Friday, March 12, 2010

Ok. Well. We're right now we're watching a basketball game (which because I'm not horribly interested, I'm writing a new blog post.) And the commercials.

Are like...

Horrible? Like. really.

People can't act. All of them are scams. And...they're horribly made. Lol.

"I made 12,000$ in one week! I have my life back again!"

My mom just said the following:

"My goodness. Those players sure have baggy pants."

It's Baylor and Kansas. I have no idea who my parents are rooting for.

There's some guy who is named...Laceadarius. No joke.

Today was a long day. I was going to get up at 7:30, but my alarm went off at 7:00, which woke Bertie up, which then made him go crazy and want out. Which made me have to get up and let him out...and all that junk. It didn't really help that I didn't sleep very well that night. And today seemed like a long school day. Math was ok. Ish. I had music history class, which I absolutely adore. Today we did a lot of Brahms. Didn't know a whole lot about him before, but now he ranks up there with Chopin.

Because of my music history class, it's really opened a lot up. Like...really. As in I'm expanding my musical terminology. Which is nice. And I'm learning more about my favorite composers, and finding new composers to love.

Before I started this class, I knew I loved Chopin. But now after I've studied him, I LOVE him. Like really really REALLY. I know I kind of overuse this phrase but it's like..

"I laughed, I cried, it MOVED me, Bob!" (Leave it to Larry the Cucumber to say something profound and oh-so quotable like that.)

And I really mean this. Like, (*feels kind of embarrassed to say this*) yes, I have actually cried over Chopin. And yes, I have laughed over Chopin. More crying than laughing, sad to say. (Though, it's not like "I'm sad" crying but like "This is so beautiful, and I'm so tired. And this is so beautiful." crying. Know what I mean?)

Listen to this. And you'll know what I mean. If you like this kind of stuff. I know it's kinda long, but it's SOOOO worth it. I don't know how many times I've played this today. Let alone the past week.
(Oh, and this girl? She's 9. Just wanted to throw that out there.)

Um. Let's see...I'm thinking about like starting a knitting blog. So, like...I can share that one with anyone/everyone/not-weird-stalkerish-people. And like...yeah. Something I can put on my Ravelry (it's kind of like a Facebook for knitters, where you can post patterns, you can track your own projects and what you've done. Your favorites. And such. There's even groups. I wonder if there's a Chopin knitting group. I'll have to look.

Huh. There's a pattern called "Chopin's Cabled Handwarmers". I'll be. Ok, that wasn't what I was looking for.


Oh well. I'll live...kind of.

Ok. So...I think that's it.

Sooo yeaaaah.

That's it. Yep. that would be it.



Katie Jo said...

I love Chopin too :) I'm about half way done learning his Nocturne in E minor on the piano. I looooove it.

though Violin is my main instrument, I can labor through piano :P I've never played Chopin on violin, mostly Vivaldi. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Vivaldi :) So much fun to play.

Kaley Grace said...

Ok, a knitting blog, would be supremely wonderful :) I VOTE YES!
(And your mom is awesome :D)

I miss you!! :(

What are you playing by Chopin? I have a piece by him, and I <3 <3 it!

Bre said...

mmm...Chopin :D I'm playing Revolutionary Etude right now. It's incredible. Fast..and loud...mmm :D I love him. I think he's like...3rd, Beethoven and Prokofiev taking 1st and 2nd :D

Love the vid, too. I wish I could've played like that when I was 9 :D

Hannah May said...


That girl.

I can pway...Thimple Gifthth. And Jingle Bellth. Yeeeeah.

Let uth know when you thtart your knitting bwog.
