Saturday, April 18, 2009

Life, is so awesome.

Ok, like. Where to start *gets muddled* Uuuuh.

Right! I remember. Ok, Psalm Sing. *silence abounds in audience* Lemme explain :-D

A Psalm Sing is....where you sing Psalms! (*brilliantness, lol) But, it's a thing our church does once a month, where we all get together at some house, eat, sing old Psalms, learn new ones, fellowship with friends, and sing some more. BUT. There's one special one. Once a year, there's a *state wide* Psalm Sing. And, if you've ever been to Texas? Seriously, you can drive for like 5 hours, and still be Texas. Or longer. It's just crazyness. So, today, was the amazingly awesome State Wide Psalm Sing. Our first one to experience since we moved here. IT. IS. SO. AWESOME. Oooooh my yes. Imagine, 140+ people in this small sanctuary, singing all different parts (bass, tenor, alto, and soprano) at the top of the lungs (while still being in tune...for most the people) and at the end of every one there's this super loud "Aaaaaamen". It's not something that I can really just have to experience it. Plus, they always bring a ton of like all the kids (including myself) got hyper afterwards :-D Some of the Psalms we have in our hymn book we always use (called the Cantus Christi) it's got ones with majorly different parts of everyone. So it's like a round type thing. Bass start. Then tenor, then alto, then soprano. It's SO fun to listen hear all those melodies and harmonies mix together in a small building, lol.

Ok. Moving on to another subject. CELTIC WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't really say anything about this to anyone, cause I had kinda forgotten about it till a couple of days before. But, anyway. A group of girls from my church all went to the new Celtic Woman concert, while it's in Houston. (last night) IT. WAS. SO. AWESOME. Everything is, right? (Note: not *everything* everything just...happy things, lol) They had a bunch of new songs, but some of them were kinda weird (*GASP!* Celtic Woman...weird?!?!? NEVER!) They did celtic-y versions of modern songs. Like, one of the ones out of the Prince of Egypt. And one, that I KNOW where it's from, but I can't think of exactly where. It's been BUGGING ME LIKE CRAZY (I feel in the mood for a great deal of caps, excuse me if I'm shouting.) It's called "You'll Be in My Heart" I bet it's some Disney movie...once I remember where it's from, or someone tells me? I'll think how stupid I was that I couldn't remember it. Also, one that later, when I found out where it came from? it kinda creeped me out. They did a version of some song by Phil Collins (if you peoples don't know who he is...he's an old old singer...who did the music for Tarzan.) But, imagine that. Celtic Woman? Singing *PHIL COLLINS* That's like...that should NOT happen. But THEN. they had some really cool new songs. Most of them were about like..."We love America"..."America is the best"...strange huh? But was the story of Ellis Island, and the travels of a 15 year old girl. It was pretty cool. PLUS. Our seats?! THEY WERE AWESOME. They were, like. RIGHT NEXT TO THE STAGE! It was soooo cool. Oh, and my new favorite? Lynn...she is A) an AMAZINGLY AWESOME singer B) She is super duper cute and C)....uh...she has cute hair, lol. The drummer dudes. They are soooo fun to watch. They're like...kinda old, maybe late 30's, early 40's. One, (*is explaining this who have no idea who Celtic Woman are, lol* If you already know this stuff, feel free to skim) he's got this like longish pony tall, and always (always, always) wears this leather vest thing. It's reallly funny. The other guy, he's more normal, lol. He's short. Really short. He's got short spiky hair, and always wears this black turtleneck tank's weird too. Oh, the leather dude, he also wears cowboy boots (or that's what they looked like) and relatively skinny jeans. it's funny. Lol. Those guys are funny. But, it's Celtic music, so they have like all the special drums...what's that one called. The one you hold with your hand on the back, with a little stick to drum it with...the Ballinger's got's SO cool...but really super hard to play. So, with all those songs they'd sing...(the girls, lol, not the drummer dudes) and the drummer dudes would have those special drums, they'd be like...hopping all over the place. skipping...the leather dude, was like...really active. He was wanting to do this weird move with the short guy, but the short guy didn't want to. They hoot, and holler. THEN. when they're back with their huge drum's hilarious to watch them. They're like competing with each other...cause you can watch them watch each other, then laugh. Then, when the music is really peppy...they'll start jumping while banging...or drumming. But more like banging.

What else.

THE BALL!!!!'s almost *2* HOURS!!!! We have to leave at Yeah. My the most beautiful in the whoooole world. Pardon me, if this is getting annoying, me saying this all the time. But, I'm a girl...I love pretty dresses, lol. And, only a few people have really seen it (some haven't seen it after it's been fixed up) but, just have to wait till pictures are posted :-D My mom will be in charge of the camera, but she might take very I might get some from Facebook people that will have taken a lot of pictures. Oh, and I got a realllly pretty necklace and earrings to go with sparkles muchly. *feels like a raccoon* Ooooo, SHINY!!

Um, there was something else. OH. You guys know about the MS150, right? They *CANCLED* the first day!!! (*total shock*) Dude, if these people *cancel* a day of *biking* thing are baaaad. We've been getting reallly bad rain lately, it's flooding everywhere. La Grange (the half way point, between Houston and Austin. Where everyone camps for the night) was like...the big tents with all the food was like...the water was up a foot, or whatever in the tents. It's raining all the time, so hard, it's kinda hard to see on the road (though we did make it to the Psalm Sing) the ditches (these are *extremely* nessicary for Houston, lol) are full to the brim, if not already on the road...things are pretty bad. BUT. my older brother, Jeff? The weenie that is he, he went and did the first day. In the rain. and dark. and cold. He is a huge weenie. The MS150 people kept emiling people that they SHOULD NOT go biking, cause it'd be really dangerous...rain + brakes + gears = total mess. Jeff went with like 50 other people (out of 1300) went biking in the rain, and chased a tornado. Sounds fun, huh? Lol, actually, Jeff always wanted to chase a tornado, and so now he finally got to.

There was something else...*glances at scroller bar thinger* Duuude. Ok, I better stop, before your eyes fall out after reading all that in one sitting...pardon me, lol. I'm going to try and knit...hopefully to keep my mind off the time, and hopefully make it go quickly. Aaaah, I see the sun! Oh's gone now.

So extremely excited that I can't eat anything ~


sirlagan said...

The song is from Tarzan

RainyDayDreamer said...

Uh, I don't think so, no. My parents knew the song, and...I don't remember it from Tarzan.

Grace B. said...

Yeah, pretty sure "You'll Be In My Heart" is from Tarzan. Like when the gorilla mom is playing with baby Tarzan...yeah. I have small siblings... =D

RainyDayDreamer said...

OH. That one! Sorry, Caleb. Lol, I had forgotten what I had written about, lol.

Kaley Grace said...

*sigh* I like reading your posts. They're very relaxing and exciting at the same time :)
The Psalm Sings sound ammaaazing! Sveet.

RainyDayDreamer said...

lol, thanks Kaley!! I'm planning on posting pictures soon :-D