Saturday, April 11, 2009


Friends are so awesome, beyond words. Did you know? (There I go again, stating the obvious. lol)

God has blessed me SOOOO MUCH with my so awesome, beyond word friends. They're always there when I need them. When I need to chat about something that's worrying me, I know I can count on someone to listen. When I need help, there's always someone there. Even when I'm bursting with joy, and extremely hyper, my friends don't care, and keep on talking with me :-) lol.
Even though the ones who are online, aren't online all the time, I know that they'll be on sooner or later. When I ask to tell me the bad things about myself, they say yes, of course. Half of my friends, are online. Another half of my friends life 10+ hours away from me, and my other half live maybe 30 minutes away. Not bad, but still. Sometimes, I wish that every one could be together...and it'd be one big (I'd say the word dance, but that might not be fun for everyone, lol) party, let's put it that way. one big party :-D

I'm glad my friends are the kind of people who don't care what kind of jeans I wear. If that were the case, I'd just have my online friends, lol. I'm glad there's little groups of certain people that always hang around each other, instead there is everyone in one huge group. Someday, I'd really (beyond words) want to meet all of my online friends. Hopefully before we're all too old. Meaning, like in college. But, I guess in that case, it better be soon, cause some people don't have much time left, heh. We'd all get together and we'd...(*refrains from saying "dance" but ends up strangling herself instead.*) have a big party...a really big party that involved lots of fast Irish/Celtic/bluegrass type music. There, there's an indirect way of saying it, lol.

Ok. Pardon me if that was....sappy? Something that was boring, anyway. I might have more on the subject later...but if you were wondering if I was going to talk about "deep" things (and still keep it interesting, lol) that was it. For now aways.

Today, on goes the car hunting. So Joey and I have the house to ourselves for the morning. I'm planning on...getting my cleaning done early. Hopefully make myself a cup of tea (*closes eyes of pure bliss*) Annnd, start the Scarlet Pimpernel, which I have never read. Yesterday, I finished the Crown Duel/Court Duel (two books smushed together, main title is the Crown Duel) By Sherwood Smith. It was sooooooo good. (I just noticed they don't have the underline tool along with the italics, and bold. That's weird.) I would really recommend it to peoples. the first one (Crown Duel) has got a ton of action, a little bit of mystery, and a little bit of fantasy. the 2nd one (Court Duel) has like, no action, ton of mystery, tad of romance, little of fantasy, and....that's it. the 1st one is the forest, wandering around, traveling everywhere. The 2nd one is mostly in the court (hence the title) But yeah, they are extremely good books. If, or when you see the cover, don't be scared at the girl's eye, it looks like she's like...half evil and half good, but in actual fact. It's black eye :-). So, yeah :-) What else am I planning on doing....Um, I believe that's it. I might come up with more for my "deep thoughts" later, but don't count on it :-)

And, if I don't get to post tomorrow. Happy birthday Mom!!!

(to be funny) valete omnes! (in all seriousness) Valete!!
Grace :-D


Kaley Grace said...

Lovely picture, Grace!! :P

Awwww, I loved your post. It was great!! *hug* You are an *awesome* friend....and you say stuff so well haha. :D

RainyDayDreamer said...

Awwww, thanks! When I write stuff like that, I always feel like I'm...not saying it right. But that motivates me, which someone likes what I wrote. Thank you :-) (((((hug)))))

Bre said...

Aww...that makes me feel so happy :D I think I can classify myself as one of those "online friends" and I can double the wish to meet you too :D

Grace B. said...

Definitely non-sappy, rather heartwarming, to say the least. =)

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol, thanks guys :-)

Haleymay said...

You're such an amazing friend too :). Love you!

The Scarlet Pimpernel is one of my *faaaavorite* books of all time! I love it. It's very exciting.

I have to write "werli" in order to publish this. That's a really fun word!