Monday, June 29, 2009


one random thing. I've gotten used to whistling that's *not* the normal way? (like, my tongue is pressing my top teeth, instead of my bottom) I'm having trouble going back to the normal way. Lol, I just realized that when I wrote my title. Lol...random rabbit.

Well, I think I've told a lot of you. Or you've seen from one, or both statuses that I have actually been driving. In a car. Yes, a real car. Personally, (*quotes myself one more time*) I found it easier to learn how to drive than learning how to put in contacts. (And no, Ellie. It's not a 15 passenger van, lol.) I drove in our new car. Which I was extremely freaked out with a) driving in general. and b) wreaking our brand new car. Thankfully, a) turned out better than I thought and b) thankfully, didn't happen. I did kinda go off the road...when I went on the road. but, my dad helped my straighten it out...heh.

And no, I don't have my permit. I was just test driving it. Maybe there isn't a need for "it", but you just my wave.

I've also made a skirt! No, it's not knitted. Shocking, I know. How could I make something that's *not* knitted. *gasps all around*. But yeah, my mom is teaching me how to get really good at sewing this summer (one main thing that's amazingly awesome to know, and remember all your life.) First skirt: Mission Accomplished. Woooot. It's a yoke skirt, the fabric was adddddorable. Or, I guess, it *is* adorable. lol. It's all pastels, and it's striped...then got this single thread of tinsel looking stuff in the stripes. Joann's is awesome. (btw: Joann's is like a Hobby-Lobby, but much smaller, and mainly fabric, and stuff like that. No yarn. lol)

Almost done with the Diva Tunic. I think that's what it's called. Anyway, the one I posted pictures of last, that one, lol. I have just maybe 3/4ths of an inch left, then I do a three-needle bind off (in English, this means, that I'm binding off, while seaming at the same time. Sounds complicated yes. Is it really? No. The seaming when you do it this way, looks reaaaaaally nice. It also works best, when you're trying to avoid as much seaming as possible.) Then, I have the cowl neck. I think I spelled that wrong, when I was explaining it earlier. No E. Oh well. I still think that's the strangest name. Maybe there's some dark, secret meaning. I shall have to look that up...someday.

I FINALLY finished Dracula. Alas, the best character...he was Texan (yes, I am serious. He was from Texas.) From some place like El Paso. And. He died. It was so sad. But not sad enough to cry over...maybe if I hadn't stopped. I might have cried. But not this time. His name was Quincy. That is the first, actual human, that I have heard of who's name was Quincy. And was from Texas. The only other "Quincy" I've heard about is the lizard or whatever, from Fox Trot.

Ummmm. My 2 cousins and aunt came over today, for a swim. That was fun. (this, being Charlie, the Wiggle's Fan, lol (that was a long time, and Patrick. As in the Starfish.) Patrick, is one of the most amazingly adorable little kids I've ever seen. Unfortunately, he has no.....discipline...whatsoever. I watched him most of the time, and we imagined that the lemon he was sucking on was actually a pancake, and it had syrup and chocolate chips on it. Goooo figure.

Had a voice lesson today. I loooove it. I'm mostly working on classical stuff. So, non-English stuff, lol. Mostly Italian. Which, is...a lot different than singing in...English. Lol, the few songs I have in English, I love those the best, lol. I also have this jazzy piece, which is a nice twist, after have mostly all classical. Kate, my teacher, as started really liking jazzy stuff, and so she's having me do this song ("Dream a Little Dream of Me") for a warm up. Mesa love. Today, she suggested we work on the Celtic Woman's (relatively classical sounding) Over the Rainbow. Me, taking the melody. Kate, taking the middle part...(I don't think that would be the alto, since they're all soporano, but whatever) and then Grace Anne, the last part...which Kate said she's tell Grace Anne to practice, so we can try it out all together on Sunday. Which sounds like pure awesomeness. Something else I'd kinda like the try, would be like showtunes, I guess you'd call them. When I first started taking, I got to sing from the Phantom. I LOVED THAT. as you can imagine, lol. But, now it's more classical. Oh well, we'll have to save that for later, or something :-D

Ok, hopefully that's somewhat updated you on my life...or...bored you out of your mind because of my random ramblings. Oh well. Can't say I didn't warn you :-D


Thursday, June 25, 2009

I love yarn. Period

Went to the yarn store today...I needed a new project :-D. Besides the stuff I'm making for my Etsy, which is, btw, coming along nicely, I'm prob going to get things all set up soon :-D And hopefully, start making money :-D

Anyway. Got a new project. Needed to share. I love sharing, don't you?

