Sunday, July 26, 2009

AAAAAAAH......Ahhhhhh.....ah. Heehee :-)

Many things. Many many thing (as well as "manty" as I just typed...)

I, um. Well. You all know that Grace Anne and Kate left last week...sadness all around, everyone kinda cried. In the girl section anyway, lol.
So, therefore. Again, as you all know I've been under Grace Anne's tutelage...(dunno if I spelled that right. But, that word ALWAYS, always always reminds me of the weird teacher in Anne of Green Gables...who likes, what's her name, Prissy Andrews? Cause he says "I think Miss Andrews is progressing wonderfully under my tutelage. *cheesy grin*". Go figure. Wow, another rabbit trail.) And so yeah, since she's gone. I'm now.... The St.David's Church Pianist. For forever. Until Grace Anne gets back...which I dunno when that is. But whatever. So, till then. I'll be playing. Every. Single. Sunday. Unless...I can't make it for some reason...(an example as been used that I get run over a truck...I found that SO funny. Hahahahaha! *sarcasm*) and so I have 2 girls who are my
Anyway, played today. It was nice. Or nicER than it was the first time I played for church by myself. And...yeah. Get paid, so that's awesome. At the end of each month...or that's what the money-person said.



I. Am. Like. BURSTING. With. More. Than Happiness?

Several reasons, but that's like...telling #3 in #2....which doesn't seem right.

Now, I shall continue with #2. Um,

KALEY IS COMING TO VISIT..........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

let's see...oh YAY. let's hope the font change didn't...change anything. Hahahaha, lol.

She's...getting here on....Tuesday. While...I'm at camp. ( much for concealing #3...) And yeah. She's at Haley's. And yeah...then...I get home...on the 30th. I do whatever...then we're...ALL TOGETHER. WHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's all I have to say. If you know me, I'm bouncing all over the place.

Camp is tomorrow! We leave at 10:00....supposed to get there at 9:30. And...yeah

MAJOR WOOTAGE!! It's called...Summer Sanctus. Holy Summer...I'm assuming, if my Latin is right.

There's, singing, 6 sessions with different speakers, lots of games (I heard Capture the the dark! My favvvvorite :-D), um, morning and evening prayers (in other words, lol, Matens and Vespers. )then, at the eeeeennnd. a. DANCE. *dies* *not with laughter, with excitement*

Hmmmmhm :-)

And now...I must be do something.



Kaley Grace said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww!! I feel so special!! My name was in red letters :) :) I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be like oldish times!! ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! ahhhhhh!!! :D :D :D

That's *awesome* that you're playing piano!! I'm sure you did wonderfully!!

Have sooooo much fun at camp, ok? And take tons of pictures :)

Ellie Degenhart said...

That's really neat that you're playing piano. Does your church have a real piano? Ours is like the keyboard thing....and the pedal keeps breaking. SO annoying. My brother who just left for NSA used to play for our Church. I just realized that I have no idea who will be playing now.

If our Church would pay people to do it like your Church does people would actually be fighting each other to get to play lol.
I know that I would be totally right in the middle of that

Ellie Degenhart said...

BTW I forgot to tell should post a picture of the skirt you made :D

Grace B. said...
