Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pardon me for not...writing....at all.

Not even a little bit.


Um. It HAS crossed my mind several times....to write a post. But I either 1) had nothing to write about or 2) had something (small) to write about, but really didn't feel like writing.

*feels bad*



I've been kind of obsessed with Wicked lately. Like to the point where Joey can sing along. Meaning, I've been playing/singing that so much. Joey now knows it. Skilz. I did Popular....and something else, I forget...as in recording. And it like...really really stank. Sadly. Oh well. Maybe I'll try again sometime...when I have time, lol.

Don't you hate the feeling of a paper that's coming up...and you're like "Gaaah. It's too early to start working on it. But. I don't want to wait too long...." Then while you're working on it, unless it's going amazing (which is sometimes rare, but it's really nice when it happens), you're like "STUPID PAPER. I just want to get DONE WITH IT NOW." Then when you post it. That soooo important moment when you press the "Post Now!" button...and your hard work for the past whatever weeks, is gone. And it's going to be read. And then you look at it....to gaze fondly at your sweat and tears...on a screen. And see that the quotation marks failed. And no punctuation is there at all. And it's like. "grrrrrrrrr."

This is to say, I have a music history paper due on...March 12th, I think. I prob should start working on that..heh heh...

Ok. There's my blog post. Ish.

Oh, and I'm angry at the weather man. Since we watched the Olympics....(GAAAAAH. OK, the Olympics are a totally different post. Oooh my goodness) we saw a lot of commercials for our "Local 2 News!" which included the weather man. ("Get your news...at the speed of LIFE". Seriously. This was their motto....thingy. the news people, not the weather guy.) and on Sunday/Saturday. he was like "STORMS. BIG STORMS. COMING. LIKE SOON. " Not like that, but you know what I mean. And like. Sunday late....came. Nothing happened. It was windy. No rain. Monday morning came. No rain. Monday afternoon came....no clouds. Not a single one. Late Monday afternoon, the skies started getting really dark. I went out running before it started to rain. it started raining while I was running (*bliss*) it lasted maybe 15 minutes. And. That. was it. You can imagine how depressed I was.

Yeah, the weather man isn't my favorite person in the world right now...

1 comment:

Kaley Grace said...

Yaaay!! *is happy*

Wicked is pretty much the awesomest musical...along with Phantom of the Opera. They're just so much fun to sing!! laaaaaaa!

Ick, I hate that feeling with a paper...and I also hate it when you post it and look back and see punctuation mistakes, or something. :(

BAD weatherman! For shame!

I <3 you, Miss Grace!