Tuesday, May 12, 2009

*is extremely joyful*

Life is happy when you're optimistic. Extremely. So, it's really funny in Latin class, when someone chooses "Death" or something of the sort in pictonary...and we all come up with at least 10+ different synonyms for "death". Mr. Wells thought this was funny, lol.

SCHOOL. IS. ALMOST. DONE. YESSSSSSSS. I survived. That's a big wow. Life is kinda weird feeling when you don't have to read Aristotle...or Homer...of Thucydides.

One plus of taking Great Books?
You learn how to spell all the weird names of the people like the back of your hand. Before...it was kinda like..."Thusy...Thucydes...uuuh...I give up" Kinda that, yeah.

We end May, the 29th. Sorry, that HAD to be special looking, lol. When do you end?

What is ETSY????

Etsy...is...uh. Here. www.etsy.com. Just go there, lol. It's like a huge Amazon of handmade stuff, where people can sell all their crafty stuff. Jeff and Laurie were over here for mother's day (you peoples remember, right? see earilier posts) Annnd, they were like..."Here, there's this site, where you can sell handmade stuff!" While this was going on, I was knitting. I Love knitting...remember? Selling handmade stuff, like knitting? Plus me? Get the idea? If you didn't...lol. I'd sell my stuff that I make on there!! I've been scouring it to see what all the knitting stuff is like...it's sooo awesome. All the easy stuff is super popular (beanies, legwarmers, neckwarmers, scarves, fingerless gloves, you name it) Jo's going to make me a little banner or something, after I decied my name (Thanks Jo!!) take pictures of the stuff I have so far (which isn't much...short fingerless gloves...and I'm working on a pull-through scarf) post them, and get things going.

PEOPLES I NEED YOUR HELP. *points at you, whoever might be reading this right now*

You have a job :-)

1) I need help deciding on a *name* for my "store" type thing. I thought I'd use my old-time username...Little Minky. But I'm totally open for ideas! So, comment with ideas!!!!! Please :-D

and 2) Once I set everything up? TELL YOUR FRIENDS. TELL YOUR FAMILY. TELL....not *everyone* (meaning like some weird emo looking dude you see at the mall. That'd be bad.) but you know what I mean. My Mom thought I should advertise everything on here. And on Facebook (oh, the joy of notes!). And, maybe other places.

Anyway. All in favor say AYE. But, this vote doesn't really matter...cause I"m doing it anyway. Seemed like a good ender thing for that rant.

Little Dorrit is awesome. It's sweeeet. But...morbid...in a good way, lol.


My nose is peeling. Joy.




Bre said...

lol! Love the random comment, after all that, about how your nose is peeling.

And...now I shall ponder for awhile before I consult you with (most likely) an endless supply of names :D

Haleymay said...

Still haven't thought of any good names...it's on my mind though.

I came up with Minky Maker, but I like Little Minky better :). And Minky Maker doesn't make much sense because you don't *make* Minkys. You ARE one. Hee. ^-^

Best of luck! I know business will be booming and you'll be up to your ears in fingerless glove orders.

Grace B. said...

Cool! Don't have names, non-creative at the moment, but when you're set up I'll point people your way. Not that emo dude though...why was I talking to him, again? lol

Kaley Grace said...

That's SO awesome!! I will definitely buy a million things or so :) :)

*doesn't come up with anything good*
I like Little Minky. I shall be pondering it throughout the day, and if I come up with any wonderful, I'll tell you :)
Cool, cool!!

RainyDayDreamer said...

Bre - Lol! It is...and it's itchy, lol.

Haley - Lol, thanks! Minky Maker...hmmmm...Lol. Tis true. And thanks!! :-D That'll be nice, cause they're super easy, lol

Grace - Thanks a bunch! All the business I can get will be super helpful. Yeah, not that emo dude...not him. Lol.

Kaley - YAY!!! Lol. Thanks for your thoughts!!! Super helpful!!

Everyone - I added a word. Little Minky's Knits? Whatcha think?

Kaley Grace said...

Ooo, YES! Little Minky Knits is like, perfect!! Love it!

Grace B. said...

Me likee much. Sounds cool.

Kaley Grace said...

Can you make bags? Cause I've been needing a new purse/bag that's bigger than the one at the moment?
If so, you should sell one on your new store thingy lol, I'd so buy it!! :)

Bre said...

ooo...love it Grace :D I can see a big cool banner...*thinks about that*

RainyDayDreamer said...

Kaley - Ooooh yes! Have...you seen my hobo bag thing that my mom and I took a class for? If not, I'll try and post a picture, and if that's not big enough...I can make the bigger one.

Grace & Bre - Thanks :-D :-D