Saturday, May 30, 2009

Whatcha Knittin' On?

I just realized that the title prob shouldn't really be a question, since just myself, and Haley are huge knitters...or that's all that I know of...if there's anyone else, raise your hand, and make yourself known please, lol.

Anyway. I'll address the question to myself.

I've finished Clapotis (scroll down for pictures) and Veronique (scroll even further for pictures). In my life, if I don't have a knitting project going on, life is sad. Depressing. ....

Ok. I just searched "depression" to get more words for that...went to the dictionary site, after having to scroll through a page of actual "depression" sites. To find that there were more links to these sites on the dictionary site. That was useless...oh well.

Malabrigo - Snowbird. Is that goregous or WHAT?! I'm not doing the cable pattern, but that's a really cool pattern, lol.

I've been kinda on a Malabrigo obbsession lately...Clapotis was in Malabrigo, and now this...then I've been working on stuff for my Etsy (yes, that's still working...just not as steady as before) with Malabrigo. On my favorite list of yarns, Malabrigo would be 2nd. Noro is 1st :-D The woody one, lol.

Annnd...I just did Epic Fail on finding a picture of Encore, this shrug I'm making. For some WEIRD reason...there was not one picture I could find...that looked even remotely like the thing I'm making. Fail. Anyway, I'll maybe take a picture of the copy I have then post that, lol. Oh well. I'm just having problems with pictures today. Gmail isn't loading my chat picture either...*sigh* Oh well, life is lifey.

Now. You know what I'm knitting on. Except you don't know what it looks like. Oh well. Patience :-) Talking pianos are key here.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Phantom of the Opera

One of my favorite subjects. Now, I shall rant and rave about what I think about the movie version, and the Broadway with Sarah Brightman, and what's-his-name.

I shall do my least favorite first.

The Movie Version *shudder*


Michael Crawford! That's the dud's name! Hahaha. He's in the Broadway one...not the movie.

Anyway, back to the movie version. *shudder*

Starring Emmy Rossum and Gerard Butler. *shudder*

Whoever cast this...(btw, no offense to anyone here, but this is what I think) didn't do a very good job.
  1. Emmy was only 18, and hadn't really devloped her vibrato and highness. Kate (who taught my voice lessons, and will be doing again this summer) told me this. And, she sings through her nose. Not a very pleasant sound for singing...though I've done it too, you just have to train yourself not to.
  2. Gerard....*ick*. Seriously, this is supposed to be an opera. The Phantom is supposed to be someone who sounds like JOSH GROBAN PEOPLES. Pardon the caps. Not some dude who sings out of half his mouth, and burnt out his entire singing voice by being in some emo rock band in his youth. Yes, he looks the part...kinda, but that's not the point of the part. The point is SINGING. He has *one* part that he's flat, then (thankfully) slides up to this perfect note...and has this amazing vibrato. Now, if only he could do that the whole time, things would be perfect. If he could do that, he must have *really* ruined his voice. Then, his badness is 10000x when he's angry. *ick*
  3. Raoul. Can you say "girly"? Yeah, he's supposed to be kinda wimpy in the book, but not *that* wimpy. Plus, he can't sing either. Vibrato, wacked. He's like..somewhere between an alto and tenor, or something like that
Also, but this was rather expected. They runined the story. *sigh* Why must movie makers do this to awesome books? This is so depressing.

I just looked the book up on Wiki...and the genre is like..."Gothic Novel"? I guess...that kinda fits...maybe. Twas published in 1911, and at first was horrible at selling. For some reason. *shakes head* silly people who didn't like it.

Ok. NOW. The Broadway verison.

Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford. Who are these people? Sarah Brightman is married to Andrew Lloyd Webber. And Michael Crawford was in "Hello Dolly!". When I ask people if they've seen him, they're like. "Uuuuh, no? Who's he?" Actually, he's the guy in Wall-E who sings.

"Out There! There's a world outside of Yonkers! Out there! Full of SHINE and full of SPARKLE! Close your eyes and see it glisen, Barnaby! Listen, Barnaby!!"
"Put on your Sunday clothes when you fell down and out!"

Pardon my singing. I kinda do that sometimes...

When I first heard this. I cringed. His singing was horrible then. Thankfully, it got better....since he did the Phantom when he was older. BUT, his major problem?

Forcing his vibrato. Lol, it seems that all these people have problems with this. When he does this, he's making it sound like he's running waaay out of breath, and sometimes making himself go out of tune. But he's MUCH better than Gerard Butler, and it's the only other good version, so I guess what's what I'll take. The one note that Gerard has that's absolutely amazing, if you could just switch that, so it was Michael Crawford, instead of Gerard? It'd be perfect.

Sarah Brightman, is just amazing. Nothing wrong with her...that I can hear anyway.

My IDEAL Phantom?

Josh Groban - Phantom or Raoul. He looks more the part of Raoul, but hey. Looks aren't what we're going for here.

One of the guys from the High Kings, Brian Dunphy, (for people who know, he's one of the younger dudes, who's got major dark hair...) or Darren Holden - for whatever Josh Groban doesn't take, lol

And...Sarah Brightman is fine for me for Christine. She's pretty shweet.

The WORST Phantom?

Nick Jonas/Zac Efron - Raoul. Can you IMAGINE either one of them as that? Looks, it'd be majorly disturbing

Joe Jonas - (I'm so creative. lol. All I could think of that would be horrible)

Miley Cyrus - Christine. *cringes*

Now....I believe that was my rant of the day. Hope you enjoyed it. :-)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Works of Clapotis

Ok, the colors didn't turn out as bright as I'd like...but it makes sense cause I took them on my mom's iPhone. Oh well. So, anyway. It's these colors, but brighter. And more green. Yep. So yeah...

You knit knit knit...then do a thing that you're normally taught *not* to do...or try to avoid. Drop stitches. It was super fun, lol.

The largeness of it all. Now, it's bigger.
It mushed together...that way it looks like ribbing instead of dropped stitches.
And the Clapotis its self, and it's ball of yarn. Here, I hadn't un-raveled all the stitches yet, so that's that kinda...blank spot there.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Knitting - My life. My Passion.

