Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STARGIRL -- Part Duos

I listen to the summer symphony outside my window. Truthfully, it's not a symphony at all. There's no tune, no melody, only the same notes over and over. Chirps and tweets and trills and burples. It's as if the insect orchestra is forever tuning their instruments, forever waiting for the maestro to tap his baton and bring them to order. I, for one hope the maestro never comes. I love the musical mess of it.
~ Stargirl. From "Love, Stargirl." By: Jerry Spinelli.

Seriously. Is that not just...yeah? or like..

"I will sail into the future on mystery's wings"
~ Stargirl. From "Love, Stargirl." By: Jerry Spinelli.

"Color now on the end of bud. White tinged with pink. Feathered, layered, sleeping petals. A miniature swan about to be born..."
~ Same person, same book, same dude.
I would say it's inspiring, but I'm not sure *how* it's inspiring. It's not motivating. Is it...happy? Or, I dunno. It's indescribable. For me, anyway.

Lol, I feel like Anne Shirley when I read the part about the flower. "Just smell the blossoms, Marilla, drink them in!" Dunno how that was connected with that, but oh well. You get the idea.

Just the way the flower was described, I was just set my imagination on fire. Do you ever feel that when I read or see something that just clicks with you? "Ah, that's just PERFECT."

Jerry Spinelli, is pretty much brilliant in my book. That was one of the cutest, and most awesome books I've ever read (to add on to a pretty much endless list.) Stargirl. Just say it...doesn't it sound intriguing? She's so easy to connect with. And. yeah.

And. To add to my favorite movies. Is Ever After. I LOOOOOVE that movie. I want the girl's wings. They would be awesome for like ballet costume or, that would be sweet.

Also, to my favorite movies, along with Bleak House (Dickens. BBC) Is Little Dorrit. *bliss* If you love long, complicated, movies-where-you-don't-quite-understand-how-it-all-works-out-untill-you've-seen-it-5-times, British, Dickens movies. This is SO for you. Also, read the book first. Just as a suggestion. I understood it a little better...than I would have, if I didn't read it first.

So yes. Also. Two Pardon Me's. 1) Haven't written in awhile. and 2) the wacky and *does ears* Random Rabbit (lol) color changes. It was needed. Like I said, it's indescribable. Color...helps. Just a tad though :-D
This, is Stargirl. ^

I have an assignment for you peoples. Go people watch. It's so fun. You learn so much, and you feel...connected with the person you're watching. Just to quote Stargirl :-)

And. It's amazing how philosophical that got...suprisingness.


Kaley Grace said...

I NEED to read the second one!! It sounds really good!!!

*blissful sigh* I get what you mean on the quotes. Beautiful things in life are so...inspiring and amazing and incredible and they just leave you with irrestible urge to write poetry. Sadly, I can't, but if somebody else writes it, that makes it so cool, cause you're like, "They felt the same thing"! lol :)

Bre said...

lol Exactly Grace. I know that's exactly how I am sometimes...

And, I love people watching. I've made it into a habit. A secret one, of family has no idea :D