Sunday, April 19, 2009

"I wanna dance till my feet can't feel the ground"

Oooooh my word. If only stuff like that happened more often...than twice a year. Meaning the *real* balls, not the practices. People can be extremely random. And, have a knack for finding really short-sized sets of people. Short people in the sets...uh. I think that's right. If that didn't make sense. There are only short people in the set. There, ha, I did it. Hunting the Fox + 1 tall couple + 7 other short couples = awkwardness, and slow. This, has actually happened before. Same dance. Same guy, actually. It's creepy. Details later...some peoples know the guy I'm talking about, some people don't. Meaning, you readers *points*. Hi. Pictures will come soon...I hope. I have to load them off of my mom's camera...and there's be more.."action" type pictures from facebook that I can get. (my mom was busy talking during the dances, not taking pictures :-D)

And, below. Are our rules for the balls/ball practices. For people who don't know or they do know, but know a bit differently than we do, or...don't want to know. If you don't want to know, then...skip. Or skim, either one.

Gentlemen, if you come to these dances, it generally means that you're willing to dance. Since there are usually more girls than guys at this sort of thing, you are expected to do your duty and dance with as many girls as possible so none of them feel left out. Of course, don't kill yourselves (though what a noble cause this would be! hehe), and don't feel guilty if you are unable to dance with all the girls with which you would like to dance. But make an effort; we appreciate it! If a girl refuses you, don't ask why - she has a good reason! Just politely walk away and ask another girl.

Ladies, help the guys out! Accept them when they ask you to dance, stand up (and preferably stand where the gentlemen will know you're dancing this one) while waiting for a partner, and be polite. If you feel you absolutely must refuse a young man (i.e., my leg fell off, I stood too close to the fire and my dress is burned through in the back, I really think you're a total creep, etc.), do it nicely and give them a reason if you can courteously do so. Try not to be too obvious in attracting a certain young man's attention! This can often be a major turn-off, and tends to scare the poor guy away.

General rule: Be polite! These are our Christian brothers and sisters, so act like it!

~ Grace Anne


RainyDayDreamer said...

*wonders why her posts turn out so funky looking*

Grace B. said...

Velly nice, eet ees velly nice. Ees not funky. And no, I don't know what's wrong with me. =)

Ellie Degenhart said...

Your blog is crazy awesome!! And I've noticed that you kinda like dancing and balls...... that's pretty cool because SO DO I :D :D :D I've never understood those people who have those big party's with lots of music and stuff but then they just don't dance. That just doesn't make sense. Seriously, what's the point of inviting all your friends to this huge party, there's food, music and lots of pretty dresses but no dancing. Sorry. I just really don't understand those people. And I'm so glad to learn that your NOT one of those people. I like you even more now :D I'm planing on having a huge party for my next birthday (with lots of pretty dresses and dancing.....of course :) And you are INVITED!!:) Come on you know you've always wanted to go to good ol rainy Oregon.... ;) This comment is WAY long enough now....hope you like long comments lol

RainyDayDreamer said...

Ellie!! I LOVE long comments! It helps me to know that people (hopefully) like what they're reading...or at least, they want to comment. And helps me post more, lol. You are?! Awesome!! So, you mean like contra dancing? I's like..."How come you peoples aren't bored out of your mind? You're just standing there...listening to super loud music." Lol, I'm glad you aren't one either! So would it be like formal dresses? or historical? lol, I'd LOVE to come!!

Kaley Grace said...

Awesomeness!! I NEED pictures. Soon. Or else...I'll send the evil fugu fish to steal your slippers :)

RainyDayDreamer said...

FUGU FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH. Wow.

Ellie Degenhart said...

Well I would probably do both formal and historical (I have friends who like both) Well, I LOVE contra dancing and I would mostly just have that. But honestly I like pretty much any kind of dancing :D And if anyone want's to do like ballet in the middle of the floor ..I'm not going to stop them :D I'm glad you'd come....the problem is I know WAY more guys then girls and it's kinda hard to have a big dance when there's 1 girl to every 6 guys. The guys have tried dancing together before ....but it doesn't really work as well as two
Well, laters!!

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol, lucky! We're always visa versa. Except, it's more like for every 10 girls there's 1 guy. What's your favorite dance?