PICTURE TIME!!!! Oooh yeah. Ok. :-)

COMING SOON: Pictures of Clapotis.

Personally, I love this picture. My mom took all these pictures... And yes, those are my skinny jeans. And no, I'm not emo.
Outside...hum de hum.
Out side...
Picot cast off, and beading from afar.
Beading, and picot cast off. It's just a fancy/lacy cast off that makes it look more lacy. And the beads...which you can't see very well. Annnnd, my awesome nail polish, lol.
This, is an example of "k3tog". In English, this means "knit 3 together". This gives it a like...pucker-y look or something.

I'm here!

Just...busy. Isn't everyone?

Um. The wonders of a cold have been ruling my life for the past couple of days. Thankfully, I'm finally starting to get over it. Having a cold + 8 hours of rehearsal/an actual lesson = major major tiredness. I'm assuming many of you peoples can relate. Not going to an 8 hour ballet rehearsal/lesson...Waaaaaait.....

Waaaaaaaaait. Did I say 8? I think I might mean four....ummmm...yeah, it was four. Soooorrry! I, heh, just woke up....good morning!

I just took a Facebook Quiz. "Which Disney/Pixar person blah blah blah" (are you most like, btw). Who'd I get??


I feel so special. She's my favvvvvvorite. Now. I was going to write a story...about something funny I saw. At the mall, or something. Oooh, there was one...and another one...and...I think that's it.

Ok. Now I shall relate...tell....uh...whatever...Settle down now! *a group of toddlers settle down all sticky, and with a cup of goldfish*

Let's see....

We went shopping for some shirts for my mom...on...Saturday. Went in, found some stuff, she went to try it on, I sat while she came out and modeled for me. Thankfully, I had my knitting. The great thing about socks, you can bring them anywhere! So, anyway. I was sitting there, knitting, waiting for my mom...when this other guy comes in wanting to try on this shirt. There wasn't any like person back in the fitting rooms to give people rooms when they come. So, this guy starts like, knocking on doors and opening them. None of the doors he knocked on...they...didn't say anything? No one said anything. So, he opened them. 2 of them had people in them. Lol. It was hilarious to watch...the 2nd one was kinda funny...he opened, a guy was like..."Dude!" and he was like.."sorry...uuuuh...whoops" and shut it. This guy also wanted to get away as fast as possible, so didn't shut the door all the way. These open if you don't shut them all the way, so it started opening again, lol. So the opening-doors guy came back and closed it again...not all the way. So he had to come back for a 3rd time to shut it. Lol.

2nd. At the parking lot at Wal-Mart. The Wal-Mart that we're near super duper creepy. We don't go there often, thankfully. But, it's the BEST place to go and watch people, lol. So mom and I were sitting in the car (just sitting in the car is awesome too. You don't even have to go inside! Major score, lol) and this young couple came by with this big load of stuff...but without a cart. They. Were lost. Lol. So, they had this bunch of stuff, and couldn't find their car...*is redundent* *wants to make things clear* *but ends up being redundent and not making things clear anyway* *epic fail* I feel so special. Anyway. So, then the girl is like "Brilliant!!" takes her keys, or his keys, I dunno. And lifts her arm all the way up in the air and starts clicking buttons. While she was doing this, and a car alarm was going off, this old man was walking in front of them very strange looks. Because also, the girl was very amused with herself. Go figure. I, would not be amused with pressing buttons and make a car alarm go off. This couple noticed the old man...they laughed, and said "Hi, lol, we lost our car". The old man hurried inside quickly. The couple were amused...surprised?

Anyway. I hope this was amusing.

OH! Quick, before I leave. I FINISHED MY VERIONQUE. For those of you who have not, or did not, see my Gmail status thinger. NOW. I shall go back to work on my Clatpotis...which I'm almost done with now...then..onto a new knitting project..which I already have the yarn and pattern for, lol.

Life is happy when your knitting life is succesful and victrious. This is a fact.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hum de Gum

Don't you hate it when you have a bad case of allergies...then it turns into a cold?

This is summmerrrr....alas, there shouldn't be any hints of colds during the summer. It's just not right.


Today I have a ballet rehearsal from 4 to 8. Yaaaaay! I'm not exactly sure what we'll be in dances. I think most of it will be acting with everyone. Then...I bet also the finale with the "Adult Class". Annnnd....perhaps the different dances. Ooooh, I know. I bet we'll go through the whole thing *with* the dances. About costumes, I dunno. It'd be sweet, but I doubt it.

This is just the first week of rehearsals. Next week shall also be included, but I'm not sure if it'll long? Or whatever. Something of the sort anyways.

My knitting life is slow. I knit those 10 1/2 inches on Veronique. Put it on waste yarn, seamed the the sides together. What's left? Now, I have to pick up the stuff from the waste yarn, and the provisonal cast on on SIZE 10 and 1/2! >.<.

If you don't understand why exactly this would be annoying? Think about it.

It was knit on SIZE 8s. So, the little stitches, and their loop-y thingers are going to be big enough for size 8s but that's it...or lower than 8, but not higher. You guys know this.

So, now imagine trying to cram on stitches that can only fit a size 8 onto a size 10 and 1/2 needle. It's torture.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Respighi - the people at the symphony.

Usually....normal people (not like me) go to a symphony to listen to the music.


I on the other hand. I not only listen to the music, I take the WONDERFUL opportunity to watch and listen to peoples. This. Is my hobby. Besides knitting. Yes.

The lady I was sitting next to...She brought a book to read while waiting. I don't know what the book was, I failed at trying to find out...oh well. She also sneaked in a bar of chocolate. And had her purse, that was holding the chocolate, next to her (and me, in the seat between us) and she kept picking off little squares.

