Friday, May 29, 2009

Phantom of the Opera

One of my favorite subjects. Now, I shall rant and rave about what I think about the movie version, and the Broadway with Sarah Brightman, and what's-his-name.

I shall do my least favorite first.

The Movie Version *shudder*


Michael Crawford! That's the dud's name! Hahaha. He's in the Broadway one...not the movie.

Anyway, back to the movie version. *shudder*

Starring Emmy Rossum and Gerard Butler. *shudder*

Whoever cast this...(btw, no offense to anyone here, but this is what I think) didn't do a very good job.
  1. Emmy was only 18, and hadn't really devloped her vibrato and highness. Kate (who taught my voice lessons, and will be doing again this summer) told me this. And, she sings through her nose. Not a very pleasant sound for singing...though I've done it too, you just have to train yourself not to.
  2. Gerard....*ick*. Seriously, this is supposed to be an opera. The Phantom is supposed to be someone who sounds like JOSH GROBAN PEOPLES. Pardon the caps. Not some dude who sings out of half his mouth, and burnt out his entire singing voice by being in some emo rock band in his youth. Yes, he looks the part...kinda, but that's not the point of the part. The point is SINGING. He has *one* part that he's flat, then (thankfully) slides up to this perfect note...and has this amazing vibrato. Now, if only he could do that the whole time, things would be perfect. If he could do that, he must have *really* ruined his voice. Then, his badness is 10000x when he's angry. *ick*
  3. Raoul. Can you say "girly"? Yeah, he's supposed to be kinda wimpy in the book, but not *that* wimpy. Plus, he can't sing either. Vibrato, wacked. He's like..somewhere between an alto and tenor, or something like that
Also, but this was rather expected. They runined the story. *sigh* Why must movie makers do this to awesome books? This is so depressing.

I just looked the book up on Wiki...and the genre is like..."Gothic Novel"? I guess...that kinda fits...maybe. Twas published in 1911, and at first was horrible at selling. For some reason. *shakes head* silly people who didn't like it.

Ok. NOW. The Broadway verison.

Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford. Who are these people? Sarah Brightman is married to Andrew Lloyd Webber. And Michael Crawford was in "Hello Dolly!". When I ask people if they've seen him, they're like. "Uuuuh, no? Who's he?" Actually, he's the guy in Wall-E who sings.

"Out There! There's a world outside of Yonkers! Out there! Full of SHINE and full of SPARKLE! Close your eyes and see it glisen, Barnaby! Listen, Barnaby!!"
"Put on your Sunday clothes when you fell down and out!"

Pardon my singing. I kinda do that sometimes...

When I first heard this. I cringed. His singing was horrible then. Thankfully, it got better....since he did the Phantom when he was older. BUT, his major problem?

Forcing his vibrato. Lol, it seems that all these people have problems with this. When he does this, he's making it sound like he's running waaay out of breath, and sometimes making himself go out of tune. But he's MUCH better than Gerard Butler, and it's the only other good version, so I guess what's what I'll take. The one note that Gerard has that's absolutely amazing, if you could just switch that, so it was Michael Crawford, instead of Gerard? It'd be perfect.

Sarah Brightman, is just amazing. Nothing wrong with her...that I can hear anyway.

My IDEAL Phantom?

Josh Groban - Phantom or Raoul. He looks more the part of Raoul, but hey. Looks aren't what we're going for here.

One of the guys from the High Kings, Brian Dunphy, (for people who know, he's one of the younger dudes, who's got major dark hair...) or Darren Holden - for whatever Josh Groban doesn't take, lol

And...Sarah Brightman is fine for me for Christine. She's pretty shweet.

The WORST Phantom?

Nick Jonas/Zac Efron - Raoul. Can you IMAGINE either one of them as that? Looks, it'd be majorly disturbing

Joe Jonas - (I'm so creative. lol. All I could think of that would be horrible)

Miley Cyrus - Christine. *cringes*

Now....I believe that was my rant of the day. Hope you enjoyed it. :-)


Bre said...

lol! That's funny. I kinda liked the movie version, if you're not comparing it to the book at all. I agree on Gerry's voice though. Ick. I have the whole soundtrack and I ALWAYS skip over Music of the Night. lol Not because i don't like the song, but he was like...I dunno, sounding reeeally bad. I kinda liked Emmy's voice though, not really for opera but whatever.

And they have changed the people for the PotO broadway now. Check out the website :D other thing...the BEST Phantom for me, would be David Cook. lol Why do I say this? Because he sang Music of the Night on Andrew Lloyd Webber week on American Idol, and he KILLED it. Majorly. Like, better-than-even-Michael-Crawford-killed-it. Look it up sometime. I have it on my ipod :D Should be on Youtube. Maybe not the looks, but the voice was really good. lol (it wasn't really opera-ey either, but it was better than Gerry's version! By miles and miles!)

Ok, now I'm pumped again to go see it in June. I was just relaxing about it. Better go get my Phantom music book :D

OH yeah, I have to ask...are you a Phantom Phan, or a Raoul Supporter Grace? (lol) you think Raoul should get Christine (even though he does anyway) or the Phantom?

I am SO a Phantom Phan. *nods*

Ok, NOW I'm done. toodles! (lol)

RainyDayDreamer said...

