Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter is here!

Today...I have a feeling I shall be posting a lot. So, rather than have many small little posts, that would look rather crazy in my archives ("What in the world? She has 5 posts just on Easter...she's crazy.) So yeah, I'll do one big long one, and just leave this thing open, so I can come and write whenever.

Now, I shall start.
Ok, well. Um, we opened presents with my mom this morning (seeing it is her birthday today :-)) And, that was a lot of fun :-D She loved everything. I got her this "Mother Daughter" knitting book, that my dad spotted at Barns and Noble, and glancing through it, it looked like a TON OF FUN. Pardon the shouting, but yes. Well, actually, I wasn't really meaning to shout, just...pronouncing how fun the book looked..heh. lol. Joey, the most amazing drawer person/artist that he is, took the pictures that Panara has hanging around, and copied them. Not with butterpaper, or any is SO amazing looking, they look like the originals! We had french toast for breakfast :-). Also, for future refrence to anyone? If you ever question yourself if you should get "edible Easter grass" for the baskets? Don't. Speaking from experience, it tastes reallllly's not my favorite. lol.

Seeing as I'm sick, I, alas, stayed home today, along with me mother. Joey and dad went to church, though. I'm rather disapointed that neither my mom, or myself got to go to church to worship God on this most amazing day. Our church was planning an easter egg hunt for the little kids, while the older kids (like myself) would be hiding them (this sounded like a lot of fun, but I'm not crushed I didn't get to do it, lol) BUT. From the looks (and sounds) of the weather, I have a feeling, that won't be able to happen. Currently, it's thundering, raining, and cold. Wonderful Easter weather, isn't it? Though, the rain is more likely to lift my spirits than sunny weather would :-) call me crazy, but it's true. The sky is very dark (after having taken a turn around the house, and looked out all the windows) And, I think we're getting some humungo front that's from both the west coast, and the east coast. And...they're like mixing together, or something? Whatever it is, it's going to be big. Like, major rain, thunder, lighting, possibly hail. :-) Thanks to anyone who lives on the west/east coast, we now have your weather :-). lol. Well, I shall go now. I want to experience every bit of this glorious weather. It just now started raining harder :-)

Lunch was awesome, my mother is a wonderful cook :-D. I am, extremely full. I think we're all going out for a walk (a roller blade in my case) later, cause the rain clouds have gone, and the sun is now shining in a cloudless sky. It's such a brilliant blue, it's amazing. From where I'm sitting, I can see the pool water reflecting onto the garage wall, it's beautiful. Jeff and Laurie are here, and they're sitting with my parents (I am too, I'm on my mom's laptop) and...yeah. They were talking about cars, and now they're talking about some book Jeff is reading. Um...
I started the Scarlet Pimpernel, and it's really good so far, though I'm not very far into it...maybe chapter 5, or something. While my dad and Joey were at church this morning, my mom and I sat in my parent's room, read, drank tea, and listened to the rain. It was marvelous. Um...I'm not really looking forward to going back to school tomorrow...though I am looking forward my online classes. 

Ok, well, I'm going to go now...I might write later, but...this, is not certain. 


sirlagan said...

I vote you add another tab that says like "boring" or "unimportant" or "frivolous" that way we can tell you if we don't like your posts. You only have funny, interesting and cool as options what if we think you wrote a bad post?

RainyDayDreamer said...

Hm. Uh. Well, you could ask Blogger to change that. I have no control on what have my voter thinger set to. Those were the only choices I got.

And who says my posts are "boring" or "unimportant" or "frivolous"?

Grace B. said...

I sure don't! It was very relaxing to read...very unlike my Easter. =D

Sam said...

lol. Classic Caleb for ya.

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol, thanks Grace :-D

Sam, at least he didn't say "punk", lol.

Kaley Grace said...

*sigh of bliss* What a nice Easter :)
I'm sorry you were sick though :( How'd the rollerblading go?
Tell your a Mom a VERY late happy birthday from us!

AND, I think you're posts are AMAZING. There should be a tab for that :)

Kaley Grace said...

gaaaah, I put you're instead of your! *hides head in shame* That's like...bad lol.