As an example about the millions and MILLIONS of ethnic groups in Houston, here is an example (I believe...I was just redundant. But. Who cares. ) When you're in the restrooms...and someone motions as if asking if you were in line, you answer no, and they still motion. Obviously, they don't speak English. So you...kinda have to motion and nod...or whatever...hoping they'll understand to some extent, that no, you're just waiting for your mom/sister/friend. Or whatever. Pretty much that. Also, when you're walking around the mall or some big, open public place, there are only 3 people around you that are speaking English.

The family sitting in front of us, were pretty funny. The reason for their funniness, was the family in front of *them*. I shall explain. The weird family, 2 rows away from us. (meaning, if you didn't get it, the family who was in front of the people who were in front of us. *gets confused*) They. were weird. Very weird. The dad looked like some hippy-surfer dude. The mom...was like covered in jewels and had this ginormous platform shoes on, the kids...? Creeeepy. The boy had a popular haircut. The girl...was weird. That's all I have to say. Anyway. So, like...the boy, was sitting in front of the girl, that I was sitting behind of. Confusing? Yeah. Anyway, so like...he kept on stretching his arms back. Remember, this girl is sitting behind him, who's sitting in front of me. So, he was like...majorly stretching, and stratching the back of his head....a lot...and stretching again. Then, he decided to sit, with his hands folded on the back of his head. Therefore, his elbow would be like...jabbing into this girl's knee. Who was sitting in front of me. This girl, got the giggles. Majorly. Her mom got the giggles, and her brother got the giggles. So, all these people have the giggles...trying not to make too much noise. I could tell they were laughing cause they were like...bouncing up and down. lol. But, the mom and brother calmed down. But the girl didn' she kept on bouncing...which I found really funny. I didn't laugh though...I just noticed that my ball of yarn had fallen on the ground. Yes, I did knit during this symphony. People who decided that they should keep the lights just a little dim during the programs are awesome. They must have known that people would be knitting, lol. That sounded stupid.

So yes. The guest violinist for the Houston Symphony...was like...beyondly amazing. The guy was only like 20 or something.

Peoples. Joey REALLY needs attention. He's not...leaving me ALONE. so therefore. Go to his blog, and comment. Maybe he'll stop bugging me if you do.

Anyway. This dude. He like had MAJOR vibrato...which, I think, is super hard on the violin, for people who don't know how to get it just right...I had major trouble with it. Along with chords, but that's a different matter. Anyway. He did it ALL over the place...he had the WHOLE THING memorized. Any kind of vibrato + G string = major major MAJOR hardness. The G string, is super duper thick. Cause...brilliantness, it's the lowest string on the violin. He did it...sliding...up the G string (up all the strings, anyway) realllly hard. He did all this amazing fingering on the E string (the highest, and therefore the smallest...but the smallest thing doesn't really mean anything) And did vibrato, as high as you can go on the finger board...on the E. So, it's this incredibly high note...that's just amazing. How in the world can that....make that high of a note? And it' beautiful!

Tomorrow....starts the last week of school. All. Of math. And a little bit of writing. After that. No more math. No more school. No more...yeah. Schoolness...though we're doing some stuff...but it's easy-peasy.

Quote of the Day ~

One loyal friend is worth ten-thousand relatives.
~ Euripides

Grace }|{

P.S. HAHAHAHA I figured out how to do the bolded, italics, stuff. Write it. THEN change it. Don't change it THEN write it. That ends up in disaster.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Joys of Staying up Late

I get to stay up late. Tis Friday. Not past 1. Tomorrow...piano recital. The knitting store(for my Clapotis yarn!!!! Wheeeee!!) And. Yeah. Right now I'm pondering what to do. I prob should either knit. Or read. If I knit...I listen to Eldest. If I read...I listen to nothing. Hm. Too hard to choose.

Latin is over. Great Books is over. Greek is over. Writing is over. Math is...almost over. Next week...we use to actually finish up subjects. The last week in May, we use to clean up the schoolroom..file everything away...put everything away...and...yeah. Pretty much bask in the wonderfulness of no school. But saying we're doing school...while basking. It's complicated.

So yeah. Um. I figured out the next step in my little Veronique....Pretty sweet. I had to do the provisional cast on for pretty much everything. And I had to figure out how to get it all connected. Thankfully, I got it...with time, lol. So now, with that all figured out, all I need to do now is knit 10 1/2 inches...again, lol. But I need to hurry with that, cause I had to put my Clapotis on waste yarn, cause my Veronique needed size 8s...which I was using for my yeah. I say that a lot. So yeah...yeah.

What to write about? *goes blank* I remember I had a I can't find it. Which is extremely stinky. Alas. Heu. uh....alas. Yeah.

I can sit at my desk and look at my Wheelocks...and laugh. That sounded weird. Like...laughing like...ha I don't have to bring you to ballet on Tuesday cause I'm DONE with you and your many evil translations of Virgil. Note: I don't *hate* Virgil...he's just not my favorite. I don't have to open you up, sitting waiting for my class to start, with the mothers staring over my shoulder, wondering what in the world am I doing. But I'll most likely have to open it again...sometime during the summer. To review paradimes....and vocab. It'll be good for me, but it won't be my favorite. Oh well. Life is lifey.

I better go now. I want to...either read. or knit. Haven't decided which yet :-D

Bertie's my little baby-angel-boy!!!! Ooooh yes he is!!!!. *gets the kitty-kittys*


Friday, May 15, 2009

One of the many things that is my life.

I shall no longer try and fiddle with the fonts. Alas, no more bright colors. Unless it's *just* the colors...not how big it is...or if it's bolded. That's a problem. Ok, I just typed that looking in some weird direction, and it came out troklem. My new word. This is how my new words are born. Now you know. Feel honored.

My mom has this page-a-day knitting calender (I do too, but mine are patterns. Hers are like...insights, and tips and stuff) This was today's. I LOVE IT. It's life.

"Knitting folklore says that if you knit a strand of your hair into your work, you will be forever bound to the person who receives that work. In my life, this means that a lot of people are forever bound to my cat."

Is that not me, or WHAT?! So, if any of you peoples ever receive something'll most likely receive part of Bertie as well. If it's orange, it's Bertie. I loved that. and I HAD to share. The temptation was too great.

