Monday, April 12, 2010

Mueeheee...I'm baaaack.

Hallo bloggers and friends one and all.

Forgive me, I haven't posted in awhile.

(Bleak House is starting...EEEEEEEE)

Since the past time I've posted....I have learned the following

  1. Blogging to the major public isn't as bad as I thought.
  2. Every single guy I waltzed with at the most recent ball practice...waltzed differently. Some were annoyed that I was leading, and I said that I had no idea that I was, and if they cared to lead, they should do what they needed to do, and...just do it. I'd do whatever when the time came.
  3. I stinking love my amazing friends. Texan friends, online friends, Oklahoman friends, and friends who are either two or all of the above. Or something completely different.
  4. I also love my family.
  5. I love knitting. But this was a given.
  6. I'm also not a huge fan of proofs. Either they're for geometry or logic. Not a fan, and I'm not very good at them.
  7. Yoga is fun.
  8. Mr. Gupi (of Cenge and Carboyes. Only Bleak House fans will know who this is) will never not creep me out. He's
  9. I'm most likely going to be taking the driver's permit test on...Friday. Wish me luck.
  10. "A Lantern in Her Hand" made me cry. It was so stinking good. But so stinking bad. I was torn.
  11. I realized my strong love for both Chopin and Debussy. Which is amazing, cause I loved them a lot before.
  12. Here's my knitting blog. Go look. comment. read. subscribe. advertise. please.
  13. That made me feel like I was on a YouTube video asking people to rate my video, and subscribe to my channel.
  14. I randomly clicked on MercyMe's new cd that's coming out in May on iTunes, just to see what it was like. and promptly fell in love with it. Too bad it comes out in May...and it's the beginning...ish of April
  16. Here's my knitting blog.
  17. I love my friends. Where ever they are, and whatever kind of friend they are.
  18. Current favorite MercyMe songs are "All of Creation" and "Grace Tells Another Story"
  19. I like lists. Just pressing the enter button and a brand new number appears is just happiness by itself.
  20. Booyah.
  21. I think...I'm running out of things to say...
  22. Knitting
  23. Yeeeeahhhh. I think I'll go now :-) So I can knit...and bask in the Bleak Housy ness of Bleak House. *bliss* ^_^
  24. Byyyyye!
(Knitting blog!!!!!!!!)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do you ever have the feeling that it's like...(that was poorly constructed, I know. But humor me. It's the end of Spring Break.) really want to sing. Loud. And...loud. And enjoy what you're doing?

This would be me right now. Er, it was at church today, anyway.

Stupid allergies. Stupid pollen. Thanks to you, I've gone and lost my voice.

Maybe it was the's been pretty windy lately. Maybe my voice was blown away (Har. har. I'm so funny.)

So yeah. Lost my voice. Again. It actually seems like a it's a light cold or something, cause I've got the nose part, the cough, and the voicelessness bit. Everything is better than it was, though. *takes a drink of Sprite* Aaaaaah. All that bubbly goodness. The feeling when you swallow like...the same feeling...when your foot falls asleep. Ever think about that? All pricks and spice-but-not-really-spice.

My, aren't we witty today.

Um. *cough* Excuse me. *cough* *icky cough* UGH. excuse me.

I really want to move more on my knitting blog. But. I haven't really had the time.

Actually. My mom has been reading a lot of books lately of like...time management, and de-cluttering. And one thing it said.

"The excuse 'I haven't had time' is a lie. You really do have time, but you haven't taken the time to actually do it. Or it's not at the top of your priority list."


Or maybe it's just because I'm afraid that my personal life blogness will leak into my public knitting blog. And I'll say something racist, or something. And Everyone will hate me.

Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

I make the most of all this stress
I try to live without regrets
But I'm about to break a sweat
I'm freaking out

It's like a poison in my brain
It's like a fog that blurs the sane
It's like a vine you can't untangle
I'm freaking out

Every time I turn around
Something don't feel right

Just might be paranoid
I'm avoiding the lines because they just might split
Can someone stop the noise?
I don't know what it is but I just don't fit

Consider me destroyed
I don't how to act 'cause I lost my head
I must be paranoid
I never thought it would come to this
I'm paranoid, yeah

I can't believe I just used lyrics from a Jonas Brothers song.

This is baaaaaad.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ok. Well. We're right now we're watching a basketball game (which because I'm not horribly interested, I'm writing a new blog post.) And the commercials.

Are like...

Horrible? Like. really.

People can't act. All of them are scams. And...they're horribly made. Lol.

"I made 12,000$ in one week! I have my life back again!"

My mom just said the following:

"My goodness. Those players sure have baggy pants."

It's Baylor and Kansas. I have no idea who my parents are rooting for.

There's some guy who is named...Laceadarius. No joke.

Today was a long day. I was going to get up at 7:30, but my alarm went off at 7:00, which woke Bertie up, which then made him go crazy and want out. Which made me have to get up and let him out...and all that junk. It didn't really help that I didn't sleep very well that night. And today seemed like a long school day. Math was ok. Ish. I had music history class, which I absolutely adore. Today we did a lot of Brahms. Didn't know a whole lot about him before, but now he ranks up there with Chopin.

