Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"I wanna dance till my feet can't feel the ground" (part 3)

Now, for the Hat Dance.

One quick thing: Pardon me that those pictures are like...cut in half. It so stinks that it didn't work...though I don't know why. Evil. Blogger went emo, it's true.

NOW for the Hat Dance.

1) It's not really a dance, it's more like a game. 2) people have different ideas about how you "win" and "lose"

It starts out with couples. (brilliant) in a guy line and girl line, in front of 3 chairs. It can either start out with 2 girls and 1 guy, or 2 guys and 1 girl. Oh, and you also need some sort of "special" item. It's supposed to be a hat (hence the name) but as you can see from the pictures, we used plastic plates. ^.^. So, either way you start. Wait. I'm making myself confused...I hate it when I do that.

2 girls 1 guy - the guy has the plate/hat/stick of gum/whatever and 2 girls on either side. The girls either (this is where people's different ideas come if) either try to *get* the plate/hat/stick of gum/whatever or the try and *not* get it. If you *get* it, you sit in the middle chair, then it starts over, but with the girl in the middle, and 2 guys on either side. If you *don't* get it, then you "dance" down the middle of the lines with the guy that "chose" you. Then, the dude can either keep his partner, that he chose for the next dance, or thank her, and find a new one.

Did that make sense? If it didn't...comment. if it did...comment. lol.

Personally, I find it more fun to get the plate/hat/gum/whatever...it's really funny to watch and hear guys argue. "I have better hair." "Look at his shoes! They have LACES! Mine have Velcro, haha" "I'm wearing tie!" "I still have better hair" See what I mean?

Also, reverse physiology works really well here, lol. (speaking from experience)

Now, I must go. School calls me by name, and I'd rather not listen to it. But I must.

Lol, hope you enjoyed that...


Grace }|{


Ellie Degenhart said...

It's makes sense to me!!!:) And that's coming from someone who had never even heard of that dance/game before :)

Grace B. said...

I think it made sense, and sounds like amazing fun and happiness. I LOVE BIG BIRD! =D