Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Normal Disturbance As Occured.

When people think of "flooding"...most people think of New Orleans, with good reason, lol. But, not everyone thinks of "Houston" and "flooding" going hand in hand. (there are a lot of people, but not everyone...yeah)

I shall now describe my doings last night.

Went to bed, after a huge-o ginormous (first thing that popped into my head to describe that, lol) squall type thing. Raaaain is sooooo awesommmmme. ^.^ Annyway. So yeah, the storm was continual through like the whole evening...7:30 to whatever...10:00 or 9:45. Got in bed, went to sleep. Then...

Ok. That sounds extremely dorky. Like I was trying to start out some weird adventure novel or something. That, was NOT my purpose. If I did...that'd be extreme Epic Fail. Ooooh yes.

So, then, after we thought it'd just kinda rain after the storm..just rain. Nothing else, just rain. We had a....*thinks of a strange term to use* Uhhh...double whammy? Lol. It was another really bad storm.

"Lemme 'splain. *pause* No, there is too much - lemme sum up."

Houston Weather -
Rain - in a "squall" type thing, rain doesn't usually go in one direction, lol. It's going eeeeevery where. rightways, leftways, upways, downways, slantways, sideways. (Props to whoever can guess who I'm quoting, lol) It's never only going just *down*
Lighting - We don't usually have a ton of lighting. And when we do, it's not so often that it's a....I know there's a real term for it, but I forget it. When it's a line, lol. It doesn't do that often. most of the time, it's just a huge-o ginormous flash. lol.
Thunder - well...nothing special about that.

Anyway. It was one amazing show. I had my window the part of the time, till rain started coming in, then I had to shut it. The storm was right over us, or it seemed that way. A couple of times the sky turned like this greeny-blue with lightning. Another time it was more like an orangey tint. It's all over weather.com, if you want to see more about it.

Soooo, today. Everything is closed :-) Water is *everywhere* Tons of streets are flooded, and...yeah. Ballet was canceled, and so was piano. They were still giving lessons, but it wouldn't be really safe to go swimming in the car. But, I'm glad we have the evening off...no dance, no piano. (Note: if at any time in the future, and say I was glad to skip dance? Stop me and ask me if I'm ok...that's not normal, lol) It's just nice to have a break every so often.

Uuuuuh...there was something else...that I wanted to write about.

Ooh, I'm almost done with my room...it feels so nice to have a clean, orginized room again, lol.

Now...I'm going to get a Dr.Pepper and a book :-) Oh look, it's still raining. The waters keep rising. Note: We're no where near the flooding areas. We picked a house that was out of flooding danger zone thing. So yeah :-) No worries.

Grace }|{

P.S. Note on the title, "A Normal Disturbance" meaning this happens a lot, lol.


Grace B. said...

Hmm. Craziness. "Have fun storming the castle!"

Haleymay said...

Wow...that stinks that everything was cancelled...It's really rainy here, too! Right now it's just steady and there's occasional thunder, but it's nice :)

Man, EVERYTHING bad is happening in Houston! Don't get that Swine Flu thingamajigger. That would make me very sad.

Kaley Grace said...

Oooo...icky! I'm sorry!!! :( :( It sounds kinda scary...watch out for fugu fish in the water (Hey, did you know that there really ARE fugu fish? I didn't know that, but now, thanks to my geography book *grimace*, I know that fugu fish are like these extremely poisionous fish that Japanish people eat!)

Kaley Grace said...


RainyDayDreamer said...

Haley - Well, it's not *in* Houston, exactly. It's really close, lol. the Mexican people will most likely come here, after San Antonino. I just won't go around kissing pigs, lol.

Kaley - Ok, that made me laugh. There are *actually* Fugu fish?!?! *gapes* lol.

Both of you - Have you guys seen the 3rd Charlie movie? It's HILARIOUS!!