Because of my music history class, it's really opened a lot up. Like...really. As in I'm expanding my musical terminology. Which is nice. And I'm learning more about my favorite composers, and finding new composers to love.

Before I started this class, I knew I loved Chopin. But now after I've studied him, I LOVE him. Like really really REALLY. I know I kind of overuse this phrase but it's like..

"I laughed, I cried, it MOVED me, Bob!" (Leave it to Larry the Cucumber to say something profound and oh-so quotable like that.)

And I really mean this. Like, (*feels kind of embarrassed to say this*) yes, I have actually cried over Chopin. And yes, I have laughed over Chopin. More crying than laughing, sad to say. (Though, it's not like "I'm sad" crying but like "This is so beautiful, and I'm so tired. And this is so beautiful." crying. Know what I mean?)

Listen to this. And you'll know what I mean. If you like this kind of stuff. I know it's kinda long, but it's SOOOO worth it. I don't know how many times I've played this today. Let alone the past week.
(Oh, and this girl? She's 9. Just wanted to throw that out there.)

Um. Let's see...I'm thinking about like starting a knitting blog. So, like...I can share that one with anyone/everyone/not-weird-stalkerish-people. And like...yeah. Something I can put on my Ravelry (it's kind of like a Facebook for knitters, where you can post patterns, you can track your own projects and what you've done. Your favorites. And such. There's even groups. I wonder if there's a Chopin knitting group. I'll have to look.

Huh. There's a pattern called "Chopin's Cabled Handwarmers". I'll be. Ok, that wasn't what I was looking for.


Oh well. I'll live...kind of.

Ok. So...I think that's it.

Sooo yeaaaah.

That's it. Yep. that would be it.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bllllarg. a new post. Yaaay me.

I just repainted my nails. The color. I got for Christmas. I absolutely adore it. it's called..."Mint Candy Apple". Though, the "candy apple" part doesn't really...strike me as...what the color might be. I would describe it as more like...the color of mint chocolate chip ice cream. If that gives you a good mental image. That would be the color.

Wouldn't it be fun to have the job...of naming new things? Like. for scents. Or. colors. Like nail polish, or crayons. ?!?!?!??!! I always thought that would be a fun job. Also along with having a job at a knitting store. Seriously. You would get to sit around and knit all day, and wait for customers. Or to teach a class. You would get the first dibs on the brand new (Noro!!!!) yarn. Knit up the shop samples, if they didn't come already made. Seriously.

Though. I guess. If I got a job in a yarn store *now*. I wouldn't get to knit all day. Cause. That would a perfect time on school. Bleh.

I. Now need to paint my toe nails. Seeing as it *is* March. and sandal season type thing is coming. And yeah. Mine are really icky. So yep :-P


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pardon me for all.

Not even a little bit.


Um. It HAS crossed my mind several write a post. But I either 1) had nothing to write about or 2) had something (small) to write about, but really didn't feel like writing.

*feels bad*



I've been kind of obsessed with Wicked lately. Like to the point where Joey can sing along. Meaning, I've been playing/singing that so much. Joey now knows it. Skilz. I did Popular....and something else, I in recording. And it like...really really stank. Sadly. Oh well. Maybe I'll try again sometime...when I have time, lol.

Don't you hate the feeling of a paper that's coming up...and you're like "Gaaah. It's too early to start working on it. But. I don't want to wait too long...." Then while you're working on it, unless it's going amazing (which is sometimes rare, but it's really nice when it happens), you're like "STUPID PAPER. I just want to get DONE WITH IT NOW." Then when you post it. That soooo important moment when you press the "Post Now!" button...and your hard work for the past whatever weeks, is gone. And it's going to be read. And then you look at gaze fondly at your sweat and tears...on a screen. And see that the quotation marks failed. And no punctuation is there at all. And it's like. "grrrrrrrrr."

This is to say, I have a music history paper due on...March 12th, I think. I prob should start working on that..heh heh...

Ok. There's my blog post. Ish.

Oh, and I'm angry at the weather man. Since we watched the Olympics....(GAAAAAH. OK, the Olympics are a totally different post. Oooh my goodness) we saw a lot of commercials for our "Local 2 News!" which included the weather man. ("Get your the speed of LIFE". Seriously. This was their motto....thingy. the news people, not the weather guy.) and on Sunday/Saturday. he was like "STORMS. BIG STORMS. COMING. LIKE SOON. " Not like that, but you know what I mean. And like. Sunday late....came. Nothing happened. It was windy. No rain. Monday morning came. No rain. Monday afternoon clouds. Not a single one. Late Monday afternoon, the skies started getting really dark. I went out running before it started to rain. it started raining while I was running (*bliss*) it lasted maybe 15 minutes. And. That. was it. You can imagine how depressed I was.

Yeah, the weather man isn't my favorite person in the world right now...

