Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I think I remember where that sidetrack was going...maybe not. I thought I just flew before my eyes, and I thought I remembered. But...I didn't. Lol, I don't remember everything all the time :-D.

I was going to talk more about dance though. So....uh....

Man, today is my day of forgetfulness. I can't remember what I was going to say. Wow.

*comes back after walking around and picking up stuff* -- We're having our weekly prayer group thinger this evening, so, of course. Things need to be clean :-D


I love to check ballet books out of the library (Lol, sounds like a little girl. Loves to look at pictures of beautiful ballerinas doing beyondly amazing feats.) and look at the pictures :-D I still read the books, but the pictures are the best part. I have one of particular. It's called: On Tour With the Moscow City Ballet - A Young Dancer's Apprenticeship by Olympia Dowd.
It's soooo amazing. This girl, is only 15, and she's accepted out of like 50 students, and apprenticeships with the Moscow ballet -- talk about a dream come true! Another book, it's like this huge jumbled bag of all these different types of dances (both guys and girls, doing ballet, modern, jazz, lyrical, the list is endless) One thing I read, that I really liked, and helped me a lot.
"When I was a kid, I wish I had known what a lot time I had. You feel this rush that you have to do this or that by a certain age. You hear about people at the age of 16 who are in the New York City Ballet and you think you have to do that, too. But people have their own time lines. it wasn't until my late twenties when everything came together for me."
~ Elizabeth Parkinson.

Ok, I know this must seem *extremely* boring for some people, cause they don't do anything that's close to ballet, and don't really want to. So, they might find, boring. But, I read it, and I needed to post it. I've been feeling kinda bad about my dancing, cause I'm the oldest (young) person in my studio, and no where near going to go dance in the NYC Ballet, or Anaheim Ballet Company, or the Moscow Ballet, or the Houston Ballet Company, which is like always the case in the books I read. All the girls are like 14 or 15 when they're accepted into some ginormous company. But, tis not the case with me :-) Just gotta know what God's doing for me is the perfect thing. And it always be, no matter what.

On a more positive note, lol. I'm *finally* getting the hang of pirouettes on pointe (they're ok in flat shoes, but horrendous on pointe, lol) (Pirouettes = turn, usually with the not-working leg either at the ankle, calf, or knee height.) Usually, my problem is waaaay over turning...then over turning so much, you either fall over, or trip when landing and *then* fall over, lol. The end of a pointe shoe is satin, so when you go up on that, add a little momentum, and *whooosh* you're off. Also arms help, if you're pulled up, if your spotting, and if your leg is turned out. Gotta think about that all for just one little turn that will (or should) take only about 10 seconds. After being on pointe for almost 2 years, I can extremely appreciate the dancers on pointe when I see a ballet. It takes soooo much control just to stand up, let alone do a pekay walk, then go straight into a triple+ turn in attitude. That's kinda hard move to explain, but just know that it's *extremely* hard. Even in flat shoes, let alone in pointe. Also. I hate frappes. And fuettes. Those things are EVIL. (frappes, meaning not the drink :-D) One thing I can be thankful for, are all those muscles I built during all those many many many MANY months of bike training (dude, those were horrible. and then actually riding those 150 miles. But, I'll save that for another post) It's helping me a ginormous amount. Extremely.

Ok, that was super random. I felt in a random mood :-) Just a warning: There'll be plenty of random posts in the future, so...don't always think of me insane :-D I'm not that way all the time...hopefully. lol.

And. I think that's all I had. Also, thanks everyone for commenting :-D I really enjoy reading what everyone says (even though it might not be so optimistic, lol) Tis helping me post :-D

Valete Omnes!
~Grace }|{


Haleymay said...

Just wait, you'll be famous one day and everybody will be completely amazed and I'll be able to say, "Hey! I was in her CLASS once!"

I loooove you and your random posts :)

Grace B. said...

I agree, love the randomness. And that wasn't boring, when I watch my sister do ballet I can tell how hard it is, then you go watch the Nutcracker or whatever and you can't enjoy it because you're thinking how hard it is...yeah. Now I'm being random. =D

Sam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam said...

I would under normal circumstances comment on your "valete omnes"... but showing my annoyed-ness would be giving you what you want... and I don't want to provoke you to more such actions. So I shall keep my mouth shut on the subject.

~edit~ gargh

RainyDayDreamer said...

Haley - Lol, I'm hoping it'll be that way. And then I can be the same way about you..."Hey! I played in church with that amazingly awesome flutist! And, I was just basking in her awesomeness!" Or, you could insert whatever you are planning on doing. Lol.

Grace - Lol, good. Lol, exactly. I'm always counting exactly how many turns people can do, then I can't focus on the other things going on around that dancer. "OH DUDE! 10! *gapes* *everyone laughs* Oh, what'd I miss?" Yep, pretty much.

Who deleted their comment?

Sam - Hmmm...who says I'm going to stop in the near future?