Monday, June 15, 2009

Knitting Quotes that Pretty Much Outline My Knitting Life

I've done this before...taking the page thingers from my mom's page-a-day Knitting calender...and posted them. Because they were a) inspiring. b)hilarious but true. or c) oh, the irony...this is so me.

Today, is even more special, seeing as I have *2*. I forgot to post one last...time...or whatever. It's dated June 3rd...but anyways.

June 3rd ~

"Purls of Wisdom" (*everyone gets the joke* hahahahahaha, lol.)
You know when you're out knitting in public somewhere, maybe the waiting room at the dentist, and the receptionist says, "Oh, wow, that's really beautiful, I wish I had the patience to do that," and then you have a little laugh to yourself, because it's the knitting that's making you patient rather than your patience making the knitting? Yeah, I thought you knew about that.

This was right around the time when I was starting on my ruffle...and I could have thrown the stupid thing out the window, and not cared if it got ran over...or worse. This is my scarf, btw, peoples who don't remember. Dory moments...we all have 'em.

Then today. This is SO EXTREMELY ME. pardon me for saying that a lot....but just wait. This is true.

June 15 ~

Ever knit lace and have a huge problem with a row and have to do it over and over and over again? The first time you've got stitches left over. The next time you run out of stitches before you run out of pattern. The time after that you have too many yarn overs, and the time after that you have the decreases all wrong and the whole thing is a mess. Then, finally, after ever so carefully working your way across the row with meticulous attention, diligently reciting the pattern to yourself as you go. "Knit four, knit two together, yarn over, knit two together, yarn over. Knit four...."you get to the end and it's perfect. And you sit there, just freakin' thrilled with yourself and feeling like a genius, and then it hits you: You are proud of yourself for counting to four successfully.

Thinking about it...most of you peoples wouldn't know this unless you've actually sat there with me knitting lace...which I don't like to knit something with a major pattern with people...cause I can't say the pattern out loud, lol.

But, I do do this. It's amazing how helpful talking to yourself can be, lol.

And so yeah...if you ever knit lace...which I'm betting not even half of you will, BUT just for future reference, lol. Say the pattern as you go. It's SO helpfull. I could have saved myself at least 2 hours of pure emo-ness. Yes, I was being emo. But hey, you'd be emo to if you were in my situation...but then thinking about it...most of you don't really care that much about knitting, so therefore it'd be nothing...or something of the sort..*rambles*

Um. Yep...I'm almost done with my scarf....I just have to do the picot bind off (too hard to explain, lol. you'll see pictres) then I'm DONE. Oh, and um...what's it called...I always forget this term...>.< BLOCK. HAHAH that's it. Wow, that was awesome, lol.

I have to go to the dentist on Tuesday >.< Oh well. I'll bring my knitting :-D

Grace }|{


Bre said...

lol! I love those quotes :D They're funny. And I'm glad you're almost done with the scarf...I can't wait to see pictures!!

Kaley Grace said...

That's awesome!!! LOL! Heart the quotes! :)

Oooo, I'm sorry! Dentist trips are no fun :(