Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I shall call this...

...the cramming post. 

Why? Because I only have a limited amount of time between now, and when Latin starts again. 

But the main question is..what to cram about. 

My desktop has been having major problems. It's just...old. And slow. And old. And yeah. 

So, for the online classes, I resort to either my dad's computer, or my mom's wonderful Apple laptop. Right now, I'm on the laptop, seeing as my dad is home today, and is using his computer. I'm *really* enjoying the laptop, lol. it goes fast! So yes. 

I'm sitting on my bed. Window wide open. A wonderful breeze is blowing in that smells like rain. (It was pouring this morning...for a long time :-D) and Jeeves asleep at my feet. Oh, and a cup of tea :-) Plus, a pair of cozy socks. That completes the picture. 

Um. I finished listening to Fairest (Gail Carson Lavine) last night. Duuude, I love her books. Haven't read the newest one yet...anyone read it yet? The cool thing about the recording I found was that it was the...like, it had a cast, and stuff. I forget what the company was called who did it. But since in the book, there's a bunch of singing, they did the singing too..and some dude wrote a ton of music for the words. And it was pretty much awesome. Didn't like the main singer girl, though. It was kinda weird. 

My list of books to read/re-read is growing larger every day. Though, I still haven't even finished the list I made for the summer. Baaaad. So, I have a long line of books, staring me in the face asking me why I haven't read them all yet. Some of them I really want to read. But when I *want* to read them, I don't have time. When I *do* have time, I don't. "Funny how that works out, aint it?" ~ I forget. 

I must go. Cramming post, complete. Woot. I feel successful. Back to Latin :-)


sirlagan said...

an excellent "crammed" post if I may say so. The art of homeschoolers is the ability to cram and put things off till the last minute.

Sir Lagan

P.S who is Jeeves? and what sort of creep would fall asleep at your feet?

Grace B. said...

Oh funny! I'm reading "Dave at Night" by Gail Carson Levine!

RainyDayDreamer said...

Caleb - Thank you very much. Jeeves. Is a cat. So it's ok. lol

Grace - Ooo, I haven't seen that one before. Is it good?

Bre said...

OOh, I read Fairest! And Ella Enchanted, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre. That last one was kind of..weird. But the others were good, I liked Fairest :D

RainyDayDreamer said...

ooo, haven't read that one in awhile either. Lol, I forget what I think about that one.

Haleymay said...

The rain was wooonderful!! I love rain...I want to get married on a rainy day. That would be like...the awesomest thing ever. Haha

Gail Carson Levine is my favoritest of favorites. Like, ever. Beyond. And..yeah :)

I love youuuu!

Kaley Grace said...

I'm lovin' your posts.... :)

FAIREST! My BOOK! I love it...and that recording sounds super! All of Gail Carson Levine is just amazing. I haven't read Ever, heard it was a little weird.

RAIN! On the first day of fall...best ever. Haley, you so getting married on a rainy day. It's just not right any other way :)