Monday, June 29, 2009


one random thing. I've gotten used to whistling that's *not* the normal way? (like, my tongue is pressing my top teeth, instead of my bottom) I'm having trouble going back to the normal way. Lol, I just realized that when I wrote my title. Lol...random rabbit.

Well, I think I've told a lot of you. Or you've seen from one, or both statuses that I have actually been driving. In a car. Yes, a real car. Personally, (*quotes myself one more time*) I found it easier to learn how to drive than learning how to put in contacts. (And no, Ellie. It's not a 15 passenger van, lol.) I drove in our new car. Which I was extremely freaked out with a) driving in general. and b) wreaking our brand new car. Thankfully, a) turned out better than I thought and b) thankfully, didn't happen. I did kinda go off the road...when I went on the road. but, my dad helped my straighten it out...heh.

And no, I don't have my permit. I was just test driving it. Maybe there isn't a need for "it", but you just my wave.

I've also made a skirt! No, it's not knitted. Shocking, I know. How could I make something that's *not* knitted. *gasps all around*. But yeah, my mom is teaching me how to get really good at sewing this summer (one main thing that's amazingly awesome to know, and remember all your life.) First skirt: Mission Accomplished. Woooot. It's a yoke skirt, the fabric was adddddorable. Or, I guess, it *is* adorable. lol. It's all pastels, and it's striped...then got this single thread of tinsel looking stuff in the stripes. Joann's is awesome. (btw: Joann's is like a Hobby-Lobby, but much smaller, and mainly fabric, and stuff like that. No yarn. lol)

Almost done with the Diva Tunic. I think that's what it's called. Anyway, the one I posted pictures of last, that one, lol. I have just maybe 3/4ths of an inch left, then I do a three-needle bind off (in English, this means, that I'm binding off, while seaming at the same time. Sounds complicated yes. Is it really? No. The seaming when you do it this way, looks reaaaaaally nice. It also works best, when you're trying to avoid as much seaming as possible.) Then, I have the cowl neck. I think I spelled that wrong, when I was explaining it earlier. No E. Oh well. I still think that's the strangest name. Maybe there's some dark, secret meaning. I shall have to look that up...someday.

I FINALLY finished Dracula. Alas, the best character...he was Texan (yes, I am serious. He was from Texas.) From some place like El Paso. And. He died. It was so sad. But not sad enough to cry over...maybe if I hadn't stopped. I might have cried. But not this time. His name was Quincy. That is the first, actual human, that I have heard of who's name was Quincy. And was from Texas. The only other "Quincy" I've heard about is the lizard or whatever, from Fox Trot.

Ummmm. My 2 cousins and aunt came over today, for a swim. That was fun. (this, being Charlie, the Wiggle's Fan, lol (that was a long time, and Patrick. As in the Starfish.) Patrick, is one of the most amazingly adorable little kids I've ever seen. Unfortunately, he has no.....discipline...whatsoever. I watched him most of the time, and we imagined that the lemon he was sucking on was actually a pancake, and it had syrup and chocolate chips on it. Goooo figure.

Had a voice lesson today. I loooove it. I'm mostly working on classical stuff. So, non-English stuff, lol. Mostly Italian. Which, is...a lot different than singing in...English. Lol, the few songs I have in English, I love those the best, lol. I also have this jazzy piece, which is a nice twist, after have mostly all classical. Kate, my teacher, as started really liking jazzy stuff, and so she's having me do this song ("Dream a Little Dream of Me") for a warm up. Mesa love. Today, she suggested we work on the Celtic Woman's (relatively classical sounding) Over the Rainbow. Me, taking the melody. Kate, taking the middle part...(I don't think that would be the alto, since they're all soporano, but whatever) and then Grace Anne, the last part...which Kate said she's tell Grace Anne to practice, so we can try it out all together on Sunday. Which sounds like pure awesomeness. Something else I'd kinda like the try, would be like showtunes, I guess you'd call them. When I first started taking, I got to sing from the Phantom. I LOVED THAT. as you can imagine, lol. But, now it's more classical. Oh well, we'll have to save that for later, or something :-D

Ok, hopefully that's somewhat updated you on my life...or...bored you out of your mind because of my random ramblings. Oh well. Can't say I didn't warn you :-D



Bre said...

About the singing...could you recored yourself some time singing Phantom stuff and send it to me? You were going to send me Think of Me once...about a year

And...I get a lot of comments about my whistle. lol it's really funny actually, because I don't think it's that great :)

And then, about Quincy being from El Paso..that's where my cousin Brad and his wife Sol live :D

Ellie Degenhart said...

I like to whistle. Its fun :-D

lol, yeah my Dad told me that driving in a "small" (that would be a normal car to most people) is "too easy" so I'm learning on our 15 passenger van and our ford truck. It's still really fun. When people see that big of a car coming towards them, they move lol. I LOVE learning to drive. But I can't imagine how hard it is to put contacts in if learning do drive is easier then that. It alwasy seemed to me that it would be easy to put in contacts but I guess I was wrong lol

Bre said...

Oh, and another thing - I forgot to say, that...when EXACTLY do you plan on getting your permit, so you can drive anytime?

I think I may have persuaded my parents to let me get my license soon...*dies with excitement* BECAUSE I'm going to dual-enroll at the community college, and...*drumroll* possibly graduate high school a year early so I can throw myself into piano for another year/earn more college credits! YAHOOO! Which means that I will need my license, to drive myself to the community college. lol

And Ellie - it is impossibly difficult to put contacts in until you get the hang of it. For the first week I had them I couldn't do it myself (you pretty much have to get used to touching your eyeball without blinking and it's all great from there) so my mom would stand behind me with the contact on her finger and then just jab it in. *giggle* I got used to the touching prettttty quick all right. *nods* So, yes, compared to driving a's difficult, but then again, once you learn how, it's a lot easier :D

Ellie Degenhart said...

lol Yeah, it sounds like it would be hard Bre.

When I was little my brother and I would have contests of how many times we could touch our eyes with out blinking. Yeah, we were dumb kids ;). So, naturally, now I don't mind touching my eye at all. I guess something good did come out of my fearless childhood. It wasn't all broken bones!! lol ;)