Monday, January 25, 2010

For lack of anything interesting in my life. I shall post a tag ish thing. Not really a tag ish thing because I don't intend to tag anyone. I am not going to FORCE PEOPLE TO DO IT GAAAAAH.

That was. Not at all overwhelming. No, don't worry. I'm not *really* like that...all the time...heh heh...

Wanna do it. Do it. Wanna ignore it after reading mine. Sweet. Wanna ignore it *without* reading mine. You are evil. Baaaad. lol. (Do not worry, whoever you are. If there is anyone out there. Who. Yeah. I forgive. you. )

Where's you cell phone? uuuhhh...*tries to think of a clever statement about a non-existant phone* *blank look* It must be Monday, because I can not think of anything witty to say. Therefore. It is Monday. *Mr. Bingley look* HEE! *plays with pillow fringe*
Your mother? Talking with me pater
Your father? Talking with me mater.
Your favorite thing? How can anyone have ONE favorite thing. Currently, I'm thinking my Rosetta Stone is pretty awesome... but this most likely to change..
Your dream last night? I REMEMBER. I REMEMBER. It was dance related. (again) And it was in...a GROCERY STORE. And I was with other people..( dunno who) and we danced mostly in...the produce section. I lie not.
Your favorite drink? There are two ways to approach this question. We could either say or fake how healthy we saying WATER WATER WATER. Or, we could not care if water is not what we choose... when people see this question Most people think either "Pop" or "water" And, not wanting to seem like a...."fatty" or "junky" (this is not to say that anyone who drinks pop is fatty or junky, because I drink...pop. DR. PEPPER CHERRY FTW! That was totally out of order.) they put water. Even though they might only drink 3 glasses of water every day. Or less. (One of the reasons why I love these things? Is that I can take whatever question as literally as I want. And no one can stop me. MUHAHAHHAHA. People think I'm too literal. Which is true. I admit. ) SIDETRACK. Uh. So, not caring whether I don't say anything about water. I shall list tea. and tea. and tea. and hot chocolate. and tea. And it seems like there was something else. Uuuh..
What room are you in? Mesa Bedroom
Your hobby? KNITTING. Anyone would and should know that. Huh. Oh, and dancing. and laughing! Oh and reading...and...chatting. Um. Yep ^_^
Your fear? Toooornados
Where were you last night? Uh. Specific time? Last night. I was home...yep. We watched. EMMA.
Something you aren't? ELMO! Heehee :-P
Wish List item? I, uh, kinda want to learn Russian. So. Uh...heh heh. the RS for Russian. Heh heh...
Last thing you did? I came home from Haley's beautimus Sweet 16 birthday party :-)
What are you wearing? jeans. a shirt. a shirt over that shirt. Loong earrings (Long earrings FTW!!) And. my raspberry Converse.
TV? What do you mean? Like, in the house? Or in my room. Really, I kinda do...ish. Cause my computer can play videos.
Name one of your pets: Bertram Wilberforst Wooster. I could list all of this names. But they would be very repetitive and boring to everyone
Friends: I do not get this question. They are too numerous to name.
Your life? Is this a question as to if I like my life? Yes, I love my life.
Your mood? Tired. And. tired. And...tired.
Drinking? my spit! I'm so brilliant. No, I'm not drinking anything at the moment. I could have said the air. But nope.
Your car? *tries to think of a witty statement like cell phone but comes up blank once again*
Something you are not wearing? a turban. *racist* Looool. Those Ram Das days are looong gone.
Your favorite store? Barns and Noble!!!!!
Your favorite color? Our colors are Purple, purple, and purple!!
When you last cried? Eeeeh, this afternoon actually. Atttt....Haley's party.
Where do you go over and over? THE MOON! I so special.
Favorite place to eat? This is not specific enough. It could mean like a restaurant. Or maybe just a room in the house. Or someplace out side. like the PARK. I have no idea. Who makes these quizzes anyway?
Favorite place you'd like to be right now? You have no idea. OLD FAR AWAY FRIENDS. I WANNA BE AT YOUR HOUSE.
I tag: I do not force people to do these. Though it IS fun to read people's thingers, lol.

Oh, and?

Happy birthday, Haley. Sweetest dearest friend. Even if I did cry at your party...


Bre said...

So. You are totally not literal. Or too literal. Believe me, I KNOW people who take things entirely too literally and they're annoying. And believe me, you're not it. *nods solemnly*

So. I like saying so. lol I'm going to do this, so come to my blog in about 15 minutes to read mine :P

Ellie Degenhart said...

I like that post :)
Oh! You have raspberry converse! I've wanted that color for a really long time. Last two times I went to buy them they didn't have them in my size.
Somethings I guess just aren't meant to be ;)