Monday, February 15, 2010

I am officially 17.

Well, I'm not quite sure if I am...*time* wise.

But *day* wise, I know I am.

Got to sleep late.

No math.

Had logic class with Mr. Wells.

All my online assignments are all ready for class this week.

All I have to music history.

So now I'll have time to do some Mandarin this afternoon!

And I get to open presents this evening.

And I love the Young Victoria soundtrack.


I'm almost done with a pair of socks....

Yes, another pair.

And I have ANOTHER ball that needs to be done after this pair.

I really want to make the USA Olympic beanie. Really really really.

I'm trying to refrain myself from eating whole bag of gummi bears in one morning. (which I got in the mail from Kaley :-P)


I have the most amazing friends.



Ok. I'm glad we agree.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Or, as many friends on Facebook have also cleverly said

Happy St. Chocolate day!

Or just plain Happy Chocolate Day!

Many people have also been emphasizing how...."single" they are. "Oh, LOOK. it's Single Persons Awareness Day!"

I find this annoying only because many many many many people on Facebook are doing that...

Me, on the other hand. Could care less. Eventually, I might care that I am single, but right now, just a day shy of 17, I am perfectly fine being completely and totally single.

I need to sum up what I think are the most about 10 minutes at the most. Let's see if I can do it. I really doubt I can, but at least I can say I tried.


With part of my iTunes money, I got the soundtrack (composed by Ilan Eshkeri. He, comes really really close to Jerry Goldsmith. They both tie for brilliance.). It is absolutely perfect for''d make AMAZING ballet or opera or whatever music. *sneeze* Excuse me. *sneeze* Ugh, excuse me. Must have been the run I just went out on...something in the air. But yes, a ballet would be ammmazing.

Anyway. If you haven't heard the music yet. Go listen to it, PLEASE.

2) I have an amazing family. A family that loves me so much. Even though I'm horribly insane. and much...more...weird things. End of story.

3) There's this tiger on the front of my Biology book, and it's STARING INTO MY SOUL. And really creeping me out.

4) in 7 hours. I will be 17. That is more than creepy. I was thinking about it earlier, and thought: "DUDE. In *2* years...I'll be *20*!! GAH!" Only later, that I realized that I did not do my simple math right. It was the weekend, what can I say. I'm turning 17, and can't figure out how many years left I have...before I'm 20.

5) IN *3* YEARS I'LL BE 20. That is SO SCARY. OOH MY GOODNESS. I feel so...old. Ish.

6) knitting and the Olympics seriously go hand-in-hand together. I loved that "Michael Phelp's moment" with Apolo Ohno and J.R. Celski last night. That was MAJOR epic. Seriously, major major epic.

More than 10 minutes. I think. I wasn't counting. lol. Were you counting?

Uh. And I thought there was something else I wanted to say.

Oh, we're having smoothies for dinner. I love those thingers

Old age can make you even more crazier that you were before. This is totally not a bad thing.


Bye! Lol.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Due to very heavy loads of school. And other various happy things in life, I have not been posting as often as I would like.

So. since I am limited for time right now. This is shall be short and sweet (*twitches because being "short and sweet" is immensely difficult for such a random and rambling blogger, such as myself* *twitch* *twitch*)

I have several statements I would like to....state. Brilliant. I shall not give a number, seeing as I'm only sure of one right at this moment, but when the time comes they shall pop into my head with a stroke of brilliance, a light bulb, and bingo. Ooooh yeah. That didn't make sense, but who cares...I've had a long day of school. And it's not really over yet. ish. Almost, I guess

1) Did you know my friends are awesome? Cause they're awesome. And I wanted you to know that.

2) I love to knit. My knitting life right now is absolutely fabulous right now.

3) I turn 17 in...7 days. Creepy.

4) I love the Anaheim Ballet people. I want to dance like they do. They are AMAZING. Their most recent video. Talk about major motivating/moving. Also, the picture with all the people around the girl, all of those people are dancers there. Like, oh my goodness, this brings tears.
(I just pasted in my Great Books study question. Major oops...heh heh.)

5) Esmerelda and Kitri are my favorite ballet variations right now. If I'm ever able to do that...(especially Esmerelda) my goal is complete. (but by then...hopefully....there'll be new goals to struggle through.) Go look those up. Those are uuuhamazing.

6) 3 students from the Ben Stevenson ballet academy (here in Houston, it's the school that feeds directly into Houston ballet company) went to the Prix de Lusanne. (I just found out about what it really is. I get the Houston ballet updates on my Facebook.) It's a huge compatition with ballet students, ages 15-18, from all over the world, who are not yet part of anything professional. But this opens everything up, if they win. One of our Houston ballet students. won. First place. Ooooh my goodness. talk about AWESOME!?!?! Yes. Yes yes yes. Very. He won like a full scholarship to any ballet academy that he wanted. His variation was more than amazing. I have no idea where it's from, but oooh my goodness. I've already posted one ballet video, so I won't overload you...

So yes.

7 statements


*edit* Recorded something this evening. Thought I needed to do that.

