Tuesday, April 14, 2009

La de Daaaaa....

I haven't posted in...1 day? 2 days. Whenever it was, it was awhile ago (if I'm not as constant as posting per day, this blog shall sit in the dust, which I don't want to happen, so therefore, I need to post nearly every day...to get in the habit of doing it. This is my plan.) So. This is not a good beginning.

I shant be on this evening, seeing that tonight is ballet, and piano right after that. We usually get home around like 9 or something. So, yeah. No posting this evening :-) So, might as well do it now.

I started Aristotle today (For GB) Tis interesting. For some reason, I love the first line.

All men by nature desire to know. ~ Aristotle

I dunno why, it just seems cool like that. There are sooooo many things that are out in the world to know. (Like the art of painting, or knitting, or....whatever. The list is endless) Just by looking at the book, you can tell that there's a ton of things to learn about. And that's hardly anything, compared to everything else. (Note: to people who are wondering about how I'm going to pull this blog off. This would be a perfect time to start talking about religion, and politics. But. I'm still not going to. If I did, I'd sound like a complete idiot, cause I have no idea what I'm talking about)

Also, another thing I've discovered. The Cadbury Mini Eggs? They are like, one of the most amazingly thing in the world. "Solid Milk Chocolate With a Crips Sugar Shell" Random fact: I like the shell best, lol.

This was extremely random, but I must go now, and work on my writing :-)

Until next time! (hopefully tomorrow, lol)


Sam said...

Yeah, I really loved Aristotle. His Ethics was probably about my favorite work in Great Books 1. Don't just read it to get done with it; take your time and enjoy it. It's good stuff.

However, his Metaphysics... you can skim over that. It won't make any sense no matter how hard you try to make sense of it :)

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol. This is like major awesome planning, the first reading?

Metaphysics. :-D So, I prob can't skim over that...since it's the reading. It's not the whole thing though, like...2 books of it.

Bre said...

omg...I love cadbury eggs! So sad they're only out at Easter...

Grace B. said...

Mmm...Cadbury eggs rock my socksies. And knowledge is quite mind boggling. Really, there are just so many things to *know*. Goodness me.

Kaley Grace said...

Haha, you guys LOVED Aristotle? I guess I'm not that smart :) I got the first line of Metaphysics (which IS very cool) but the rest...just kinda, didn't sink in. At all.

Maybe the rest will be better...I won't give up all hope :)

CADBURY EGGS are amazingly awesome (which is the highest complient anything can have, thanks to Grace :D)

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol, Kaley. I'm exactly the same way. I read the first sentence and I was like "Coolness! I might like this!" And I read the next couple of paragraphs, and I was like..."Ooooh. Uh. I'm majorly lost"

Lol, and thanks, Kaley. lol.

Kaley Grace said...

Lol, Grace! YAY! I'm not the only one!! :)