Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beg Pardon, beg pardon....

I finish the Diva Tunic...don't even post about it...get a new project...still don't post. And now...I only have the sleeves (which are hardly anything) to do..and then I'll be done. Oh, and the little fancy rim around the neckline and arm holes.

I am very bad.

I feel like Mr. Collins..."Oh, my dear madam! I'm so terribly sorry!" ....

Except in this case...it wouldn't really be "madam"...it'd be more like..."friends" or something.

So yes. Down there...is the new project. It is called....Satine. Goooo figure on the name. It's from my "French Girl Knits" book. Same book I got the Veronique...that pink thing I made...with the beads on the cast-off edge? I LOVE THIS BOOK. Though, some patterns are rather tricky to A) decipher what the person is trying to say, and B) the pattern itself.

I have been asked this at least twice. No, the arm thingers are *not* part of Satine. And No, I shant be making them. There, got that out of the way.


Noooow. For the Yarrrrrrn. This is the main color. (in knitting lingo, that would be MC. Meaning, *drum roll please* "Main Color" Brilliant.)

Then, the other color, that shall be the little scoopy things around the neckline and arm holes...Actually....*looks at picture* Scratch that. It's just around the neckline. This, is crochetted. Which...I have never done before. Learn something new every day :-D (In knitting lingo, this would be CC. Oooor. Can anyone guess? Contrasting Color.)

And that's it....

For now.



hopefully. Heeeeh.

1 comment:

Ellie Degenhart said...

Wow, I don't think I know anyone else who is as into knitting as you are.....well, besides my brother, that girl I know from swim lessons...oh, and that other girl from the sewing class.....oh and that guy who only had half a thumb....and that old neighbor of ours. But besides them, you the only one I know who's that in to knitting :P