This is horrible ish. The first one, is yeah. Something that might be the problem is that it IS meant for a *guy* to sing. But, I like the song. So I tried. And I failed. Obviously. Anyway. *cringes* Ok, yes, this is bad. But I'll go ahead and post this one anyway. There'll be another one..

Hopefully it'll work. And so yeah. Now this one. Hopefully it'll be better than that one.

What choo think?

Comments, suggestions, amazement (unlikely), etc. whatever. Go ahead and comment.

(Oh, and if you hear any birds, the window was open. And if you hear any loud pops, that would be either my hips or my knees. Skilz.)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am TOTALLY obsessed with Wicked and Jane Eyre. Completely. Totally. Amazingly.

But I have found of another musical. That sounds amazing. Really really amazing (not to say that the two above are not really really amazing. They are. extremely.)

Upon finishing the Woman in White (READ THIS BOOK. IT'S AMAZING.) We have the copy from Barns and Noble that has all this stuff about it in the back...and they had the various renditions of it from the theater and from the screen.

The word "THEATER" made me excited.

next words I saw?


AAAAAAAAH. Ok. Like yeah. Woman in White + Musical + Andrew Lloyd Webber = (hopefully) AMAZINGLY AWESOMENESS.

they have the cd at B&N...and (YAYNESS) got another coupon in my email. Perfect timing ;-P

Also, I got the recommendation of the best movie version for WIW....the BBC one with Justine Waddel (those who don't know...she plays Molly Gibson in Wives in Daughters. If you don't know what that're really missing out. I totally recommend it.) as Laura.

I wanna sing Popular. Yeah...maybe? no...? Maybe? Any ideas?

If not that. Or if that....any other ideas? Cause...I have no idea. Besides..celtic stuff.


No, don't worry. I won't do that :-P :-P :-P

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ever wonder the real point of colds? Like, why do we get colds. It can't be because I've been licking the floors at Wal-Mart or something....cause I haven't. I haven't been to Wal-Mart in while anyways. Might be the weather.

When I don't have a cold...I always think. "Colds! Ah! yay!" Which is completely strange. But, for some reason I associate colds with snuggling up with a book on a rainy day with a cup of tea. But when I actually get a cold that wonderful mental image totally disapears and is replaced with a tired looking person who hasn't gotten enough sleep for the past 5 days due to a cough and stuffed up nose. And just feeling horribleness.

But. In most homeschooler's lives, music can pretty much fix anything....if the right kind of music. (er, the music that person likes. Not to say that listening to rap while sick...isn't a good thing. That didn't make sense.) (in other words. Whatever you like. It'll work) I ordered these 2 musical cds. On.....Tuesday. Cause I remember asking my mom during break for GB. Um . Anyway. I happened to have a lovely coupon for Barns and Noble. And I had some money. And I had a stroke of brilliance. So, I ordered "Wicked" and "Jane Eyre". I. am. LOVING. them. Oooh my goodness.

My mom got this video. It's hilarious. It's awesome. Watch it

So yeah. It gave us a giggle.

I'm now just getting around to finishing the Noro Bettna Cardigan thinger. Fiiinally.

One thing about being a knitter, you need family who can support you when you have to rip something completely out in order to get something right. Otherwise, knitters will never do this wholeheartedly. They might grudgingly force themselves...but when you have family sitting there holding your hand saying "GO AHEAD AND DO IT. OTHERWISE YOU'LL HATE IT."


So yeah. I also had to block it. Which did help, but that wasn't my problem.

Advice to any knitter -
When told to pick up stitches around the neck of a sweater or whatever, I really advise knitting REALLY REALLY REALLY loosely. OR going up a needle size (this will make it looser) Or both. If the pattern doesn't tell you, but to remain with the size 8 that you started with. Just btw, it might kinda ruin it if the neck is strangling you.

I did this. It wasn't around the neck that was the problem. but it was cinching up the front bottom panels. Which really looked bad. But the way the thing is constructed, I had to take apart the WHOLE THING. to get those stitches fixed.

I did not know how hard it is to knit against your natural knitting way. (every one is their "natural knitting way" lol.) I went ahead and went to a 10 and 1/2. And knit majorly majorly loosely. As I could, lol. Got one side done. Perfectly. It looks awesome. How I wanted it to look. Went on to the second side. and it took me 5 stinking times to get it right. In other words I had to rip out this side edge 5 times and re-knit it 5 times.

I also ran out of yarn. This is definitely a troublesome project. All my fault. But it is. I can be so stupid sometimes.

Anyway. So. I was searching for some....color that'd work. And came across some black. Not Noro, but it'd work. So I used that. and the effect is AMAZING. I'm now extremely glad I ran out of yarn :-P

*Turns on Jane Eyre and stumbles her way through the words...* *mumble* *mumble*

Monday, January 25, 2010

For lack of anything interesting in my life. I shall post a tag ish thing. Not really a tag ish thing because I don't intend to tag anyone. I am not going to FORCE PEOPLE TO DO IT GAAAAAH.