Call me obsessed. Don't care :-) I know I am.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

*continues on in life*

Major Happiness. This MUST BE RED. It just HAS TO. If you want to, you can shield your eyes. But this must be said.


now let's see if I can get the font back to normal, lol.
hmmm...There we go.

So yes.
There. MUCH better. I can't live life with everything italicized.

One more math lesson. Then a few tests. One Latin test on Friday, shouldn't be too hard (I hope). Writing...just one more day needed on my GB paper (woot!!) Um, Greek is finished! Ummm...annnnd, that's it! Dude, it's such a nice feeling when you can count what's left on...close to one hand! lol. *counts* Dude, I *can* count that on one hand! Yay, I'm so brilliant :-D

Knitting for Etsy -- Working on it. My mom said I could open things up once I have at least 5 projects that I can sell. So far....maybe...3 or 4? 3 need a little work, 4 needs to be finished, and 5 needs to be started, lol. My mom also said I could use those socks that I'll be knitting for that contest and sell them (that sentence made no sense...uuuuh. Maybe it did...anyway, you peoples know what I'm talking about....right?) The only problem witht that? The socks I make have to be *huge* (compared to the socks I usually make) Lemme start at the beginning...

My Sock History ~

It was very tragic at first. First sock class...things are awesome. Come home, I'm knitting the foot part. I get impatient (at the time, I had no talking piano to console me. ). I decide to ignore what the pattern says, by knitting to the 9 inches I need that will actually fit my foot. I decide that when I put it on and see how much I need left is a good measuring trick. *smacks head*. Note to any knitter: Even though you might be angry and annoyed with the pattern? Grit your teeth and bear it. It'll be totally worth it in the end. Anyway, those socks? Turned out HORRIBLY. The foot part, as you can imagine, was WAY too short. Since I knit like only 6 inches (from the heel, btw. Lol, my whole foot isn't just 6 inches long) The pattern was weird like that. But yeah. So. Horrible Pair of Socks #1. The pattern I used, I used for like forever after that, until maybe 5 months ago. EVERY SINGLE SOCK I KNIT. Turned out HUGE. GINORMOUS. AGGRAVATING. This is a need to caps. Extremely. Lemme put it this way...

Imagine yourself. Just knit a pair of socks. The yarn is ADORABLE. You love it. You finally finish those 9 inches, plus the toe. cast off...pull it tight. Put them find that your feet are swimming in them. They're even big on your brother....who's feet are growing and huge. *double smacks head* Eeeevil pattern. feet are like...abnormal? They're different from everyone elses. People who have seen my know what I'm talking about. I'm an elf :-) Tiny feet. Narrow feet. Yeah. Soooo, my mom gets an idea. When we first got all our sock stuff, my mom got this book for *customized* socks. BRILLIANT. So, the other sock pattern? Had me casting on *64*!! Dude, that could fit around my arm. Now, I'm casting on 40, and following this pattern that's nice. So, hence the smallness? It's a fast knit. Especially when you're making half/ankle socks.

Now, my current problem? I can't follow *my* pattern for my socks, (though I'd like to, cause it's fast, lol) If I'm going to sell these socks to someone who lives Arizona, or something, no matter what, these socks have to bigger than my normal ones. Look at the normal weirdo American. They're feet and legs aren't the most thinnest things in the world, are they? lol. When my mom told me this, (not like that, but the same idea) it made me laugh. But yeah.

Soooo...what was my point?

I forgot ^_^

Um. Yeah.

Also. More things coming up in the life of me. Piano recital this Saturday. Me in the program? Numero Uno! Jooooy! But it's also a good thing, cause I don't have to worry about it through the whole thing like last time. Last time, I was 2nd to last, lol.

and...June 1st...however many weeks that is away, tis me ballet recital. Got my solo memorized, now working on the fine-tuning, on pointe, in costume, acting, memorizing peoples know what I'm tlaking about.

Off to finish that Great Books Paper! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! Lol.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

*is extremely joyful*

Life is happy when you're optimistic. Extremely. So, it's really funny in Latin class, when someone chooses "Death" or something of the sort in pictonary...and we all come up with at least 10+ different synonyms for "death". Mr. Wells thought this was funny, lol.

SCHOOL. IS. ALMOST. DONE. YESSSSSSSS. I survived. That's a big wow. Life is kinda weird feeling when you don't have to read Aristotle...or Homer...of Thucydides.

One plus of taking Great Books?
You learn how to spell all the weird names of the people like the back of your hand. was kinda like..."Thusy...Thucydes...uuuh...I give up" Kinda that, yeah.

We end May, the 29th. Sorry, that HAD to be special looking, lol. When do you end?

What is ETSY???? Here. Just go there, lol. It's like a huge Amazon of handmade stuff, where people can sell all their crafty stuff. Jeff and Laurie were over here for mother's day (you peoples remember, right? see earilier posts) Annnd, they were like..."Here, there's this site, where you can sell handmade stuff!" While this was going on, I was knitting. I Love knitting...remember? Selling handmade stuff, like knitting? Plus me? Get the idea? If you didn' I'd sell my stuff that I make on there!! I've been scouring it to see what all the knitting stuff is's sooo awesome. All the easy stuff is super popular (beanies, legwarmers, neckwarmers, scarves, fingerless gloves, you name it) Jo's going to make me a little banner or something, after I decied my name (Thanks Jo!!) take pictures of the stuff I have so far (which isn't much...short fingerless gloves...and I'm working on a pull-through scarf) post them, and get things going.

PEOPLES I NEED YOUR HELP. *points at you, whoever might be reading this right now*

You have a job :-)

1) I need help deciding on a *name* for my "store" type thing. I thought I'd use my old-time username...Little Minky. But I'm totally open for ideas! So, comment with ideas!!!!! Please :-D

and 2) Once I set everything up? TELL YOUR FRIENDS. TELL YOUR FAMILY. TELL....not *everyone* (meaning like some weird emo looking dude you see at the mall. That'd be bad.) but you know what I mean. My Mom thought I should advertise everything on here. And on Facebook (oh, the joy of notes!). And, maybe other places.

