Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whatcha Knittin' On Now?

When I walk into a knitting store...especially the one my mom and are a part of...(not really *a part* of the store, but we're regular customers, lol) I am majorly tempted. Would you be if you saw your favorite yarn, with all these new colors...and you just happened to have a new pattern book that was made exactly for your favorite yarn that has just come out with all these fun new colors? Even though you KNOW that you already have 3 projects going on, and you're busy with other things as well.


Yes, I finished Veronique...I finished Clapotis. I'm more than half way done with Encore. But still. Hey, that's better than normal. I only have 1 other going on right now, lol. Anyway. So, like. I'm the kind of person who when they get a project...the MUST FINISH IT. AT ALL COSTS. No matter what...even if I die. That might be a bit drastic, but you get the idea. This, my friends, is a rare thing to find in a knitter. So now....uh....

I have no idea how I was going to tie that into what I'm currently working on. But, I guess...I'll just skip to the project, lol.

my Yarn. I'm not knitting this. This is a sock. Too easy. But I AM using sock yarn. This sock yarn. It's NORO. YAY!!!! My most favorietest of all time. Even though it might be harmful when it pokes me with various chips of wood that just randomly happen to be woven into the yarn. Yes, this is true. Haley is witness. I LOVE THE COLORS. It's so pretty knit up. In the picture, it's missing the awesome blue section. It's after the coral color...but it's like this dark navy, then brightens into this awesome aqua. You'll see it when I'm done.

The Pattern. Flit + Float Ok, that turned out really weird. Pardon my picture-inserting disabilities, but whatever. It does what it does. Anyway, it's lace. Lace is new for me...or, relatively anyway. I've done it before...kinda messed up, cause...I wasn't paying attention to the pattern. (Thankfully, it didn't really show, lol. It was Katie's Christmas presant.)

Ok. So, this is from the Wonderful Knitty. I can just browse there all day...and have a major urge to go to the knitting store, lol. (I saw an AWESOME pattern for these reaaaaaally super cool earrings...I'll have to try those soon.) And this, is called

Flit n' Float

Lol, I love font makes me feel special. lol.

Anyway. Ok. So, it starts out kinda weird...I thought. You do provisonal cast on (actually, they had me do something that was exactly like the provisonal cast on, but when I did it their way, it turned out funky. So I did provisonal, lol.) Meaning, if you forgot, you have open, live stitches waiting to be picked up and knitted. So, it starts out with that, then you knit the ruffle, and cast off with the picot bind off. The ruffle thing at the bottom. I had so much trouble with this stupid ruffle. -_-
I had many problems.
1) I did not look at the picture close enough to realize that it's in stockante (meaning, knit 1 round, purl 1 round. All Vs on one side, all bumps on the other.) So, I'm like going along, and thinking I'm messing up horribly. But, I WASN'T.

It's even worse with you do something *exactly* what something tells you to, but you think it's wrong, so you destroy what you've done and start over. Then, you find out that what you did in the first place was the right thing.

I. ripped. out. that. stupid. ruffle. 10+. times. *face palm*

Ok, so, then, I realized my problem. So, I'm knitting along, happy that I figured out what was wrong. Then, when I get to row 11...I see something in the pattern.

K7 [p13, p1 tbl]. That's not exactly it, but the main point is in bold.

*double face palm* I must have been not paying very much attention or something.

I had been knitting in the front and back (kfb, in knitting language, lol) that's an increase. Therefore, I had totally messed up what I had just spent the last hour on, just by inncreasing when I saw " [p1 tbl] ". So, since I had been doing that the whole time. Guess what? I had to rip[ back again ^.^

I cried.
Flit + Float
Stupid pattern, stupid me.

So yes. That's my story of the Flit n' Float scarf.

There are A-F charts for the lace pattern...and I just finished A last night. They're not too large...but D or something is 88 rows...not horrible, but not like 42 like the rest of them. I must go. Recitation calles :-D


Kaley Grace said...

OOOo, LOVE the last picture!! The scarf is sooo pretty!! Man...that sounds very agravaating haha :)
Have you got to hang with Haley yet?

Bre said...

That is one cute scarf! Golly, I wish I could knit like

RainyDayDreamer said...

Thanks!! Lol, it was...extremely. 1000x. lol. Nope, not yet...:-(

Thanks! Lol, it's super easy...once you figure out the pattern...which took my awhile, lol. Me* Ugh.

Haleymay said...

Hey! I could seriously understand all of that! A year ago I so couldn't get the tbl thing, but now it seems like it's in all my patterns.

Weeeee shouuuuld goooo tooo the knittingggg storeeeeeee!!!

I need yarn. Like, majorly. Haha. Aaand, I want to see you! :)

I love all the pictures...the scarf looks awesome!