That was. Not at all overwhelming. No, don't worry. I'm not *really* like that...all the time...heh heh...

Wanna do it. Do it. Wanna ignore it after reading mine. Sweet. Wanna ignore it *without* reading mine. You are evil. Baaaad. lol. (Do not worry, whoever you are. If there is anyone out there. Who. Yeah. I forgive. you. )

Where's you cell phone? uuuhhh...*tries to think of a clever statement about a non-existant phone* *blank look* It must be Monday, because I can not think of anything witty to say. Therefore. It is Monday. *Mr. Bingley look* HEE! *plays with pillow fringe*
Your mother? Talking with me pater
Your father? Talking with me mater.
Your favorite thing? How can anyone have ONE favorite thing. Currently, I'm thinking my Rosetta Stone is pretty awesome... but this most likely to change..
Your dream last night? I REMEMBER. I REMEMBER. It was dance related. (again) And it was in...a GROCERY STORE. And I was with other people..( dunno who) and we danced mostly in...the produce section. I lie not.
Your favorite drink? There are two ways to approach this question. We could either say or fake how healthy we saying WATER WATER WATER. Or, we could not care if water is not what we choose... when people see this question Most people think either "Pop" or "water" And, not wanting to seem like a...."fatty" or "junky" (this is not to say that anyone who drinks pop is fatty or junky, because I drink...pop. DR. PEPPER CHERRY FTW! That was totally out of order.) they put water. Even though they might only drink 3 glasses of water every day. Or less. (One of the reasons why I love these things? Is that I can take whatever question as literally as I want. And no one can stop me. MUHAHAHHAHA. People think I'm too literal. Which is true. I admit. ) SIDETRACK. Uh. So, not caring whether I don't say anything about water. I shall list tea. and tea. and tea. and hot chocolate. and tea. And it seems like there was something else. Uuuh..
What room are you in? Mesa Bedroom
Your hobby? KNITTING. Anyone would and should know that. Huh. Oh, and dancing. and laughing! Oh and reading...and...chatting. Um. Yep ^_^
Your fear? Toooornados
Where were you last night? Uh. Specific time? Last night. I was home...yep. We watched. EMMA.
Something you aren't? ELMO! Heehee :-P
Wish List item? I, uh, kinda want to learn Russian. So. Uh...heh heh. the RS for Russian. Heh heh...
Last thing you did? I came home from Haley's beautimus Sweet 16 birthday party :-)
What are you wearing? jeans. a shirt. a shirt over that shirt. Loong earrings (Long earrings FTW!!) And. my raspberry Converse.
TV? What do you mean? Like, in the house? Or in my room. Really, I kinda do...ish. Cause my computer can play videos.
Name one of your pets: Bertram Wilberforst Wooster. I could list all of this names. But they would be very repetitive and boring to everyone
Friends: I do not get this question. They are too numerous to name.
Your life? Is this a question as to if I like my life? Yes, I love my life.
Your mood? Tired. And. tired. And...tired.
Drinking? my spit! I'm so brilliant. No, I'm not drinking anything at the moment. I could have said the air. But nope.
Your car? *tries to think of a witty statement like cell phone but comes up blank once again*
Something you are not wearing? a turban. *racist* Looool. Those Ram Das days are looong gone.
Your favorite store? Barns and Noble!!!!!
Your favorite color? Our colors are Purple, purple, and purple!!
When you last cried? Eeeeh, this afternoon actually. Atttt....Haley's party.
Where do you go over and over? THE MOON! I so special.
Favorite place to eat? This is not specific enough. It could mean like a restaurant. Or maybe just a room in the house. Or someplace out side. like the PARK. I have no idea. Who makes these quizzes anyway?
Favorite place you'd like to be right now? You have no idea. OLD FAR AWAY FRIENDS. I WANNA BE AT YOUR HOUSE.
I tag: I do not force people to do these. Though it IS fun to read people's thingers, lol.

Oh, and?

Happy birthday, Haley. Sweetest dearest friend. Even if I did cry at your party...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am so stinkin excited about the Olympics.

Ooooh. my. goodness.

I sound obsessed, right? Right.


Mostly the various forms of skating. Mainly speed, and figure.

But there are several good things that will be happening DURING the Olympics that have NOTHING to do with them whatsoever.We'll be awesome today, and make a special list. YEssss
  1. It starts on the 12th. Can anyone guess what's on the 15th??
  2. To non-obsessed knitters, there actually is a thing called the KNITTING OLYMPICS. To obsessed/interested knitters. It'll be AWESOME! I have no idea what I shall be doing. I'm really thinking that I should finish this huge blanket type thing that I've never gotten around to finishing. I'm almost done! Ish.
  3. KATIE AND JOSEPH WILL BE HERE! They get here...I think...on the 12th. So yeaah :-D

I love making special lists. It just feels so awesome when you press enter and there's a brand new number waiting for you to spread your awesome list to everyone, whether they want to know why you're excited or not. Oooooh yes.