The Random Thing You Should Always Remember For the Day ~
Sharing is Barney's #1 rule.

Now. Ok, little background before I charge into this. I went to the library, maybe a week ago, or something, and, being a knitter, I skimmed the teen hobby section for any interesting, modern, knitting books that looked like fun. I found one that's AMAZING. All the patterns were designed by a 16 year old girl, Phoenix Bess. They are super adorable, and super easy. So, anyway. More background details. I picked out this really big, baggy sweater thing from the book. (It was called the "Boyfriend Sweater". Igh. "The Baggy Sweater" would be just fine. *shakes head*) and, I picked out the yarn, super softness. After a very hard choice of what color...but before that came what kind of yarn. Even harder. Even smell came into the factor, lol. Yes, tis true. This yarn, Malabrigo, and Noro...smell AWESOME. *nerdy knitty moment* pardon me. So yeah. anyway. Choose the yarn, started winding it, since it was in a skein, when the lady who was working (Amy) was like..."Oh yeah, we have some more patterns of Phoenix's! They're super cute..lemme pull them out for you!" Actually, Amy has met Phoenix....which is amazing. She said she was just a normal teen. Don't you hate it when people you like, who are famous, become stupid, and arrogant? Anyway. So, she pulls out these patterns, I'm still winding, and my mom takes a look. She brings them over to me...and Amy is like "Yeah, Grace could prob do that in the same yarn as the Boyfriend Sweater!" I check out the pattern, and it's SOOOO adorable. So, I ditch the sweater, and go for another...something. Whatever it's called. It's called a tunic on the pattern, but I don't believe it. Well, when I think of a tunic, that's not what I think of, lol.

So, enough with my rambling, and I'll get on with the pictures :-).

The "Diva Tunic" The pattern also comes with instructions to do the "gauntlets" as Amy called them. In the pattern, they're called fingerless gloves, but whatever they're called, I decided no. I have alot of those things already, and I can make those easy, if I ever wanted to. So, yeah. that's what I started on. Started it at piano (lol) it's knit in the round, and I accidentally got it twisted...I have no idea how cause I checked it super carefully, but oh well. Ripped it out when I got home, started again at 4, took a break at 8 (here I am now) and got the ribbing at the bottom done (6") and 6" more of the plain knitting. All together, I need 20". Including the ribbing. Then, I split for the little cowel thing (why do they call those things...cowels? That's such a weird name...) So yeah.

And here's me yarn.

It's Plymouth Yarn - Baby Alpaca Grande. So, in other words...or in an English translation, lol.

It's from Plymouth. It's from a baby alpaca, so therefore it's super soft. And it's grande, which (is not a size of a Starbucks...*everyone dies laughing* I'm so funny...heee.) but it's a chunky. I love chunky. It knits up fast...I love that. Plus, you get to use huge needles...which people don't get to do often...unless they're using chunky, lol.

So yes. That's what I'm doing now.

And yeah. I like to listen to audio books while I knit. Or people reading aloud...or just listening to a movie. Yep. That would be me.

See, I'm trying to get back into the habit of posting...nearly every day. :-)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STARGIRL -- Part Duos

I listen to the summer symphony outside my window. Truthfully, it's not a symphony at all. There's no tune, no melody, only the same notes over and over. Chirps and tweets and trills and burples. It's as if the insect orchestra is forever tuning their instruments, forever waiting for the maestro to tap his baton and bring them to order. I, for one hope the maestro never comes. I love the musical mess of it.
~ Stargirl. From "Love, Stargirl." By: Jerry Spinelli.

Seriously. Is that not just...yeah? or like..

"I will sail into the future on mystery's wings"
~ Stargirl. From "Love, Stargirl." By: Jerry Spinelli.

"Color now on the end of bud. White tinged with pink. Feathered, layered, sleeping petals. A miniature swan about to be born..."
~ Same person, same book, same dude.
I would say it's inspiring, but I'm not sure *how* it's inspiring. It's not motivating. Is it...happy? Or, I dunno. It's indescribable. For me, anyway.

Lol, I feel like Anne Shirley when I read the part about the flower. "Just smell the blossoms, Marilla, drink them in!" Dunno how that was connected with that, but oh well. You get the idea.

Just the way the flower was described, I was just set my imagination on fire. Do you ever feel that when I read or see something that just clicks with you? "Ah, that's just PERFECT."

