Thursday, July 16, 2009

When I was Young....

....writing stories and then reading them aloud after church was always the most favoritest thing to do. (Anyone from Ponca remember that? lol....the good ole' days...)

It was always special when someone got to read their story aloud...we'd always be in the toddler's Sunday school room, cause they had this huge table, that was a semi-circle, and a blip in the middle, so someone (bigger) older could sit there and be able to see everyone well. So, whoever was reading got to sit in that special big chair. While the rest of us were pretty much sitting there with our knees up to our armpits.

But, the only problem. We didn't know how to keep quiet while someone was reading...we'd either talk among ourselves, or have a constant commentary of the story. Or both. it was usually both, lol. So, the story was either A) never heard. B) started, but never finished, because she got caught up in some conversation about what size her skirt was (i.e. teacup, vase, plate. Lol, do you girls remember that?) or C) all of the above.

This...has nothing to do with what I'm going post. But, I needed SOMETHING else.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

Um, Ok, I like...have this name book...that's majorly old. Talk about like 80's. Seriously, the people on the front look TOTALLY 80's. Hair...clothes...the way they're get the idea. And, for some reason, I stored a couple of my little stories in there...that I had ripped out of some small notebooks (I loved small notebooks better than large, normal sized ones. I have no idea why...go figure.) And, I was flipping through that old name book one day. And came across a story...that I found. I have NO idea when I wrote this. But it was a looooooong time ago.

And, you might already know this, but I majorly stank at spelling when I was younger, and still kinda stink now. But whatever, lol. is my story. I'm not going to alter the adds major...effect. And...character to..the story.

Feel free to laugh heartly. I did...when I read it again.

*shuts up before it becomes too overly long*

Now, my story :-)

(There isn't any quotation marks either...but it's not so hard to tell if someone is talking or not, lol)

Is this plase not heavley?! asked angie to her twin sister Angle. is saposted to be. because we are angles!!! said angle. Oh right!!! I forgot!! Oh shure!!! Angel giggled. she knw that angie was trying to mack her giggle. Angle was sad because her pet clo(u)d had just died last night. Thank you angie. you are a great sister, a Twin sister infact. angle tuck angie's arm(e) and went to go swim in the cloud pool. Angie went to go get her swimming suite. and so did angle. They put their swim sutes on and went to the pool. This is going to be lots and lots of fun! said angie. I have not bein to the cloud pool in a loug Time. Well I have. said Angle. I went this morning while you were still asleep. Well it was good that I did not go swimming in the morning. I would have fanted because it would be so very cold! But hopely it will not be cold! Hopely it will be hot!! Well it was not cold when I got in this morning. in fact it was stort of hot. It was very nice. said Angle as she said that they came to the cloud pool. And there were their two best friends!!!! One was for Angle and her name was Clodiea (Not part of the story: No, I'm not kidding. Clodiea....Claudia, I'm pretty sure.). And the friend of angie. her name was Ariey. They went there seprtet ways to go and play with there friends. They waved good-bye to there best friends and went home. After a few hours.....

The end

I think my favorite word...was "hopely" That's actually pretty cute...if I say so myself.

And "there best friends" Clodiea, and Ariey. Claudia and maybe Airy. It might have been Ariel...cause I used to love that name.

Also, I liked how I never capitilzed Angie's name...but always Angle's. No, her name is not supposed to be "angle" it's "angel". Just so you have that straight.

And also the many many exclamation points. That's pretty funny...

I never finished any of my stories...(hence the cliff hanger...."After a few hours...." lol. VERY suspencefull.) But it would always be like....when we'd read them aloud, and not have the whole thing done...we'd be like...

"Next week, or sometime during the week, I'll finish the next chapter (or whatever) and so I can read it to you guys next week, OK!?!?!?!?"

We were very extcited writers...if you couldn't tell. (I'm still excited about life in general, maybe not writing, and shall always be) I have others...but I'm not sure where they are. But, if I find them...and think that they're not *TOO* embarrassing...I'll post them, lol.


PHANTOM. IT'S TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See. I told you. I'm excited :-)


Bre said...

omg, Grace, that is priceless ;) You need to hang onto that for your kids. It's hilarious!! *grub*

Now it's my turn to dig up some old stories I used to write. I wrote a LOT from ages 7-11. Mostly about a girl named "Elizabeth" *giggle* I had a whole series. lol

And...I can't wait til you get back from the Phantom, and we can talk about it together *grin*

Ellie Degenhart said...

That. Was. Awesome.

I laughed. A lot :)

Yeah, I've alwasy been horrible at spelling. I always found those people who are just naturally really good at spelling really annoying. lol

Haleymay said...

Man...those times seem so far away...and yet that was probably the best time of my childhood :). I LOVED those after-church-story-times! They were always so fun...and you're right. I don't remember a single time in which the story was ever finished ;).

Except one...I remember RIGHT before I got braces, you wrote one about a girl who was going to get braces...and she had to decide on her colors...and that's all I remember. But I KNOW it was finished. I remember the ending, haha.

Hopely we'll get to talk later! I love you!!