I've...kinda lost my voice. The cold I had came back, and now I kinda feel rotten ish again. I was thinking that I had skipped out on the dratted cough and the fact that I could record myself and no one would know if it was me, but it was either Rachel Ray and/or Miley Cyrus. (So, singing. I can't sing.) but nooo. The cough started yesterday morning, and my voice was fine..but then during prayer group, when we were singing, I could like really tell..that I was having a really hard time staying on key and I was going sharp all the voice was breaking. And yeah. Did get much sleep last night either...and slept in a funny position and now my back kinda hurts.

Going to ballet tonight, we'll see how that works out. Also, after ballet...we're coming home and then we're going to go see Holtz's....Holts'....whatever that The Planets. So that should be awesome...

Got my new pointe shoes confirmed by Miss I sewed on the ribbons and elastic on. First ribbon I
was totally on a roll...going really fast. About to do the next ribbon and noticed that I had sewed the first ribbon wrong side out. *headdesk* Brilllliant.
So yeah. Out with the old, and in with the new!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crazy thing. So. Read post below. You can read all about it.

There was something that I missed....that I forgot to say. but I TOTALLY just forgot what I was going to say.

go read. that. and. request. hate. like. meh. whatever. advice. Mmmhm. yep.

That's me!

EDIT: 1-18-10

I REMEMBERED what it was. YAY ME. Ok.

Props to but Sam and Joey for helping me with my lack of uploading sound file skilz. Without them, it would not be here. So, thank you peoples!
Ok. So.

lemme splain.

We are redoing Joey and I's bathroom. And so, right now. only half of the wallpaper is done. BUT the main thing that the SHOWER CURTAIN is gone. And so, like now it's all echo-y, and PERFECT for singing.

So, I thought to myself, "Self, try this. It'll be awful, but let's do it anyway."

So, I obeyed myself. And did it. I did like 10 songs, and only a couple of them were only an itty bitty decent. So. I did save those, and they still kinda stink. But I kinda liked this one. ish. We sang this in church today.

What I'd really like to do, is record the soprano, then also record the alto and line them up. But I have NO idea how do to that. Plus, this is like the only song that I actually know how to sing the alto.

(BTW: it sounds really cool in here...I mean typing in an echo-y room. lol.) So.

If you hate it, tell me. If you love it, tell me. If you're like "eeehh", tell me. If you want me to do another, or post another. (My other ones, that I would be willing to post, which still stink. THEY REALLY STINK. For me, it's like BLEH. Are a re-make of Think of Me, for those who haven't heard it yet, and Wishing you were Somehow Here Again. Seriously, I LOVE THE PHANTOM OF THE OEPRA.), tell me. OR, another option. If you have very strange liking for my voice, and want to hear more that I have NOT done, suggest a song, and I'll try...heh heh. if it know it.

Also, as a btw. I am still getting over a cold, and my nose is stopped up. And yeah...! Heh heh. So yeah. If it sounds nasally, that's why.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where'd the weekend go?

Well mine mostly contained knitting, movies, sneezing, kleenex, Teddy my kleenex box, knitting, cold, trying to suppress a sneeze and ended up paining church, played the piano for church, did the same thing with the sneezing up on stage, made many faces due to many mistakes, due to cold fingers, due to the lack of a working heater at church. That wasn't fun.

Um. So yeah. Oh and reading. Really loving the Woman in White. I really reminds me a lot of Dracula. For some reason. There is no way that it is connected in anyway (except that what'shisbucket who wrote Dracula could have used some of the WIW characters for inspiration) Also, after watching Little Dorrit...for the whatever time...I've noticed some parallels in some of the characters. So, lemme look.

Oh. this is interesting. My book says that The Woman in White was originally published in Charles Dicken's serial "All the Year Round" from November 1859 to December 1860. I dunno when Little Dorrit was written. I found the parallels in...Miss Holecomb, Laura, Sir Percival, and Count Fosco.

Miss Holecomb, after Laura and her new husband, Sir Percival arrive home from their...6 month travel, so she, Miss H. comes to visit them, because she is going to still live with Laura as her companion. Laura writes on their travels that they have found Sir Percival's good friend, Count Fosco and his wife. Laura doesn't say that she doesn't like them, but this is kind of assumed. When they all arrive, including Count Fosco and his wife, Miss H. sees how icky they are. Mainly the Count, not his wife. And both Miss. H and Laura want both of the Foscos to go.

In Little Dorrit....

Oh, if you aren't really interested in this, don't feel obligated to finish this. I just thought this interesting. And it's always a good thing to post some....relatively interesting facts on one's blog.

Anyway. In Little Dorrit, there are characters who are almost exactly like this situation. Not quite.

