Sunday, May 17, 2009

Respighi - the people at the symphony.

Usually....normal people (not like me) go to a symphony to listen to the music.


I on the other hand. I not only listen to the music, I take the WONDERFUL opportunity to watch and listen to peoples. This. Is my hobby. Besides knitting. Yes.

The lady I was sitting next to...She brought a book to read while waiting. I don't know what the book was, I failed at trying to find out...oh well. She also sneaked in a bar of chocolate. And had her purse, that was holding the chocolate, next to her (and me, in the seat between us) and she kept picking off little squares.

As an example about the millions and MILLIONS of ethnic groups in Houston, here is an example (I believe...I was just redundant. But. Who cares. ) When you're in the restrooms...and someone motions as if asking if you were in line, you answer no, and they still motion. Obviously, they don't speak English. So you...kinda have to motion and nod...or whatever...hoping they'll understand to some extent, that no, you're just waiting for your mom/sister/friend. Or whatever. Pretty much that. Also, when you're walking around the mall or some big, open public place, there are only 3 people around you that are speaking English.

The family sitting in front of us, were pretty funny. The reason for their funniness, was the family in front of *them*. I shall explain. The weird family, 2 rows away from us. (meaning, if you didn't get it, the family who was in front of the people who were in front of us. *gets confused*) They. were weird. Very weird. The dad looked like some hippy-surfer dude. The mom...was like covered in jewels and had this ginormous platform shoes on, the kids...? Creeeepy. The boy had a popular haircut. The girl...was weird. That's all I have to say. Anyway. So, like...the boy, was sitting in front of the girl, that I was sitting behind of. Confusing? Yeah. Anyway, so like...he kept on stretching his arms back. Remember, this girl is sitting behind him, who's sitting in front of me. So, he was like...majorly stretching, and stratching the back of his head....a lot...and stretching again. Then, he decided to sit, with his hands folded on the back of his head. Therefore, his elbow would be like...jabbing into this girl's knee. Who was sitting in front of me. This girl, got the giggles. Majorly. Her mom got the giggles, and her brother got the giggles. So, all these people have the giggles...trying not to make too much noise. I could tell they were laughing cause they were like...bouncing up and down. lol. But, the mom and brother calmed down. But the girl didn' she kept on bouncing...which I found really funny. I didn't laugh though...I just noticed that my ball of yarn had fallen on the ground. Yes, I did knit during this symphony. People who decided that they should keep the lights just a little dim during the programs are awesome. They must have known that people would be knitting, lol. That sounded stupid.

So yes. The guest violinist for the Houston Symphony...was like...beyondly amazing. The guy was only like 20 or something.

Peoples. Joey REALLY needs attention. He's not...leaving me ALONE. so therefore. Go to his blog, and comment. Maybe he'll stop bugging me if you do.

Anyway. This dude. He like had MAJOR vibrato...which, I think, is super hard on the violin, for people who don't know how to get it just right...I had major trouble with it. Along with chords, but that's a different matter. Anyway. He did it ALL over the place...he had the WHOLE THING memorized. Any kind of vibrato + G string = major major MAJOR hardness. The G string, is super duper thick. Cause...brilliantness, it's the lowest string on the violin. He did it...sliding...up the G string (up all the strings, anyway) realllly hard. He did all this amazing fingering on the E string (the highest, and therefore the smallest...but the smallest thing doesn't really mean anything) And did vibrato, as high as you can go on the finger board...on the E. So, it's this incredibly high note...that's just amazing. How in the world can that....make that high of a note? And it' beautiful!

Tomorrow....starts the last week of school. All. Of math. And a little bit of writing. After that. No more math. No more school. No more...yeah. Schoolness...though we're doing some stuff...but it's easy-peasy.

Quote of the Day ~

One loyal friend is worth ten-thousand relatives.
~ Euripides

Grace }|{

P.S. HAHAHAHA I figured out how to do the bolded, italics, stuff. Write it. THEN change it. Don't change it THEN write it. That ends up in disaster.


Kaley Grace said...

LOL!!!! Love the story...oh my goodness. That's so the way you tell stories :)

Ellie Degenhart said...

I agree with Kaley. You tell the best story's best!! :D And YAY for symphony's they rock...I really love them when they play outside. That's a lot of fun. Unless it's raining. Then it's better just to stay home and make a fuss about the rain :D

Haleymay said...

Haha, don't you love weird people at performances! There was this one lady behind us at the opera last year who had this SUPER. ANNOYING. LAUGH. And she laughed at everything! Blleeeeh. Fingernails on the chalkboard.

Yay for school being almost done!