Thursday, June 25, 2009

I love yarn. Period

Went to the yarn store today...I needed a new project :-D. Besides the stuff I'm making for my Etsy, which is, btw, coming along nicely, I'm prob going to get things all set up soon :-D And hopefully, start making money :-D

Anyway. Got a new project. Needed to share. I love sharing, don't you?

The Random Thing You Should Always Remember For the Day ~
Sharing is Barney's #1 rule.

Now. Ok, little background before I charge into this. I went to the library, maybe a week ago, or something, and, being a knitter, I skimmed the teen hobby section for any interesting, modern, knitting books that looked like fun. I found one that's AMAZING. All the patterns were designed by a 16 year old girl, Phoenix Bess. They are super adorable, and super easy. So, anyway. More background details. I picked out this really big, baggy sweater thing from the book. (It was called the "Boyfriend Sweater". Igh. "The Baggy Sweater" would be just fine. *shakes head*) and, I picked out the yarn, super softness. After a very hard choice of what color...but before that came what kind of yarn. Even harder. Even smell came into the factor, lol. Yes, tis true. This yarn, Malabrigo, and Noro...smell AWESOME. *nerdy knitty moment* pardon me. So yeah. anyway. Choose the yarn, started winding it, since it was in a skein, when the lady who was working (Amy) was like..."Oh yeah, we have some more patterns of Phoenix's! They're super cute..lemme pull them out for you!" Actually, Amy has met Phoenix....which is amazing. She said she was just a normal teen. Don't you hate it when people you like, who are famous, become stupid, and arrogant? Anyway. So, she pulls out these patterns, I'm still winding, and my mom takes a look. She brings them over to me...and Amy is like "Yeah, Grace could prob do that in the same yarn as the Boyfriend Sweater!" I check out the pattern, and it's SOOOO adorable. So, I ditch the sweater, and go for another...something. Whatever it's called. It's called a tunic on the pattern, but I don't believe it. Well, when I think of a tunic, that's not what I think of, lol.

So, enough with my rambling, and I'll get on with the pictures :-).

The "Diva Tunic" The pattern also comes with instructions to do the "gauntlets" as Amy called them. In the pattern, they're called fingerless gloves, but whatever they're called, I decided no. I have alot of those things already, and I can make those easy, if I ever wanted to. So, yeah. that's what I started on. Started it at piano (lol) it's knit in the round, and I accidentally got it twisted...I have no idea how cause I checked it super carefully, but oh well. Ripped it out when I got home, started again at 4, took a break at 8 (here I am now) and got the ribbing at the bottom done (6") and 6" more of the plain knitting. All together, I need 20". Including the ribbing. Then, I split for the little cowel thing (why do they call those things...cowels? That's such a weird name...) So yeah.

And here's me yarn.

It's Plymouth Yarn - Baby Alpaca Grande. So, in other words...or in an English translation, lol.

It's from Plymouth. It's from a baby alpaca, so therefore it's super soft. And it's grande, which (is not a size of a Starbucks...*everyone dies laughing* I'm so funny...heee.) but it's a chunky. I love chunky. It knits up fast...I love that. Plus, you get to use huge needles...which people don't get to do often...unless they're using chunky, lol.

So yes. That's what I'm doing now.

And yeah. I like to listen to audio books while I knit. Or people reading aloud...or just listening to a movie. Yep. That would be me.

See, I'm trying to get back into the habit of posting...nearly every day. :-)


Bre said...

ooh! can't wait to see that's adorable!! Love the yarn too, btw :D

Kaley Grace said...

AW! That's SO SO cute!! Bet it will look adorable one you!! That's so cool about Phoenix (which is an awesome name haha)!! Lol, the boyfriend sweater :P I like baggy sweater a lot better :) :) I mean, come on, that's waaay more appealing :D

Ellie Degenhart said...

That's adorable!! Seriously. I love it!!

P.s I'm back to blogging now!!