Monday, February 15, 2010

I am officially 17.

Well, I'm not quite sure if I am...*time* wise.

But *day* wise, I know I am.

Got to sleep late.

No math.

Had logic class with Mr. Wells.

All my online assignments are all ready for class this week.

All I have to music history.

So now I'll have time to do some Mandarin this afternoon!

And I get to open presents this evening.

And I love the Young Victoria soundtrack.


I'm almost done with a pair of socks....

Yes, another pair.

And I have ANOTHER ball that needs to be done after this pair.

I really want to make the USA Olympic beanie. Really really really.

I'm trying to refrain myself from eating whole bag of gummi bears in one morning. (which I got in the mail from Kaley :-P)


I have the most amazing friends.



Ok. I'm glad we agree.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Or, as many friends on Facebook have also cleverly said

Happy St. Chocolate day!

Or just plain Happy Chocolate Day!

Many people have also been emphasizing how...."single" they are. "Oh, LOOK. it's Single Persons Awareness Day!"

I find this annoying only because many many many many people on Facebook are doing that...

Me, on the other hand. Could care less. Eventually, I might care that I am single, but right now, just a day shy of 17, I am perfectly fine being completely and totally single.

I need to sum up what I think are the most about 10 minutes at the most. Let's see if I can do it. I really doubt I can, but at least I can say I tried.


With part of my iTunes money, I got the soundtrack (composed by Ilan Eshkeri. He, comes really really close to Jerry Goldsmith. They both tie for brilliance.). It is absolutely perfect for''d make AMAZING ballet or opera or whatever music. *sneeze* Excuse me. *sneeze* Ugh, excuse me. Must have been the run I just went out on...something in the air. But yes, a ballet would be ammmazing.

Anyway. If you haven't heard the music yet. Go listen to it, PLEASE.

2) I have an amazing family. A family that loves me so much. Even though I'm horribly insane. and much...more...weird things. End of story.

3) There's this tiger on the front of my Biology book, and it's STARING INTO MY SOUL. And really creeping me out.

4) in 7 hours. I will be 17. That is more than creepy. I was thinking about it earlier, and thought: "DUDE. In *2* years...I'll be *20*!! GAH!" Only later, that I realized that I did not do my simple math right. It was the weekend, what can I say. I'm turning 17, and can't figure out how many years left I have...before I'm 20.

5) IN *3* YEARS I'LL BE 20. That is SO SCARY. OOH MY GOODNESS. I feel so...old. Ish.

6) knitting and the Olympics seriously go hand-in-hand together. I loved that "Michael Phelp's moment" with Apolo Ohno and J.R. Celski last night. That was MAJOR epic. Seriously, major major epic.

More than 10 minutes. I think. I wasn't counting. lol. Were you counting?

Uh. And I thought there was something else I wanted to say.

Oh, we're having smoothies for dinner. I love those thingers

Old age can make you even more crazier that you were before. This is totally not a bad thing.


Bye! Lol.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Due to very heavy loads of school. And other various happy things in life, I have not been posting as often as I would like.

So. since I am limited for time right now. This is shall be short and sweet (*twitches because being "short and sweet" is immensely difficult for such a random and rambling blogger, such as myself* *twitch* *twitch*)

I have several statements I would like to....state. Brilliant. I shall not give a number, seeing as I'm only sure of one right at this moment, but when the time comes they shall pop into my head with a stroke of brilliance, a light bulb, and bingo. Ooooh yeah. That didn't make sense, but who cares...I've had a long day of school. And it's not really over yet. ish. Almost, I guess

1) Did you know my friends are awesome? Cause they're awesome. And I wanted you to know that.

2) I love to knit. My knitting life right now is absolutely fabulous right now.

3) I turn 17 in...7 days. Creepy.

4) I love the Anaheim Ballet people. I want to dance like they do. They are AMAZING. Their most recent video. Talk about major motivating/moving. Also, the picture with all the people around the girl, all of those people are dancers there. Like, oh my goodness, this brings tears.
(I just pasted in my Great Books study question. Major oops...heh heh.)

5) Esmerelda and Kitri are my favorite ballet variations right now. If I'm ever able to do that...(especially Esmerelda) my goal is complete. (but by then...hopefully....there'll be new goals to struggle through.) Go look those up. Those are uuuhamazing.

6) 3 students from the Ben Stevenson ballet academy (here in Houston, it's the school that feeds directly into Houston ballet company) went to the Prix de Lusanne. (I just found out about what it really is. I get the Houston ballet updates on my Facebook.) It's a huge compatition with ballet students, ages 15-18, from all over the world, who are not yet part of anything professional. But this opens everything up, if they win. One of our Houston ballet students. won. First place. Ooooh my goodness. talk about AWESOME!?!?! Yes. Yes yes yes. Very. He won like a full scholarship to any ballet academy that he wanted. His variation was more than amazing. I have no idea where it's from, but oooh my goodness. I've already posted one ballet video, so I won't overload you...

So yes.

7 statements


*edit* Recorded something this evening. Thought I needed to do that.

This is horrible ish. The first one, is yeah. Something that might be the problem is that it IS meant for a *guy* to sing. But, I like the song. So I tried. And I failed. Obviously. Anyway. *cringes* Ok, yes, this is bad. But I'll go ahead and post this one anyway. There'll be another one..

Hopefully it'll work. And so yeah. Now this one. Hopefully it'll be better than that one.

What choo think?

Comments, suggestions, amazement (unlikely), etc. whatever. Go ahead and comment.

(Oh, and if you hear any birds, the window was open. And if you hear any loud pops, that would be either my hips or my knees. Skilz.)