Friday, May 15, 2009

One of the many things that is my life.

I shall no longer try and fiddle with the fonts. Alas, no more bright colors. Unless it's *just* the colors...not how big it is...or if it's bolded. That's a problem. Ok, I just typed that looking in some weird direction, and it came out troklem. My new word. This is how my new words are born. Now you know. Feel honored.

My mom has this page-a-day knitting calender (I do too, but mine are patterns. Hers are like...insights, and tips and stuff) This was today's. I LOVE IT. It's life.

"Knitting folklore says that if you knit a strand of your hair into your work, you will be forever bound to the person who receives that work. In my life, this means that a lot of people are forever bound to my cat."

Is that not me, or WHAT?! So, if any of you peoples ever receive something'll most likely receive part of Bertie as well. If it's orange, it's Bertie. I loved that. and I HAD to share. The temptation was too great.

Call me obsessed. Don't care :-) I know I am.

1 comment:

Bre said...

lol! Too cute :D