Anyway. All in favor say AYE. But, this vote doesn't really matter...cause I"m doing it anyway. Seemed like a good ender thing for that rant.

Little Dorrit is awesome. It's sweeeet. a good way, lol.


My nose is peeling. Joy.



Sunday, May 10, 2009

Quote of the Day...

I wear black. So I look lighter. Right? Yeah...
Luther Crank ~ Christmas with the Cranks

Yep. That's me. Pretty much. Also, wearing red makes me look *less* red. Which is good.

The Beatles and Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is my best friend. My hands shall be foreverly sticky. Joy. 

For Mother's Day, my mom wanted some Beatles music she could bike to. So, my dad went to this Russian site where we can get the music really cheap, and got all these old songs. I burnt them on a cd. Now. I'm sitting next to our cd player thingy in our living room...listening to the Beatles. sounds kinda...soothing. Call me weird, but it's true. Lol. The music has really weird twists to, there's one song where it's got this weird noise that reminds me of the super old Super Mario World, for the Nintendo 64.  

Jeff and Laurie are here. Eating lunch. I'm sitting here, feeling really sleepy. Katie's...napping, lol. Mom and Dad are talking to J&L while they eat. The Beatles playing in the background. 

One super fun thing about the weekend. Katie, usually likes to just lay in the sun..not really get in the pool. THIS TIME. She got in. Swam. Played games (Marco Polo, and catch) and raced. It was like...going back to childhood. It's evil, when people get too old, when they think that doing things they did when they were kids, that that's stupid, and there's no way they'll be caught dead doing that again. I'm glad Katie isn't like that. Oh, we also did Weeki-Washi Mermaid. 

Weeki-Washi Mermaid: When I was little, Katie would pick me up, and I'd do these crazy movements and positions while she walked around. 

This time...doing Weeki-Washi Mermaid wasn't as easy as it was when I was 7, lol. Katie said I was heavy after 10 minutes of holding me. Racing was total fun. Katie and Jeff used to be really big on a swim team, before and a little after I was born. So, I like grew up with swimming. Swimming laps, flip turns, you get the idea. Anyway, so like, when we built the pool, my dad wanted it so it'd be long enough so he could do laps in it if he wanted to. After that, I started swimming laps, and really enjoying it. Lol, but I don't want to join as swim team...ballet and biking is enough for me. So, then. My dad teaches me some stuff, we race a lot, I get better. Then, Katie comes, and I get to race her :-D Little does she know :-D. She didn't know that I like to swim Marco Polo is also suuuuper fun. Another thing, like Weeki-Washi Mermaid.  Do it as a kid, have a huge-o break, one day do it again with siblings, I feel like I'm 10 again. Ok, that sounded weird. Like...I'm super old, and I'm reminiscing my childhood. Creepy. Anyway. We played this a lot when we were in Ponca. My dad joined in. And yeah. It was a lot of fun swimming with Katie again. I hope we can do it again next time. But anyway. Siblings are awesome. Nothing better than them. 

So, Katie and I got reallllly badly sun tanned. Right now, it's a sun burn, but it'll (hopefully, in my case) fade to a tan, lol. So, the day we got it, we were going out to eat with my extended family for various birthday dinners. (For Katie -June 2nd- and my uncle -May 4th-) After that, we had to run to the HEB (meaning, grocery stores for people who don't know) and other places to get stuff before we went home. There were a couple of guys who were around Katie's age, who like commented on how we had gotten a LOT of sun. One guy, was super creepy. He checked us out at the HEB. He had really long hair. He had really bad teeth. And his name was John. Creeeeeeeepy. Also, cause he kept talking about it. Like, how he couldn't go outside cause "he burns really easily"

I better go...maybe more later. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

*waddles everywhere*

Uh. I'm Fried. Seriously. There shall be pictures. I Hope. There. Shall be proof. I. Love. Every short. Sentences. Yes? Yes. Annoying? Maybe. I'll stop.

Ok, I'm waddling around, cause. My legs..are hurts to bend them. Hey, you. Could you pass the aloe vera? I'm in dire need here. My back? Same thing. Except, weird thing...all of it's this dark redish brownish thing, execpt this one white strip, that's either where I was not showing anything, cause I was laying on my back, and my arms were like...on either side of the raft thinger. So, yeah. My back like weird. Lol.

My face? Miss. Racoon eyes. Katie's even worse though. She's like...Miss. Extreme Racoon Eyes.

Anyway. There's more. The weekend has been PACKED full of funny stories. So. Yeah. Once things quiet down, and katie leaves. THEN I'll start writing. My fingers shall become a bluuuur. Lol.

G'night! *waddles off in major pain just by moving her shoulders* Ooooow. o.O

Friday, May 8, 2009

Edit: More books added on!

Whenever you're in need of books to read? Go to fathers. Lol, my dad like pulled all these books out for me.

This is what came up

  1. The Divine Comedy - Dante (never read Dante before...ought to be interesting.)
  2. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
  3. The Tolkien Reader - J. R. R Tolkien. (my dad didn't pull this out, but, I also added the Simlmarillion, so I was thinking, hey, just go all Tolkien stuff, lol. Haven't done that in awhile)
  4. Sherlock Holmes - A. C. Doyle (*shields self from the chance of an attack of Holmesian people. * No, I have never read it...before the summer. Nope. *covers head* don't hurt me, lol)
  5. Lorna Doone - R.D. Blackmore. (Nope, never read this one either. Heard a ton about it though.)
  6. The Collected Poems - Emily Dickinson.
But still, I'm always open for books, so...go ahead and recommend them anyway :-D

Book List.

People who have not read the post before this one. They shall have no idea what I'm talking about. SO. Peoples go read that one first.

Here's my list for people who have/will ask.

