.

And yeah. There are 2 versions, there's the scarf, and a shall/stole type thing. I'm making the shall/stole type thing.



I'll leave it at that...since this is kinda a mixed post...I'll tomorrow and talk about the ball and ...something else. lol. YAY!!!!!!!!
You peoples who have never been to a ball are extremely missing out. Also if you've never done the Posties.

Valete Omnes!


RainyDayDreamer said...

Ok, that picture...the first one, ended up in the wrong place, whoops.

Lol, that has nothing to do with the composer dude.

Haleymay said...

I love the pattern and the yarn you're using! It's gonna be amazing :) Post pictures!

Have uber-fun at the ball tomorrow!! Remember to make more sharpie minions!

Kaley Grace said...

I love the song for All the Saints!! It's amazing!!

Ditto to Haley!! It looks amazing!!!!

Oh my goodness, that must mean it's today!! HAVE AN AWESOME TIME!!!! You'll look beaUtiful! Post pics!!

RainyDayDreamer said...

OOOOOOO! Of COURSE I'll be finding future Sharpie Minions!! Of course, of course. And thank you! I just finished the increasing part, and now get to start dropping fun!! The dropped stitch look looks sweeet.

Thanks!! My mom it make the same thing, her yarn is a tad darker, and got purple in it. And..I think she's only making the scarf version.
IT IS TODAY! In fact...2 hours - 19 minutes!! Thank you!!! I'll be thinking about you guys, and wishing you were with me...getting to laugh the night away with many random funny things. Thanks!!! (((Hugs both Kaley and Haley))))) I miss you peoples

Wow. long comment, lol.