Thursday, May 7, 2009

One of my MOST FUNNY memories/stories...whatever..

Ok. So, I bet. That, almost ALL my readers...which is a very shocking 7...or 7 followers anyway, have heard this story. I LOVE this story. Every time I think about it? I ALWAYS die. Laughing, of course.

Ok....setting stage.

We're at either the Costco, or Sam's. Forgotted which. Anyway, so we're checking out...and Joey and I are helping load stuff. In the checkout next to us, there are these 2 girls. One's about, maybe 10 or 11, and the other maybe 8 or something.

10/11 girl - We shall call her Susan.
8/? - Betty.

I am so creative. *sigh* Uh, so yeah. What follows is their dialog, which I'm so happy I got to hear this. *dies*

Betty - SO! Who's your FAVORITE Jonas Brothers!?!?!?! *wiggles*
Susan - *puts on lip gloss*
Betty - Well...*pause* ok...hard choice. Who's your favorite *TWO* Jonas Brothers???!?!
Susan - *still applying lip gloss* *pause* Nick and Jo. Totally.
Betty - *realizes she's been acting stupid, and suddenly refines herself* Yeah. Me too.

(Now, for the best part.)

Betty - Kevin is sooo creepy. He's got...huge sideburns...and...he looks like ELVIS.
Grace - *tries not to make enough noise to attract attention from these little Jonas Brothers obsessed girls* *ends up dying anyway*

And that, tis my story. *bows* So lol.

Major exciting newsflash!!!!

1) Katie's coming home for Mother's Day tonight! Sometime...around 9 or something. YAY. But, this means a lot of cleaning...and baking cookies...which it's not like cookies are a bad thing, lol.

2) I. am done. With. Great Books!!!!!!! I'm like....duuuude. Lol. I still have my paper that's not even close to being finished yet, but hey. It's the study questions...the stuff I have to print out every week...those things. Yeah. When I wasn't taking it...I was like worried I wouldn't get horrible at reading, and the study questions. But, everything turned out *much* better than I expected :-D. Now, I have next year to look forward to, lol. My main goal is to get to the 4th year, which is where, or so I've heard, that comes the Jane Austen, and other authors like that., yeah.

Mother's Day is on Sunday. I have a knitting project (yes peoples...I have *another* new project, lol.) I'm totally obsessed with knitting, and I don't mind saying it :-D lol. So yeah, our knitting store, got in these really cute patterns from There might not be any pictures there, but there are some super cute stuff. Anyway, they had this little loafer pattern. As in the shoe. And my mom has always looked at the pattern whenever we go in. So, she asked for a pair for Mother's Day :-D The great thing? I got the *last pattern*. Lol, so far, it's a brand new experience. I've never knit a shoe type thing before, lol.

The way it's knit -
first, the sole, which is super easy. Just, garter stitch (which means, you knit every round), and increasing, and decreasing. And it was like...72 rows or something. Easy-peasy. got that done in one morning... So, then you pick up stitches all around the sole. Knit in the round (meaning, knitting in a circle. You peoples could get that though, that's pretty easy to understand, lol) Then, doing "short rounds". Which, I have no idea how to do. They used the abbreviation in the pattern, and I was like...Uuuuh, what?? The abbreviation is w&t. Which stands for wrap and turn. It's kinda like...uh...hard to explain. You slip the stitch to one needle, purl wise. Then, you bring the yarn to the front. Move the stitch back where it came from. Turn your work completely around, bring the yarn forward again, and now you'll be purling the way you were just knitting from. Don't worry. If you didn't understand that, that's ok. I had to like read through it a couple of times to do it with my knitting.'s got these optional little decorations. There's...acorns. a huge puff-ball thing. Or, a way so you can actually fit a penny in it...which I thought was pretty clever. My mom wants to puff-ball ones.

She chose....this aqua yarn for the sole. And light pink for the main body of the shoe...which I think is pretty cute. Then, it also has little suede foot-y things, that you have for the heel and the ball of your foot. No sliding around :-D.

The yarn store has 2 AWESOME little contest thingers....that I'm SO going to enter, lol. Or try at least, for one of them.

One, is where you buy sock yarn, it gets marked off on a card (which I now have one) make the socks, that gets marked, you go get more yarn, etc, etc. So, the point is whoever gets enough sock yarn *and* make all 15 socks...they win, and get a bunch of stuff. INCLUDING a 30.00$ gift card to the store...which is like the BEST thing there. There are a hank of Malabrigo yarn (same stuff from my awesome!!) pattern book of socks, some needles, and somtehing else.

THEN. There's one that you get to design a scarf, bring it in...people vote, and whoever gets the highest vote, gets the scarf's picture on the front of some little booklet they're going to send out. But, it has to be all your could either be super intracate with the stitches, or super brightly colored, OR both :-). Also, I think you get a gift card as well...I think...not sure.

When I heard about all this, was like AAAAAAAH. Yeah, peoples who know me, and knitting? I'd be like..yeah...something drastic. Lol.

Also. One quick question to ALL of my readers. If you read this. PLEASE COMMENT.

I'm supposed to put together a summer reading list, of 25 books, each have to be 200+ pages. So far, I have 18, but running out of ideas. Sounds silly right? HOW IN THE WORLD could we run out of ideas of books to read. I am anyway. Heh. Anyway, if there's any book that you've read, or you're reading and you're like DUuuuude, I LOVE this book. Or, if not that...something that's optimistic, lol. prob shouldn't be anything like...The Mysterious Benedict Society. Cause, that's easy reading, lol. Or, no The Naming, otherwise, those books would TOTALLY be on my list. (I got the next 2 after the first one....yes!!)

First on my list?

Little Dorrit. By Charles Dickens.

I'll post the rest later.

Wow. that was long. Hope you people's eyeballs didn't fall out. And thank you for reading. Please exit, and leave all popcorn and drink contaners in the nearest trash can. Thank you.


Grace B. said...

*feels for her eyeballs rolling around somewhere on the floor* Ah, there they are! =D That story was funny, that age group takes themselves so seriously. Before I start throwing book recommendations out into the blue, what's on your list thus far?

Kaley Grace said...

LOL, I love the, when you told us that the first was so SO hilarious lol.

Ooo, that's so awesome that you can KNIT shoes!! Coolness!! Oh, you will SO win that contest :)

Bre said...

Ooh girl...I have 112 amazing books for you to read, that i read in 6 months! heh. But, like Grace, I need to know what you have on your list already :D