  1. 1- Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens
  2. 2 - Fellowship of the Ring (my mom said I could re-read them :-D) - everyone knows this, lol.
  3. 3 - Two Towers
  4. Return of the King
  5. North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell
  6. Tess of the Dubervilles - ? (half way through this already. Just need to finish it.)
  7. Daniel Deronda - George Elliot
  8. Les Miserables - victor Hugo
  9. Miss Bishop - Bess Streeter Aldrich
  10. My Antonia - Willa Cather...? (question marks due to me not being able to read my handwriting, lol)
  11. Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Edgar Allen Poe (lol, that conversation about him made me want to read his stuff. But...I won't read it at night, lol)
  12. Unnatural Death - Dorothy Sayers (who can go wrong with her??)
  13. Gaudy Night - Dorothy Sayers (I started....hard to get into...stopped, lol. Shall preserver this time!)
  14. The Girl of the Limberlost - Gene S?elton Porter
  15. The Hobbit - J.R. R. Tolkien
  16. Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott
  17. The Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
  18. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens

And, I'd also appreciate, if you've read the book. Whatcha think?

Grace }|{

Quote of the Day ~

You're never safe from surprise till you're dead.
~ Mrs. Rachel Lynde

This. Is a very big quote in my family. We use it a ton. It's best used with a Southern Accent. Preferably Texan. Enjoy, lol.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

One of my MOST FUNNY memories/stories...whatever..

Ok. So, I bet. That, almost ALL my readers...which is a very shocking 7...or 7 followers anyway, have heard this story. I LOVE this story. Every time I think about it? I ALWAYS die. Laughing, of course.

Ok....setting stage.

We're at either the Costco, or Sam's. Forgotted which. Anyway, so we're checking out...and Joey and I are helping load stuff. In the checkout next to us, there are these 2 girls. One's about, maybe 10 or 11, and the other maybe 8 or something.

10/11 girl - We shall call her Susan.
8/? - Betty.

I am so creative. *sigh* Uh, so yeah. What follows is their dialog, which I'm so happy I got to hear this. *dies*

Betty - SO! Who's your FAVORITE Jonas Brothers!?!?!?! *wiggles*
Susan - *puts on lip gloss*
Betty - Well...*pause* ok...hard choice. Who's your favorite *TWO* Jonas Brothers???!?!
Susan - *still applying lip gloss* *pause* Nick and Jo. Totally.
Betty - *realizes she's been acting stupid, and suddenly refines herself* Yeah. Me too.

(Now, for the best part.)

Betty - Kevin is sooo creepy. He's got...huge sideburns...and...he looks like ELVIS.
Grace - *tries not to make enough noise to attract attention from these little Jonas Brothers obsessed girls* *ends up dying anyway*

And that, tis my story. *bows* So lol.

Major exciting newsflash!!!!

1) Katie's coming home for Mother's Day tonight! Sometime...around 9 or something. YAY. But, this means a lot of cleaning...and baking cookies...which it's not like cookies are a bad thing, lol.

2) I. am done. With. Great Books!!!!!!! I'm like....duuuude. Lol. I still have my paper that's not even close to being finished yet, but hey. It's the study questions...the stuff I have to print out every week...those things. Yeah. When I wasn't taking it...I was like worried I wouldn't get horrible at reading, and the study questions. But, everything turned out *much* better than I expected :-D. Now, I have next year to look forward to, lol. My main goal is to get to the 4th year, which is where, or so I've heard, that comes the Jane Austen, and other authors like that., yeah.

Mother's Day is on Sunday. I have a knitting project (yes peoples...I have *another* new project, lol.) I'm totally obsessed with knitting, and I don't mind saying it :-D lol. So yeah, our knitting store, got in these really cute patterns from There might not be any pictures there, but there are some super cute stuff. Anyway, they had this little loafer pattern. As in the shoe. And my mom has always looked at the pattern whenever we go in. So, she asked for a pair for Mother's Day :-D The great thing? I got the *last pattern*. Lol, so far, it's a brand new experience. I've never knit a shoe type thing before, lol.

The way it's knit -
first, the sole, which is super easy. Just, garter stitch (which means, you knit every round), and increasing, and decreasing. And it was like...72 rows or something. Easy-peasy. got that done in one morning... So, then you pick up stitches all around the sole. Knit in the round (meaning, knitting in a circle. You peoples could get that though, that's pretty easy to understand, lol) Then, doing "short rounds". Which, I have no idea how to do. They used the abbreviation in the pattern, and I was like...Uuuuh, what?? The abbreviation is w&t. Which stands for wrap and turn. It's kinda like...uh...hard to explain. You slip the stitch to one needle, purl wise. Then, you bring the yarn to the front. Move the stitch back where it came from. Turn your work completely around, bring the yarn forward again, and now you'll be purling the way you were just knitting from. Don't worry. If you didn't understand that, that's ok. I had to like read through it a couple of times to do it with my knitting.'s got these optional little decorations. There's...acorns. a huge puff-ball thing. Or, a way so you can actually fit a penny in it...which I thought was pretty clever. My mom wants to puff-ball ones.

She chose....this aqua yarn for the sole. And light pink for the main body of the shoe...which I think is pretty cute. Then, it also has little suede foot-y things, that you have for the heel and the ball of your foot. No sliding around :-D.

The yarn store has 2 AWESOME little contest thingers....that I'm SO going to enter, lol. Or try at least, for one of them.

One, is where you buy sock yarn, it gets marked off on a card (which I now have one) make the socks, that gets marked, you go get more yarn, etc, etc. So, the point is whoever gets enough sock yarn *and* make all 15 socks...they win, and get a bunch of stuff. INCLUDING a 30.00$ gift card to the store...which is like the BEST thing there. There are a hank of Malabrigo yarn (same stuff from my awesome!!) pattern book of socks, some needles, and somtehing else.

THEN. There's one that you get to design a scarf, bring it in...people vote, and whoever gets the highest vote, gets the scarf's picture on the front of some little booklet they're going to send out. But, it has to be all your could either be super intracate with the stitches, or super brightly colored, OR both :-). Also, I think you get a gift card as well...I think...not sure.

