Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Knit 1, school 2....

School claims lives and time. And many other things..which I can't think of, and aren't that important to me. I needed to post. So, here I am. posting

Yes, I joined the Epic Warfare ness and all. Or, I will be joining...I've joined, but haven't been accepted yet. But, I don't really want to write a poem *right now* Nope. And, not moving from my chair either. No matter what. 

Um. Oh, did I tell you that when in Dallas, for the bike ride, and after...that my mom and I realized that we had *never* been to a knitting store in Dallas before? Soooo...the day we headed up to Wichita Falls, we stopped in at the Shabby Sheep. Major Wootage!  That was like...my 2nd favorite yarn stores. The people were majorly nice, and the selection was HUGE. it was like...knitter's heaven. (there are most likely other places that are more amazing, but I haven't experienced those places -yet- and so this is going to have to do for now. I'm being grateful.) And yeah. Went there and got....GUESS. what do I *always* get?


seriously. You can NEVER have too much sock yarn. It's just...so awesome. Plus, you don't have to just make socks with it. There are other things you can make with sock yarn. And it's so adorable. Going to make knee socks with it. (*loves knee socks*) and. they had this vest type thing, as a store sample, and it was sooo cute. And, the best thing. (or the 1st best thing, there are 2 best things about this thing) the best thing is that it only takes *2* (count 'em *2*) skeins. Wooooot! Which is really nice. Cause, usually stuff that's like...bigger than a scarf takes a lot of yarn. And this yarn was cheap. And it's soft. And the color is beautiful. My mom ended up getting some yarn for it, so she's going to make it too. Mine is...this really pretty dark greeny-blue. With flecks of lighter blue and lighter green in it. (no wood. lol) My mom's is this relatively bright dark purple. Neither of us have something that we've made out of the colors we chose. So yes. it was a good choice. 

Writing: check. Greek: check. Biology: check. Vocab: check. Latin: check. Great Books(duos): check. Math...eeeeeh.: fine, check.

Actually, geometry is turning out better than I thought. But this is most likely because it's a) at the beginning of the book. b) the first chapter. and c) it has no numbers so far. 

mostly it's all logic. Which, is nice, cause Joey and I are taking logic...from Mr. Wells...and so we can kinda apply what we're learning...some what. Both ways. math to Mr. Wells, and visa versa. Woot.


DANCE. This...next Saturday. the 19th. BE THERE.....

Or miss out great fun. 

Oh, there's also a Psalm Sing that day, and so...yeah. food, singing, fellowship, dancing there. THEN a real dance (practice. not a ball. just practice.)

So yeah. You better be there. Or...you'll be sad you missed out on such fun dancing. Extremely. 

I'm now going to sit in my wonderful brown arm chair, no matter how degrading to my dignity...and knit. Woot. 


Sam said...

You know, I'm not planning on giving anyone any acceptance emails... But it's up to you if you want to wait to be accepted or not... *goes to clarify on the site*

Aneh how, I think you should get a blue armchair. Spice it up a bit.

RainyDayDreamer said...

I've got a black and white striped one in my room. That'll have to do.

And, at the time. I twasn't on the list. Like, where the list of people who are playing. Not email type thing.

Sam said...

Ah, gotchya. :P

Ellie Degenhart said...

"School claims lives and time" haha I love that :D

You know what's awesome? I'm going to ball on the 19th too. I can't wait :D It will be SUPER fun.
What kinda dancing will you guys be doing?