Mr. Blandois. (I love the quote, Facebook people would have seen this... "Bland-ois....?" "No, it's Bland-wah. He's French." ~ Little Dorrit. Lool.) Anyway. he's a horrible guy. Murdered his wife, but was let out of jail. Later killed many other people. Anyway. He goes to befriend Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gowan (newly married....on the tour of Europe) as a request of Miss Wade (that nothing to do with that though.) Anyway. Mr. Gowan likes him. Mrs. Gowan (Pet, or Minnie) hates Mr. Blandois. She meets Little Dorrit, or Amy. Amy doesn't like Mr. Blandois. Both of them want him to leave them alone (as he is constantly bugging them) Anyway.

Um. yeah. There are some differences, but I thought on the whole it was pretty...close.

Lemme look up when Little Dorrit was written

Oooh. It was written in 1855-1857. Huh. So Wilkie Collins must have taken the idea ish. That's interesting.

So yeah. Mmmmhm. Um.

I can't wait for the next episode of Return to Cranford. OOH MY GOODNESS. And. For Project Runway to start! I can't wait for this season!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thank you for your wonderful comments. I feel so loved.

Let's see. What can I talk about.

Right now Bertie is on a catnip high...and running wildly over the house. His collar jingling majorly. Jeeves is being a fat lard ball and sitting on a pillow in front of the fire. I am his little "buddy" and sitting with him...cause of his...I think everyone knows about his "problems", lol. He is very content right now.

I am currently loving the fact that it IS Friday. That YES I did survive the first week back into school. This morning, because the lack of sleep for the past 2 days, my most wonderful mother let me sleep in till 9. Which is amazing, for a school day. I'm really happy that I could sleep that long. Cause you know how getting up at 7 all the time, when you actually have the chance to sleep in, you still wake up at 7? I hate that. Especially when you need the sleep. This, thankfully was not the case.

We had record weather last night, and most of today. It hasn't been this old since...1996. Amazing, huh? Last night, I think it was supposed to be 25. I don't know if it actually got down to 25, because I was basking in the chance to snuggle up in pile of blankets. And trying to sleep. That too. Currently, it is 32 degrees. We are all freezing. Today the high is going to be 36. The low tonight will be 22. The whole of Houston is sending out articles about (seriously, this is really true)


"Layer up, and wear hats!"

Seriously. Do Houston people really not know how to dress their children warmly? That's insane.

This is the time of year where Bertie demands to only spend 5 minutes out side at the max. He hates the cold. We have to force him outside, and then he sits there at the door the whole time with his ears completely flat. The little weenier.

I must go now. Yes, I must go.

Now wasn't that

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I just realized that this is my 100th post.

I would like to comment on this fact.

I have never. ever ever EVER reached 50 posts, let alone 100 posts. Half of this is due to my wonderful readers to comment, people to talk to me about things, give me ideas of things to post about.

The other half is that my bedtime has gotten later so I have more time :-P lol.

Ok. I'm sorry to be a total debbie downer in this post. but I feel horrible. It'll only be one paragraph, I promise. Hardly got any sleep last night. I nearly fell a sleep twice already during school. Math was evil(no surprise there), my nose kept dripping. And. Um. I think that's it. Oh. Lol. The reason why all of this. is because I have a bad cold. Evil colds.

See that wasn't too bad. Sorry for that. Shouldn't be too depressing on this blog.

One thing that I've been thinking about over the past couple of days...and haven't really had the time to really put it into words yet. I don't have a whole lot of time. But I'll do my best.

Have you ever missed someone/something so horribly much it hurts? Like, wait. Excuse me. *goes and does a vigorous round of the Hokey Pokey. * EVERYONE DANCE! *silence* Oh, *cough* Sorry. Uhhhh. Yeah.

Or you want something, like a dream or something it hurts?
Or you want to live for something/someone (this is relatively obvious, heh heh, of course. We all should want to live for God.) that it hurts?

The first statement has really been bugging me lately. You have no idea. Not the dream one, the one above that. before I randomly started doing the hokey pokey that NO ONE would join in. Bad peoples. I miss the Ponca people so stinkin much.

To All Ponca People:
"You complete me! *forms heart with fingers*"

This is not to say that I have no other friends else where. I do. I have millions of friends that love me, and will smack me aside the head if I mess up. (or hit me with a pencil if I don't pause in a certain place on a certain song. If you are reading this, you know who you are, LOL. I love mentioning this.)

But I have said this before....and since everyone knows that I love to repeat myself and...yeah...uh. Oh, drat. I forgot what it was. Lol...really epic fail.

I need to find out what "epic fail" is in Mandarin. Wouldn't that be AWESOME?!?!?!

OH. I remember. Ha. Ok. Um. People have different sections of friends. For me...there's "Ponca People", "Texas people" (that's...pretty much everyone at church.), "Online people", and "Misc" who are people who live in Texas and in Oklahoma (but...not at the same time. That's confusing.) but the Ponca people and Texas people have a special place. And the online people too, they are very special.

So yeah. Missing people. It hurting really bad. Like, "Seriously, I'm going to cry. I miss these people."

This. is so not going to help my nose at all. It's already runny AND stuffy at the same time. BAD. Ok. that was a bad idea.