When I heard about all this, was like AAAAAAAH. Yeah, peoples who know me, and knitting? I'd be like..yeah...something drastic. Lol.

Also. One quick question to ALL of my readers. If you read this. PLEASE COMMENT.

I'm supposed to put together a summer reading list, of 25 books, each have to be 200+ pages. So far, I have 18, but running out of ideas. Sounds silly right? HOW IN THE WORLD could we run out of ideas of books to read. I am anyway. Heh. Anyway, if there's any book that you've read, or you're reading and you're like DUuuuude, I LOVE this book. Or, if not that...something that's optimistic, lol. prob shouldn't be anything like...The Mysterious Benedict Society. Cause, that's easy reading, lol. Or, no The Naming, otherwise, those books would TOTALLY be on my list. (I got the next 2 after the first one....yes!!)

First on my list?

Little Dorrit. By Charles Dickens.

I'll post the rest later.

Wow. that was long. Hope you people's eyeballs didn't fall out. And thank you for reading. Please exit, and leave all popcorn and drink contaners in the nearest trash can. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Attack of the Flying Cockroach.

This happened...maybe on Sunday or Monday evening. And, it was the most creepiest thing I have EVER felt. EVER. Yes, it's true.

Ok....setting stage.

Me, sitting at computer, chatting. Joey sitting next to me. Me, I'm about to go hot tubbing with my parents, so I have on my swimming suit, all ready to go.

I hear this *thunk* and a small flutter. Next thing I know?

Little creepy-crawly feet falling/crawling down my back and arm. Then, the *next thing* I know?


I freaked out.

SOME PEOPLE thought this was very extremely humorous. *ahem*

Ok, and you know the phrase; "Everything's BIGGER in Texas!"? That is SO true for cockroaches. They. are. GINORMOUS! It was bigger than my thumb...which is HUGE...for a cockroach, lol. thumb is teeny-weeny. I'm being corrected by Joey. Who's thumb is much bigger than mine, lol.

All the rest of that evening, I kept feeling little things that felt like cockroach feet.

So, I did something...or it fell, it was then under my desk, chair thing. I, on the other hand, was on my knees on my chair, trying to get as far away from the floor/cockroach as possible. It ran out, it was super hide underneath the bookshelf that sits behind our computers. Then, it runs out, into our game closet. I forget about it. Thankfully. And, I join my parents in the hot tub.

THEN. There's more...*shudder* Ok, I'm coming back in, all wet. Walk past the computers, and I'm in the doorway of my room, and I ALMOST step on the now dead cockroach.

And that? Is my story :-) Some people experienced my freaking out first hand, and they found it amusing. Ha ha ha. lol.

Before, I didn't really care about cockroaches, cause... I hadn't really had an encounter with them before. Now? I hate them. It's like cheese. It's EVIL. and EMO. Yes.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Major Sadness. *sigh*

You know when you've worked on something so hard, and it's just perfect? And then, you find out you didn't do something right, and had to undo everything, and start over? I hate it when that happens.

I got a new knitting project. Heh. We, uh, went to the knitting store, on Saturday, to get more yarn for my Clapotis. Alas, they did not have my color way...this is EXTREME sadness in a knitter's eyes. When you're in the middle of a project, or almost done, and they don't have more of your yarn? It's devistation, lol. Anyway, so my mom said I could get another project :-) I had my eye, on this French Girl pattern, in their new book (see pictures below) and so, I was like, hey, let's do this. So, I get the yarn, come home, figure out the needles, get all set up...tea, long movie, my mom's ready, it's perfect. I cast on* (see Knitting Terms below for non-knitters) 111 stitches, with my normal cast on, and begin working. All together, I worked maybe like 2 and 1/2 or 3 hours on it. Got maybe 3 inches done. Not then, lol. That was spaced out, of course, lol. The yarn, it's a fingering weight, I think, so it takes awhile to knit, plus I'm knitting with only size 8 needles, so that's also a hindrence to my knitting speed. Ok, so, last night, we settle down again. I decide to check the pattern, to see how exactly long I need this back thing. This is what I read. "Cast on, using provisional+ cast on". If you glance up there, notice I cast on, with my *normal* cast on. Not provisional cast on. So...guess what that meant? I had to rip back** all my hard work. Start at the beginning, with casting on those 111 stitches. This is one of my extreme stupidity moments. Why had I not read the pattern more carefully before??? *sigh* Another bad thing, the yarn I'm using? It's like..fluffy...and has a lot of extra "fuzz" to it. So, once you knit it, all those little fuzzies cling together, making it extra hard to rip back. Extreme annoyance, as you can imagine.

Knitting terms -
*cast on - meaning like, making all those stitches, and putting them on the needle, so you're ready to start.
**rip back - back, lol. Take everything out. All of it. Or, to a certain point in some cases.
+provisional cast on - it's a special cast on, where you have live (meaning, they're available to be picked up, and started worked with) stitches sitting there, waiting for something to be added on to it.

La Picture ~ Veronique. Don't ask me were they get the names for these patterns, lol.

Here's the yarn I'm using. Annnd, guess what I just found out? It's name? Grace :-)Our knitting store, one of it's owners made Veronique in this was soooo pretty. I made Katie's Christmas present with this same stuff, but it was silver, with a little shine to it. That, was like...a shall/jacket type thing with a lace pattern. Some of you peoples might have seen it.