Phantom Phan ALL THE WAY.

I have other friends who think otherwise, but oh well.

Stupid Christine for going with Raoul. -_-

Bre said...

lol! Well, truthfully I would probably go with Raoul too...I mean, put yourself in Christine's place. There's this scary guy who lives underground and sleeps in a coffin who murders people and kidnaps you...would you pick him or the guy who loves you and would do anything to protect you, even IF he is a wimp? (lol) I mean, I can be a phan and still not want to marry him right? lol

Bre said...

wait...he does sleep in a coffin, right? In the book anyway? Or am I switching books? Grrr I wish I had my own copy of the Phantom...

RainyDayDreamer said...

Yeah, but Erik DID teach her how to sing like that. Though, I don't think that if some guy does something awesome for you, you should marry him, just because of that. That's wrong.

But the Phantom would do that anything for her, I mean. Yeah, he did sleep in a coffin. But, also remember that after awhile, Christine got used to sleeping in a coffin, and his normal creepiness.

And in the movie, it's just so sad. Christine sails off with Raoul, singing about how happy they are, or how much the love each other, while the Phantom is standing there, singing how Christine is the only one "Who can make my song take flight", awaiting his doom, then he dies. Just for her. Lol, when we watched this at my birthday party, everyone was in tears at the end.

The mask...and the red rose...silly Christine. Lol, never drop red roses.

Bre said...

lol we watched it with 2 other people (Abbie and Sarah) at our house, and I was the only one crying. They were all laughing at me, for crying. I was like what, it's SO SAD! lol

I want a red rose with a black ribbon! lol

Grace B. said...

I've only seen the theatrical My ideal Christine is Gina Beck. Oh my word, she can sing. I think she combines the best qualities of Emmy Rossum and Sarah Brightman.

I disagree on Michael Crawford being better than what's his face. Ooo, guess who I am! "Eeeensoleent BOY, theee slave of fashion, BASKING in your...glorEEEE. Eeegnorant FOOL, thees brave young suitah, sharing in my TRIumph." Hee hee...yeah.

Like I said, didn't see the movie (dude, didn't know about the coffin...), but I'm a half and half Raoul Supporter and Phantom Phan. Raoul's wimpy and non-attractive, but the Phantom is creepy, kidnaps Christine, and hangs people...yeah. But I guess one could get used to that. =D "Oh yeah, he hangs people...guess you sorta get used to it after a while." lol

And there's this dude in the newer Sense and Sensibility (not the Emma Thompson one)who could totally play the Phantom, in looks anyway. The guy who plays Colonel Brandon...he just looks Phantom-like. Yeah.

Zac Efron playing Raoul...*dies*.

RainyDayDreamer said...

You know...he could! He doesn't have really dark hair though...I wonder if he can sing, lol.

The new Mr.what's-his-name, the creepy guy that Marianne likes, he's suepr creepy looking, lol.

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol, were you being serious or sarcastic for the Michael vs. Gerard, lol? Annnd, let's see...

Well, the Phantom wouldn't be hanging people after Christine married him. In the book, and I think in the movie, he said that after she married him, he was going to live a normal life, lol. no hangings.

Yeah, those are the things I thought of, in answer to your comment, Grace, lol.

Grace B. said...

Eww, Willoughby? I know, he's gross. I like the Willoughby in the Emma Thompson version better...he doesn't make you go "illggh" every time you see him. =D

Um, serious. I just can't take Michael Crawford seriously, he sounds too funny. Really, using my example (lol)...who sounds more Phantom-like in that part?

"Dearest Chrstine, if you marry me, I will no longer hang people and will be normal. But if you don't...look out." lol, I would call that manipulative. Unhealthy in a relationship. =D

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol. There was something he was in...that I saw the front of the box or something, but I didn't see it. Oh, I know. The new Mama Mia?? Lol, when I saw him, I was like "AH. What's HE doing in *that* movie?!" But yeah, that's what's-his-name, lol.

Yeah, but Gerard can't sing. Yes, I do agree, that Michael *does* sound weird...and rather nasally, but oh well. I think he sounds better than Gerard.

Lol, no that wouldn't be good in a real relationship. That could lead to bad things.

Bre said...

lol! You guys are funny. And Grace (B) you need to read the book. SO need to read the book. If you liked the broadway it's so much better, just being the original makes it good.

And...I don't remember about the movie but I remember in the book he says something of the like. And yes, it's very manipulative.

(I wish my blog would get 11 comments! lol We're busy here. Maybe I'll post a Poto post too, to draw some attention. lol You're popular, Grace :D)

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol, Thanks Bre. I don't know about that, but I'd like to think that.

Maybe cause it's full of discussion...possibly. Lol.

And you are too popular :-D need a blog.

Bre said...

lol I agree. A blog from Grace Brennan would be totally sweet. :D

And thanks. lol But I only think I have 3 people who read my blog, Grace B and Kaley. lol I dunno about Sam...

Grace B. said...

I should just let you people run my life for me. =D "Read the book, get a blog, your hair looks nice even though it's filthy." lol

RainyDayDreamer said...

well, your hair DID look nice! Even though it was filthy. But it's not that way every day, so I bet it's even more adorable ever day...since it's clean :-D

Grace B. said...

lol, thanks.