Jerry Spinelli, is pretty much brilliant in my book. That was one of the cutest, and most awesome books I've ever read (to add on to a pretty much endless list.) Stargirl. Just say it...doesn't it sound intriguing? She's so easy to connect with. And. yeah.

And. To add to my favorite movies. Is Ever After. I LOOOOOVE that movie. I want the girl's wings. They would be awesome for like ballet costume or, that would be sweet.

Also, to my favorite movies, along with Bleak House (Dickens. BBC) Is Little Dorrit. *bliss* If you love long, complicated, movies-where-you-don't-quite-understand-how-it-all-works-out-untill-you've-seen-it-5-times, British, Dickens movies. This is SO for you. Also, read the book first. Just as a suggestion. I understood it a little better...than I would have, if I didn't read it first.

So yes. Also. Two Pardon Me's. 1) Haven't written in awhile. and 2) the wacky and *does ears* Random Rabbit (lol) color changes. It was needed. Like I said, it's indescribable. Color...helps. Just a tad though :-D
This, is Stargirl. ^

I have an assignment for you peoples. Go people watch. It's so fun. You learn so much, and you feel...connected with the person you're watching. Just to quote Stargirl :-)

And. It's amazing how philosophical that got...suprisingness.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Knitting Quotes that Pretty Much Outline My Knitting Life

I've done this before...taking the page thingers from my mom's page-a-day Knitting calender...and posted them. Because they were a) inspiring. b)hilarious but true. or c) oh, the irony...this is so me.

Today, is even more special, seeing as I have *2*. I forgot to post one last...time...or whatever. It's dated June 3rd...but anyways.

June 3rd ~

"Purls of Wisdom" (*everyone gets the joke* hahahahahaha, lol.)
You know when you're out knitting in public somewhere, maybe the waiting room at the dentist, and the receptionist says, "Oh, wow, that's really beautiful, I wish I had the patience to do that," and then you have a little laugh to yourself, because it's the knitting that's making you patient rather than your patience making the knitting? Yeah, I thought you knew about that.

This was right around the time when I was starting on my ruffle...and I could have thrown the stupid thing out the window, and not cared if it got ran over...or worse. This is my scarf, btw, peoples who don't remember. Dory moments...we all have 'em.

Then today. This is SO EXTREMELY ME. pardon me for saying that a lot....but just wait. This is true.

June 15 ~

Ever knit lace and have a huge problem with a row and have to do it over and over and over again? The first time you've got stitches left over. The next time you run out of stitches before you run out of pattern. The time after that you have too many yarn overs, and the time after that you have the decreases all wrong and the whole thing is a mess. Then, finally, after ever so carefully working your way across the row with meticulous attention, diligently reciting the pattern to yourself as you go. "Knit four, knit two together, yarn over, knit two together, yarn over. Knit four...."you get to the end and it's perfect. And you sit there, just freakin' thrilled with yourself and feeling like a genius, and then it hits you: You are proud of yourself for counting to four successfully.

Thinking about it...most of you peoples wouldn't know this unless you've actually sat there with me knitting lace...which I don't like to knit something with a major pattern with people...cause I can't say the pattern out loud, lol.

But, I do do this. It's amazing how helpful talking to yourself can be, lol.

And so yeah...if you ever knit lace...which I'm betting not even half of you will, BUT just for future reference, lol. Say the pattern as you go. It's SO helpfull. I could have saved myself at least 2 hours of pure emo-ness. Yes, I was being emo. But hey, you'd be emo to if you were in my situation...but then thinking about it...most of you don't really care that much about knitting, so therefore it'd be nothing...or something of the sort..*rambles*

Um. Yep...I'm almost done with my scarf....I just have to do the picot bind off (too hard to explain, lol. you'll see pictres) then I'm DONE. Oh, and um...what's it called...I always forget this term...>.< BLOCK. HAHAH that's it. Wow, that was awesome, lol.

I have to go to the dentist on Tuesday >.< Oh well. I'll bring my knitting :-D

Grace }|{

Friday, June 12, 2009



I could say that I love the book....


But...that's just not like me, or I don't think that's how I should be anyway. I like to elaborate...but those who know me...already know some extent...right? If you don't...just talk to me, and get me started on some topic...that I know something about, lol. also helps if I know you rather well...cause I'd elaborate more, if I knew you better. Experiments are good. Speaking from experience, lol.

