Monday, July 13, 2009

*copies Bre*

Got this from Bre's blog...and yeah :-D I felt in need of a new blog post (which I was anyway...feeling or no was needed.) and these seemed an opportune moment.

Ok, so we'll start with the basics.
Food - Uuuhm....well....dude, I can't believe I forgot. OH. (face palm) Pizza. Dude. O.o.
TV Show that still runs today - Um. Well. Since we don't really watch a lot of's mostly movies...this is really dorky, but the Next Food Network Star? lol. It's true.
Movie - Ok. Seriously. Peoples who make these quiz thingers SHOULD NOT ask for ONLY ONE. That's just a silly question. People can't do that. Or, I can't anyway. It's...impossible.
Actor/Actress - Um. Actor...most of them are dead, um. Like, Gene Kelly, or Fred Astair. Oh, or Frank Sanatra. But, he wasn't the greatest dancer. Ooooh...wait. It's coming. Roger...oh, dung. I forgot his las name. Oh well. I tried. Actress...I KNOW. MILEY CYRUS. Just...btw? I want everyone to know that...if they didn't know already, and laughed when they read that? I was KIDDING. Yeah :-) lol. That...wasn't funny...hahaha. Lol, I have no idea about my favorite actress. OH. Claire Foy, she's sweet. And British too. (ok, that was really long...pardon my
Book - *see movie* I refuse to answer this question and shall just reply with the book I'm currently reading...which I'm really enjoying lol. Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers. Can't go wrong there.
Flower - Red roses with black
Song - *see movie and book* Uuuuhhhu....h. um. Oh, I know. I haven't listened to it a lot, but I Loooooove it. "O, America" by Celtic Woman (can't go wrong there either :-D)
Music Group/Singer - *see movie, book, and song* YOU PEOPLES. *sigh* Um. Josh Groban. Celtic Woman. Taylor Swift (no. No, and no. She's not country. She maybe in the country genre, but to me. Doesn't sound country.). Sara Watkins. NickleCreek. The list is endless...I told you.
Hobby - *see movie, book, song, and music group/singer* KNITTING. DANCING. Um. PIANO. Um. KNITTING. and chatting with friends. To be, that be a hobby. You peoples who create quiz thingers. You silly silly peoples.
Now we'll add some funky ones!
Old TV show: *see movie, book, song, music group/singer, and hobby* I'm thinking about refusing to answer. Seriously. That's half of what we watch...old tv shows..that we've gotten on DVDs. To list a few, no I'm not doing just one. All Creatures Great and Small (AHAHAHAHAHA. I REMEMBERED IT. In the actor?? Robert Harding!!! That's the DUDE. YAY! lol. He's in All Creatures Great and Small), Um. Jeeves and Wooster, Poirot, Miss Marple, My Three Sons, Twilight Zone, the list goes on and on.
Music Genre - *see.....all the crazy questions above* Mostly...celtic and pop. Yeah...then soundtracks, opera, classical...and yep. oh, and stuff like Josh Radin, that's...I dunno what that is. And the Weepies. They rock.
Dance - Pretty much every single dance there ever was ballet and contra. Pretty much. List a few...posties, Virigina Reel, Hunting the Fox, Faerie/Farry/Ferry Wheel, Spanish Waltz, The Gay Gordon, The Irish Waltz, Paddy Cake Polka, the Polka, Broomstick Waltz...then all the ballets.
Gum - Super Sugary Stuff, lol. Not all the time...though that stuff is good for bubbles. Um, either Sweet Mint, or Cinnamon
Symbol - a ball of yarn with 2 knitting needles sticking through it. Pointe shoes...any ballet move. But I have no idea...don't really think about my..uh...favorite symbol?
Word - Let's see if I can spell it...which I HIGHLY doubt I can. let's see....phyicadelic...Psychedelic. That's it. Ok. Anyway. It meaaaans. Neon...beyond neon...majorly colorful. Learned that from a friend...she walked up to me and said my shoes were....Psychedelic (copy and paste is such a wonderful thing, isn't it?)
Author -......-_-....I shall not choose. I refuse to choose.
Classical Composor - *see above* Um, yeah.
Vehicle - Segway People Mover. Word.
Candy - Hmmmm.... Gummy Bears....or..Gummy Worms. Either one. Oh, and Jelly Bellys,
Way to spend a rainy day - reading, knitting, listing to something and knitting, talking with friends, playing with a cat, drinking tea....yeah.
Now, for the least favorites.
Food - CHEESE. But you peoples already know that, lol.
TV Show that still runs today - no idea. Don't watch tv enough to know what's igh.
Movie - many many. *see annoying questions* TWILIGHT.
Actor/Actress - Orlando Bloom. And...Keira Knightly. >.<
Book - Twilight? Talk about waste of time.
Flower - Um. Poision Ivy? But that's not a flower. So, in that case. no. Who hates flowers?
Song - *see annoying questions* Um. that I think about it? I can't think of one. But that would be typical me. When pressed...can't think of what I need to think about.
Color - blank. Don't you hate no color? But then. There's no such thing as no color. So. No. Heh :-)
Music Group/Singer - Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus (now I'm being serious, lol), any rap group, annnnd...Brittany Spears. Never listened to any of her stuff, but yeah.
Hobby - *no comment*
Old TV Show - um, I dunno. I don't watch old tv shows that I don't answer is "Question Mark?"
Music Genre - rap, and screamo rock. and redundant Christan music.
Store - GNC! HA! No. It'd be nice...have a store called Gender, Number, Case...but alas. Doesn't exist. General Nutrition Center. That place stinks. Like, as in smell.
Dance - *ahem* excuse me? What kind of question is this?! I LOVE DANCE. Well, ok. Like, types? Hip-hop. Igh. and....modern. That's just...not good.
Gum - (Bertie has just arrived to help me finish this quiz. He says hello, and greetings to you all who are reading this). Don't care..gum is gum.
Symbol - I don't think about symbols...The Blue Screen of Death...that's a bad symbol, lol.
Word - know what, I like...dont' like? Is the word...Like. Like, ya know? It's WAY like...over used. Like totally.
Author - I have no idea..
Classical Composer - Um, aren't they all good? Yes. There is no bad classical composer.
Vehicle - My feet? But I like my feet. So, no.
Candy - those gross candy peanuts. That are orange? *gross*
Way to spend a rainy day - moping because it's, ditto Bre.
Now for the final question:
If you could be anyone else for a whole week besides yourself (whether it be from real life, a book, a movie, or whatever else), who would you be?
That's...a good question. Anne Shirley? I've always wanted to be her. For some reason. Stargirl would be awesome as well. *re reads the question* Ooooh, or "whatever else" I'd like to be...a star. No, a cloud. Wouldn't it be fun to like...hold all that rain...then drop it down on earth? See earth from above? But then...clouds aren't alive..and they don't have eyes. So that's fail. That's an interesting question though. I'm not really sure.

MY SUMMER IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN. I can't wait for 2 weeks. It's just not possible for me. All in favor of this statement say AYE.



Kaley Grace said...





That was great!! You are hilarious, dear :)


Ahhhh, 2 weeks seem like forever....but it's going to be SCHWEET!!! WOOOT!

Bre said...

lol! I feel so special, that I'm in the title :D