Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #3

What/who am I thankful for today?

(I love this. This was brilliant...whoever came up with this!)

I am thankful for BOOKS.

I am thankful for books because..there are tons and tons of reasons. We could get all historical and go back to Plato, Cicero, Cato, and the like and say that because it's teaching us about our ancestors and how they goofed up and how we can avoid what they did.

Obviously, I have been reading a lot of Great Books recently. Lol.

Anyway. Also, they can drag you (kicking and screaming maybe, depends on how much you like what you're reading) into that world (if it's well written). It *ALMOST* replaces friends. It's always there...not to listen, but to talk. Tell you about *their*...(which that doesn't really make sense, cause a book doesn't have a "their"...IT'S. That's it.) *it's* problems. And makes you forget about the ones of your own. There are ones that are instructional (*hint* *hint* can anyone see where I'm going with this? lol. If you know me well..) LIKE KNITTING BOOKS. Yes, knitting books. Motivational books...with big fancy color pictures...(I could go into detail about this one journal of this girl who was 15, and got accepted in tour in Carmen with the Russian Ballet Company...or some place like that. But that would bore peoples. So I won't. But the PICTURES WHERE HUGE. AND COLORFUL. AND AMAZING. and majorly motivational, lol.)

Instead of listing all the books that are my favorite (that's impossible...really. Anyone who asks that question is seriously insane.) I shall list the books that I can think of (which means, just because I don't list one...does NOT mean I a) hate it, b) dislike it, c)....or yeah.) which mean something to me. And if I have a reason (and if it's relatively short) I shall state it.

Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield.
~My copy. Is awesome. It looks like a book that you'd expect to find in some old British nursery. Plus, it smells awesome. It was Katie's..(I think...which is prob why it looks like it should be in a British nursery. It prob came from England.) and it was passed down to me..when I was itty bitty. And, loved it. It seriously, is like one of the greatest stories EVER. If you want to do that kind of the book. Which is kinda self-explanatory...I mean "Ballet Shoes." Is...obviously about ballet. and shoes. Oooh yes. Brilliant

Emily of New Moon, Emily Climbs, and Emily's Quest: all by L.M. Montgomery
~ I. seriously. love. these. books. so. hunkin. much. I'm not sure why I'm so attached to them. I just am. When I first picked up Emily of New Moon, I found it at the library...(it was right across from the Nancy Drew, *now misses the Ponca City library...that place smelled AWESOME.) *ahem* and seeing it was L.M. Montgomery, immediatly thought "OH. It has to be good." (Seriously, that lady was a GENIUS. I'll get into that later.) And, at the was when my grandmother was getting worse and worse, and then passed away. So, I was reading these books while that was going on...and somehow. I just found that these really like...comforted me, in some way. It was majorly easy to get into, which was what I needed. And Emily was just really....connectable. Which shows how AMAZINGLY AWESOME L.M. Montgomery is. If someone can do that. They are officially foreverly awesome.

Stargirl, and Love, Stargirl: both by Jerry Spinelli
~ Everyone knows my stance on these books. And I shall leave it at that.

the Crown Duel, and Court Duel (later made into one book) Crown Duel: by Sherwood Smith
~ I just realized how...deep and philosophical I'm a really dorky way. These are just books. But. Oh well. It's ok laugh. Um, this book. Was AWESOME. It was kinda weird at times. But it was realllllly sweet. It had major tense times. and major crying times. I read this a day and 1/2. My parents took those days to start on looking for a new car, and left Joey and I at home because A) I had an uber bad cold, and there was no way I was going to be hanging around with car sales-people in one car....the whole day. and B) it'd be kinda boring for us...seeing as it was just getting started, and the selection was majorly broad. So, I picked up this book. I had gotten it awhile back...started it, didn't really interest me at the time, so I kinda stopped it. Later, picked up again...and could not put it down. It's sooo awesome

The Phantom of the Opera
~ O.O. Ok. well. I could get majorly into this. and that'd be bad. So. Um. *see Stargirl* just to put it simply. I LOVE THIS BOOK.

And. that's all I can think of.

OH. SMOG. and Little Owl. *goes to google it to find a picture*

Ok. that's just SAD. I could not find Smog. or Little Owl. *pout* That stinks. Uberly. Anyway. Smog, and Little Owl are both British children's books. (grew up on a lot of that, lol.) Smog, is this black tabby...who got into a bunch of trouble. It was my favorite. I loved his Christmas book. And Little Owl. as you can imagine, was about a little. Owl. Kinda like Little Bear. Wow, memory lane there. Anyway. And little owl had a family. And...I think, he either had a pink little baby sister. Or a pink bear that he had. One or the other. And I always wanted the pink thing...cause the way it was looked so soft. And squishy. Also, the oatmeal (which they always called porridge) looked amazingly appitizing. Which always disappointed me in real never tasted quite what I imagined it to be

The Naming - Alison Croggon

Currently what I'm reading right now. I saw it at the library. Read the back of it. Said that people thought it was like LOTR. So, I checked it out. Started it, didn't interest me. Brought it back. 4 months later....went to Barns and Noble, saw it..was interested, and got it. Started it, loved it, got busy...and stopped. (So, last night, I started at the beginning again.) It has weird parts in it (Like the Crown Duel) but it's awesome. it's fantasy, one of my favorites. And yeah. The stuff at the beginning, where you learn about all the things that these people ("the Bards") can do, it's almost like...they can do everything. Why do they have any problems. You know how like..when we were (or when I was younger...and all the Providence girls wrote stories every Sunday, lol.) and we always wrote the main character with like nothing wrong with her, she could do anything and everything. It seemed that way in the beginning...which isn't my favorite thing. But you get used to it. There are 4 books in this series, The Pellinor Series. The Naming, The Riddle, The Crow, and The Singing..It think. The last one came out recently, and I haven't seen it yet.

And that. is a picture of it.

And THAT. is what I am thankful for. Wow, long post. lol. All about books. Woot.

1 comment:

Kaley Grace said...

Goodness Gracious.

I'm with you ALL the way on this!! AHHHH!

Books are such a wonderful necessity. I really don't know what we'd do without them!!!

And, Emily of New Moon Books...are the VERY best. VERY VERY. :) :)