Monday, October 19, 2009

"Thiiiink of me..think of me Foooondly!"

Ok. So...last night? I dreamed I was Christine (as in from POTO). But first, there was a huge this huge warehouse...that people picked out little stuffed animals..and they had to act like them, while whoever was it went around, watched everyone's acting, then choose the winner, who then got to be it. For some reason, I was obsessed with picking out little duckies. I'm serious. Then after I was done with the last round, I went and was in some version of the Phantom.

For some reason, I'm thinking it had something to do with Les Miserables. Because right before I fell asleep, I was listening to that. Hm.

I was so not ready for the weekend to be over. But I a way. I
wanted something constructive to do...instead of like sitting there knitting and like watching a movie. So, more like..working on papers. But I did not want to wake up early and be greeted by that cursed geometry book, staring in my face laughing it's silly little head off. Yeah, didn't want that to happen.

Plus, I cut my finger. Fingers, pardon me. Cutting apples, with that ub
er cool apple cutter thing? That you press on the apple...and it cuts it into slices. Well, not only did I have to practically jump multiple times to get the silly thing to act
ually cut through the apple, when I was trying to get the now cut apple out...I decided that the way of pressing your fingers on the bottom, and then go up...which would mean touching the razor sharpness of the thing. I'm so brilliant. My mom said be careful. I wasn't. Always. always always listen to your mother. It may spare you bleeding fingers.

But Haley came over! On...Saturday! She touched my hair. And I was shocked. As you can see, lol.

We had major fun.

Like....drinking sun beams. We so awesome. Cheeeck yes!

Now, I'll leave. To work on my GB paper...and music paper. And writing in general.

1 comment:

Ellie Degenhart said...

I gave up on those apple cutter things long ago.
Plus ours is kinda old now and you have to push it really, really, hard and I've cut myself many a time on it.

I just cut apples by hand now. All in all it's way easier. lol. :D