How'd I find/hear of it? Read Haley's blog...she got it from Kaley, and I read it, we happened to be going to Barns and Noble, I remembered that Haley said it was awesome, and I found a copy, and I walked out with my own copy.

I've seen this book everywhere in the teen section...I thought that was it was some weird teen almost every book in the teen section at B&N. I had no idea what it when I found it I was like "Heeeeeey, wait..."

But, if Kaley got it for Haley, and Haley said it was good...THEREFORE. it must be good!

But, good doesn't begin to discribe how good it was.

Stargirl, is just....adorable, loveable, majorly easy to connect with, and just plain...amazingly awesomeness.

If you haven't read it...and you think the name "Stargirl" sounds somewhat appealing (like, to me, as a girl, that sounds somewhat interesting. Maybe not for a guy, lol. But then READ IT. It's an easy read...took me a day, lol. It's a small book...and I like the font....*gets weird looks*

Uh, yeah. Actually, I take notice of the font of the book, lol. There are a lot of books that have nothing to do with each other, and they have the same font. But, that's not totally suprising, is it? But yeah...I find it interesting, lol.

Sooooo, yeah. Read it...if not...then listen to me ramble about how good it is....and if you don't want to do that...then're missing out, lol.


*ahem* excuse me, I just...needed to do that, lol. Latin class is the perfect place for jokes to be born, is it not? That'

OH *face palm* (I don't know if I'm doing that right...the *face palm* thing...I thought there was a slash...but you get the idea...hopefully, lol)



There is a group birthday party thinger this evening that myself, and my family are going to. All the summer birthday kids are joining together and having one huge Texas BBQ (notice the Texas part...that's super important...apparently, lol)/ Dance.

if you've been paying attention to my blog posts. You would know that I'm kinda bouncing off the walls. Not as much for a ball practice, or an actual ball...but it's pretty close. It's dancing, with friends, it's pretty much awesomeness.

So yeah...starts at 6:30. You peoples *points at whoever is reading this* Come! It'll be FUN.

DANCING IS ALWAYS FUN! Jo finds this debatable...but...maybe personal preference. Maybe not...but whatever :-D


Joey just said that was really corny..but I don't care, cause it does...dancing DOES rock my feet.

("That's really corny..")

"I wanna dance until my feet can't touch the ground!"
(that wasn't Jo...that was a song, lol)

And...connecting, somewhat with Latin class jokes...

Valete Omnes! ^.^

Grace }|{

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whatcha Knittin' On Now?

When I walk into a knitting store...especially the one my mom and are a part of...(not really *a part* of the store, but we're regular customers, lol) I am majorly tempted. Would you be if you saw your favorite yarn, with all these new colors...and you just happened to have a new pattern book that was made exactly for your favorite yarn that has just come out with all these fun new colors? Even though you KNOW that you already have 3 projects going on, and you're busy with other things as well.


Yes, I finished Veronique...I finished Clapotis. I'm more than half way done with Encore. But still. Hey, that's better than normal. I only have 1 other going on right now, lol. Anyway. So, like. I'm the kind of person who when they get a project...the MUST FINISH IT. AT ALL COSTS. No matter what...even if I die. That might be a bit drastic, but you get the idea. This, my friends, is a rare thing to find in a knitter. So now....uh....

I have no idea how I was going to tie that into what I'm currently working on. But, I guess...I'll just skip to the project, lol.

my Yarn. I'm not knitting this. This is a sock. Too easy. But I AM using sock yarn. This sock yarn. It's NORO. YAY!!!! My most favorietest of all time. Even though it might be harmful when it pokes me with various chips of wood that just randomly happen to be woven into the yarn. Yes, this is true. Haley is witness. I LOVE THE COLORS. It's so pretty knit up. In the picture, it's missing the awesome blue section. It's after the coral color...but it's like this dark navy, then brightens into this awesome aqua. You'll see it when I'm done.

The Pattern. Flit + Float Ok, that turned out really weird. Pardon my picture-inserting disabilities, but whatever. It does what it does. Anyway, it's lace. Lace is new for me...or, relatively anyway. I've done it before...kinda messed up, cause...I wasn't paying attention to the pattern. (Thankfully, it didn't really show, lol. It was Katie's Christmas presant.)

Ok. So, this is from the Wonderful Knitty. I can just browse there all day...and have a major urge to go to the knitting store, lol. (I saw an AWESOME pattern for these reaaaaaally super cool earrings...I'll have to try those soon.) And this, is called

Flit n' Float

Lol, I love font makes me feel special. lol.