What do you peoples think?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Random Facts that Not Everyone, not even my best friends, know about Grace Sapp -- Part Duos

  1. I LOVE HUMMUS. I could live off of's *that* good. Especially with chips, and carrots.
  2. I can play...the piano, violin, dulcimer, mandolin (that's pretty obvious though, cause of the violin) and...tin whistle.
  3. I am friends with both of my old piano teachers from Ponca, on Facebook...when I found them, I was kinda weirded out.
  4. I currently use 2 different iPods.
  5. I'm the kind of person who *has* to have something that's organized. Otherwise, I die. Or, if there's nothing that is organized, I fix it so it is, lol.
  6. I have been told I laugh too much. In answer to their statement, I laugh, lol.
  7. I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE. AT ALL. If you don't believe me, come to Houston. Sit in rush hour, *then* you'll believe me.
  8. The Phantom of the Opera movie makes my skin crawl with the singing skillz of those people. It's like a big fat zero. Plus, how they ruined the story...but that's typical of every movie knock-off of a book
  9. Mr. Darcy vs. Mr. Thornton? Mr.Thornton ALL THE WAY. Peoples, this is North and South vs. Pride and Prejudice...the A&E one.
  10. I love pens. More then pencils. If I had a choice, I'd use a pen.
  11. Smackers are da bomb. I have a little box full of them that I've collected/saved.
  12. Kirby is da bomb. Especially the pink one. Original colors of the little person thinger, are like the best.
  13. I'm saving for a Apple Laptop...whatever they're called. A white one. With a webcam built's going to be AWESOME.
Ok....that's enough for now. I'll think of more later :-)

Bye peoples!!
Grace }|{

Friday, May 1, 2009

Helloooooo darkness!

Me? I'm feeling random. People who know me, yes, I can be SO's not even funny :-) But then...after I'm random? and it's not funny? We always burst out laughing anyway...just because it was so random, it wasn't funny. Make sense? *rambles*

SEE! I told you I was random. I'm not really this strange in life...hopefully. I hope I don't scare my readers :-)

Title: "Hellooooo Darkness!" Meaning: it's 11:23. It's late. It's dark outside (SURPRISE!! lol) I am so brilliant, are I not? Joey's reading this and looking strange.

My main point in posting at 11:...24? To have at least one post that's after 10? Ooooh yes, after that, my life is totally complete! *laughs uncontrollably* HAHAHAH *fades* No. I've made a list (I love to make lists) of things to blog about. Aren't I brilliant? ^.^

This *evening's* post shall be....*drum roll please* bdbdbddrrrrrrrrr

"Random Things that Not a Lot of People Know About Grace Sapp. Even Her Best Friends"

Sound interesting?

Now, if you know me...I prob can't think of *everything* that's so random, that not everyone knows about me *right now* so...I might add on later, lol.

Ooooo, I know. I'll use that awesome little list tool. So, we can see how many random things they are. Cause it *numbers* them for you! How awesome is that!

(Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm so random. )

  1. I'm currently hyper right now.
  2. I HATE CHEESE (this is kinda widely known, but I *always* list this, no matter what*
  3. I used to be not-so-fond of knitting (*everyone gasps*)
  4. I only have 1 grandparent currently.
  5. at one point in my life, I had hair past my waist.
  6. most of my scars are from roller blading in water. (I wouldn't advise's not fun)
  7. except 2 of the scars aren't from roller blading, one is from a table from a hotel (WHY do hotel people make tables with *super sharp* edges?) and a swimming pool ladder that had a weird edge.
  8. I have taken Latin all my life...pretty much. Well, from like 2nd grade on. (Like, Latina not online.)
  10. 96 boxes of Crayons make me all warm, and fuzzy inside.
  11. My first cat. I named him Suggles. I was such a creative child, no? Jeff, my older brother, *changed* his name. To. FRED. -_-
  12. I have 2 fortunes (as in from the cookies) taped onto my moniter that say: 1) "Learning is a treasure that accompanies us everywhere" and 2) "Relax and enjoy yourself"
  13. I have a talking (yes, talking) Aflac (yes, Aflac) Duck sitting on my desk.
  14. I'm sitting next to 4 Latin charts of conjugation verbs, and case endings that are pinned up on the wall (people might have seen these before, lol)
  15. When I was younger, I HATED Skittlez. I grew out of that...until recently, when I broke a bracket (off of my braces) by eating one. Now, I hate them again, lol.
  16. When I was younger, I was so shy, I hated to go up to a person at a restaurant and ask for a refill. One of my siblings always did it, lol. same thing with ordering food...or talking to any strange person. Thankfully, I grew out of that.
  17. One of the first *real* plays I was in, was the Little Princess, where I played Ram Dass. Never eat powdered chocolate...unless it has sugar of some sort in it, otherwise, DON'T. I also wore a turban...which was fun.
  18. I love change...not all change, but certain kinds of change (like, rearranging a room, or something)
  19. I'm currently drinking a Root Beer. (I typed that Root Bear, btw)
  20. I'm wondering if anyone is getting boring, or people are getting scared that I'm so strange.
    Though the fact that I say I'm strange...some people find this debatable, compared to themselves.
  21. I LOVE to name things. Especially people...I have a lot of people who have nicknames. Ooooh yes. *laughs*
  22. Some of my favorite words. (People who don't know this, it shall always be a mystery to you all. Don't even try to decipher these riddles. It'll hurt your mind) My favorite word: *ahem* Junebug. Squiggle. Churchill. Hatstand. Cupcake. Uh...Iggplant. And, Elmo :-)
  23. Is anyone thinking that I seriously have a problem?
  25. Oh, another obvious fact. If I can't dance, I die. Therefore, I dance all the time. Even while getting water out of the fridge. Folding laundry, tis true.
  26. I love the stars.
  27. I love my friends. All my friends. Dude, you guys are the best :-) Thanks for listening to my ramblings
And, a quick note. Before I leave. Seeing that it's 11:43, and I must go to bed at 12.

I have *almost* reached 200 views on my profile :-) And, getting at least 4 comments on my posts. THANK YOU peoples who are viewing my profile, and commenting!!!!

Comment it
A) You were entertained, and laughed
B) You laughed, but were seriously creeped out.
C) Had a sudden urge to the Posties
D) Walk away, saying that you have no idea who I am, for the reason that I'm insane.
or E) all of the above :-)

Or, if none of those. Comment anyway, with a reason that you came up with...

also, tell me what you'd like me ramble about! Just nothing religious, or political. I know this limits some people's ideas then...but...then nevermind for those peoples, lol., my hands are crammping. I typed that...without stopping. Except to drink my Root Bear.

Valete Omnes!
Grace }|{