But I did it. Yaaay. Now I feel better...ish. Writing a blog post will NOT make up for not being able to see those (there are not enough adjs to describe the Ponca people. So, it's all assumed. )

Ooo, lunch *runs off has bagel, oranges, and sprite* Yes. That was yummy.

So yes, writing a blog post won't be able to make up for not being able to see my awesome more than amazing, like ohmygoodnessImiss/loveyouguys.

Like that.


I'm now going to go read Tacitus...and he will not be sympathetic. Alas.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ni Hao!

yi si shi ma? Zhe ge nan ren zi something shui? *picture of man drinking water appears*


I just...made that up. Well. No. I didn't. But. I'm not looking at anything. I just closed the Rosetta Stone. And...that's really what it means. and...sounds like. It definitely doesn't look like that..heh heh. I wonder...

that failed. I just scoured the deep depths of my computer to see if I could some how...magically...put in the little symbols.

Once again, I obviously fail. Very epicly.

OOOO. I'm drinking TEA. Wait. Waiiit. it's coming. I can do this!

Zhe ge nu hi/ren something something cha!

HA. THANK YOU ROSETTA STONE. That makes up for the epic fail above.

That means. "A singular older/younger female (I don't know their definition of old and young. I could be either one...or both. I guess) drinking tea.

er, having tea. I don't think I've learned the word for "drinking" yet..

I learned. cat. (mueo) dog. (gueo) coffee (I don't remember how it's spelled. but it sounds like a choppy version of CAFE. so. Caf-fae. I heard this..and I laughed.)

I just noticed that this tab on my browser is called "Schola" That is obviously wrong. Because I am not posting this on Schola...and Schola is not my blog. That's really crazy.


Awesomeness! I love mandarin. I like trying to imitate the people.

I CAN ASK FOR ...well.


*skips off mumbling very butchered Mandarin offending all the Chinese around*

RACIST! Oooh my goodness.

Zai jian! (zie chan..that's how to pronounce it) = Good bye!

P.S. All these...soundings out have many different and various hyphens and crazy little squiggles over them. So. it's not exactly what it's supposed to look like. I...don't know how to do that, lol.

Friday, January 1, 2010

"Shhhe has her EYES she has her Lily's hazel EYES"

...need I say that I am a bad bad baaad blogger when it comes to holidays?...

Right now. This is random. But. I MUST share. Infact. I shall TAKE A PICTURE. With my handy-dandy Photobooth. Where would we be without photobooth. *opens said program to take a picture*

That is where we have "Right ho, Jeeves!" paused right now. Don't we have skilz? I mean. Yeah. This is Gussie Finknottle. Which I most likely got the spelling of his last name wrong, please forgive me. He has a tank of newts on his lap. And expressing to Jeeves that "Yes, Dame Dafthne Winkworth is the lady I am going to thee" (yes, incorrect spelling intended. The Christmas break has not so affected my brain that I can't spell "see" lol.) Um. so yes. I needed to share.

Um. what was I going to say? I had a perfectly awesome thing I wanted to share (besides picture thing.) and I FORGOT IT.


Oh. I had a statement. That I thought of...when I wrote the opening sentence. Skilz! (Beg pardon if I say this very often...and it gets annoying, lol.)

It seems. that. When big things happen. Holidays come around. I say to myself. "YES. I WILL BLOG ABOUT EVERYTHING. YES YES YES!!" Next day I'm like "NO NO NO NO."

I very obviously fail.


I also love the enter button. It is my favorite. I should name my enter button something...any ideas?

Where was I? Uuuuum. Oh. yeah. I will blog. Then I'm like no. The reason I am "like no!" (lol...that sounded funny.) is most likely because A) I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF A KNITTING PROJECT/ROW. DON'T DISTURB ME. (but this is almost always the case in...every other case. ) B) THere's people here. People who I am not around normally. I need to BE WITH PEOPLE. *goes into complete silence and watches people* or C) Blogging. *thinks* Blooooggging...*thinks* Um. nope. I know. let's go KNIT. (which this then plays into A.)...This is getting my horribly confused. What was I writing about? OH. I know. So....wait...

That had NOTHING to do with my point...*headdesk*

*ginormous dog comes up. everyone is wondering why in the world is there a dog. * we are infact babysitting a Labradoodle. for some friends. Of my parents. while they go to a funeral. This dog. Is like huge. Like talking...sheep. Little llama. Um. Mini Wooly Mammoth. It's name is Griffin. He is leaving on Sunday. Bertie is quite put out. He thinks Griffin is here to stay. he is very angry. Bertie, not Griffin. Griffin is quite the opposite.

Anyways. I know. I'll go back. Scratch all that. And I'll start over. And put things very simply. That'll be very good for me...*cringe*

Holidays come. I say I'll write. I don't. Because....because...of...multiple reasons. Um yeah. Very deep. it took ALL that. for me to say that. Skilz, dude.

I got piano music. Josh Groban piano music. (And Forrest Gump music, but that's beside the point) it. is. BLISS.

and I shall end with that.

Oh, and?


Not as much as POTO though. That's still #1.