Anyway. Ok. So, it starts out kinda weird...I thought. You do provisonal cast on (actually, they had me do something that was exactly like the provisonal cast on, but when I did it their way, it turned out funky. So I did provisonal, lol.) Meaning, if you forgot, you have open, live stitches waiting to be picked up and knitted. So, it starts out with that, then you knit the ruffle, and cast off with the picot bind off. The ruffle thing at the bottom. I had so much trouble with this stupid ruffle. -_-
I had many problems.
1) I did not look at the picture close enough to realize that it's in stockante (meaning, knit 1 round, purl 1 round. All Vs on one side, all bumps on the other.) So, I'm like going along, and thinking I'm messing up horribly. But, I WASN'T.

It's even worse with you do something *exactly* what something tells you to, but you think it's wrong, so you destroy what you've done and start over. Then, you find out that what you did in the first place was the right thing.

I. ripped. out. that. stupid. ruffle. 10+. times. *face palm*

Ok, so, then, I realized my problem. So, I'm knitting along, happy that I figured out what was wrong. Then, when I get to row 11...I see something in the pattern.

K7 [p13, p1 tbl]. That's not exactly it, but the main point is in bold.

*double face palm* I must have been not paying very much attention or something.

I had been knitting in the front and back (kfb, in knitting language, lol) that's an increase. Therefore, I had totally messed up what I had just spent the last hour on, just by inncreasing when I saw " [p1 tbl] ". So, since I had been doing that the whole time. Guess what? I had to rip[ back again ^.^

I cried.
Flit + Float
Stupid pattern, stupid me.

So yes. That's my story of the Flit n' Float scarf.

There are A-F charts for the lace pattern...and I just finished A last night. They're not too large...but D or something is 88 rows...not horrible, but not like 42 like the rest of them. I must go. Recitation calles :-D

Monday, June 1, 2009

Random Fact

Did anyone know that today Andy Griffith is 83?

I didn't know this either....

In fact, I had kinda forgotten about him. Lol.

Anyway. Today Hurricane Season!


Many people know this already...but I love to share things. It's Barney's #1 rule. People shouldn't disobey Barney. That's just wrong.

I started Dracula. Long story why exactly I started it. But I shall 'splain. (props to anyone who knows where that's from. "'splain". )

One of my friends from church, in fact, she might be reading this, I have no idea. Anyway. if she is, hi Bentleigh! If not...ahem. *continues*. The topic of conversation came up of Twilight at church a couple of weeks ago, and therefore when she got home, she created a note of discussion of Twilight. and a group called "Dracula Lovers and Twilight Haters" or something like that. I have been appointed the "Official-LOLer" I feel so special. I dunno why I joined, seeing as I hadn't read it yet...but I knew that I hated Twilight, so I guess that gives me a good reason, lol.

Soooo. The other part, I needed more books on my Summer Reading List. *stroke of brilliance* I'll add Dracula! Aaaha. I started it, loved it. Read it floating in the pool, wasn't too scared there. But THEN. I decided that I wanted to give myself a little scare...nothing really big, just...something.

I've found it's more fun to get scared about creepy things like that with *2 people* instead of just yourself.

The place where I freaked myself the most, and then decided to stop, was when this girl, Lucy, is sleep-walking, goes out to a dock, and sits on her favorite bench thing. Her friend runs after her, and from afar, she see's this tall, white, dead looking man standing over Lucy. She gets closer, calls to Lucy, attracts the attention of the tall, white, dead looking man. He looked over at her, with this bright red eyes, and bright, white, pointy-sharp teeth, he started like running toward the girl who was calling to Lucy, but then he either flew away, or fanished.

Yes, I'm 16. Yes, I know that's just a story. Yes, I should be able to survive with reading something like that at 11 at night.

But nooooo.

I haven't got so scared since I read a Nancy Drew, where there was this guy who was kinda the size of Joey, who was this super creepy insane dude who wandered everywhere. And when I took a break, Joey was hiding on my bottom bunk, and he scared me half to death cause I was going to plug in a light, and I had touched him.

So yes. I like getting scared in groups. Not just by myself.

If you found this somewhat amusing....try reading Dracula in the dark by yourself. But even if you did find this amusing, I don't care...I find it kinda funny myself. lol :-D

Must go. First singing lesson of the summer tis fact. an hour or something.

Also. Ballet recital today! Yayness!!