Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy First day of ADVENT!

Yes. Christmas. is nearly CRUSHING us. It's that close. oooh yes. But this makes me happy. I love being crushed by Christmas, of all things (along with other happy holidays, like Thanksgiving, birthdays, New Years, Easter...etc etc.)

But yes. If I HAD to choose. Which holiday. Christmas would TOTALLY be my pick.

Christmas holds...many many things. Things that aren't normally "Christmasy" everyone's book. Um. There's normal things ish. lol. partying. cleaning. and um...deep cleaning?

Let me define "Deep Cleaning". In my house. This means ripping apart your room, cleaning, throwing away, giving away, putting away. things like that.

When I was younger. Deep cleaning only happened in the summer. Seeing as then we had the most time. But now looking back? I'm now thinking that I had WAAAAY more time THEN then I do NOW. Hm. "Funny how that works, aint it?" (I JUST FIGURED OUT WHERE THAT'S FROM! HAHAHAHAHA. I've been quoting that a lot lately. and I couldn't remember where it was from. lol. It's from...*drumroll* Pirates of the Caribbean! Jack is eating an apple when he says this.) Wow, side track.

ANYWAY. Also when I was young. I majorly enjoyed stuffing things under and behind my bed. I made the excuse that, "Hey, I have a bunk bed...things fall down easily. " such as cats. And yes. Um. Yes. actually, many cats have fallen down behind my bed. It's just sad. *shakes head* THIS WAS NOT OF MY OWN DOING. All of you know that I would NEVER EVER EVER do a thing like a cat. Especially my baby squishy little angel. *ahem* Bertie. *gets the kitty-kitties* Duuuude, SIDE TRACK. Or dide I just typed. Um. where was I?

BEHIND AND UNDER MY BED. YES. Ok. So yes. I told to clean up my room. And I'd solve this hard, and labor full task by shoving everything under my bed. or "dropping" things behind my bed. Please don't imagine what under my bed was like. It wasn't pleasant.

Anyway. Every time deep cleaning rolled around, I would crawl underneath my bed, pulling everything out as I went. Which made a huge pile on my floor. This job, of going under the bed had a special name. it was called...

"Going to the core."

Feel free to laugh. Um. yes. As in the core of the earth. Um. Yes. Yeeeep....

Anyway, I'm doing that now (how many times have I said "anyway"? This means I get side tracked waaay too easily.)

ANYWAY, lol. I'm deep cleaning.

That's a picture. Of my floor. That's a mix of stuff closet, one shelving/bookcase behind my bed...thing, and things I use on a regular basis.

I love deep cleaning (I used to hate it...going to the core was a horrible trial for me.) it reminds me of how many awesome friends I have (I just found all these pictures from the first few Little Parlor plays...Oooh my goodness we were all TINY.) and it's like a free Christmas, almost. I found so many things that I had forgotten about, thought I didn't even have (which I was just TOTALLY redundant...hahahahahahahahahaha), and things...that I Lost. I guess.

Like, this ring that my uncle and aunt gave me. When I was uber uber little, cause I remember wearing this ring on my pointer. And it fit really nice.'ll only fit on my pinky.

Yep. That's it.

Oh, and memory lane has been my most frequent stop lately. Found all my old dress up clothes. My old costumes from my first ballet recital here in Houston (Silkworms FTW! Yes, I was a silkworm. A neon pink silkworm. Bask in the glory of neon pink silkworms. loooool.)

Yep. And this turned out to be longer than I expected. Yessssss

Happy First Sunday of Advent!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'm trying not to feel too depressed that I won't get to see awesome people this weekend. See how many socks I could knit in 11 hours. Go and watch and listen to amazingly weird people.

*sniff* *cough* *sounds like a congested Rachel Ray/Miley Cyrus*

Next big thing coming?


I'm trying to think about that a lot (along with being with my family. just the 4 of us. for Thanksgiving) to help...lift the damp, and sneezy spirits.

Just a min ago. I browsed the Barns and Noble Christmas music section online while my mom did some flowers. We have the following list to get (seeing as we all have coupons and we're going there later today :-P)

Third Day
Yo-yo Ma (*bliss*)
MercyMe (I wasn't really expecting that I'd like them. I thought they were...a really rocky Christian band. Which didn't really appeal to me. The rocky part, not the Christian part, lol.)
BarlowGirl (BARLOWGIRL FTW!!!!)
and yes, David Archuletta...

I think I just killed his last name with my spelling. But I don't really care, cause he is uber creepy looking. He's ok...better than I expected. once again. But I mean, American Idol. Eh. People from there usually only have one or 2 songs that are awesome, and the rest are...well...horrible, lol. Mostly. singing skills there are pretty much close to 0, except the rare amazingly awesome singer that comes along.

ENOUGH RAMBLING. Sorry. it's gotten into a habit.

What are YOU listing to for Christmas? Any favorite albums? Anyone you just HAVE to listen to? Or anyone that you absolutely hate. Wait, don't answer the last one, lol

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #13 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

Rain. Beautiful. Glorious. Rain. Ooooh my goodness.

This. is our door. Half of it anyway. The window beside the door. Bask in it's glory. Woot. It's all wet. The pavement, I mean.

Rain in like a drought in Egypt. Wheee.

We get pretty big hunkin storms too. That storm (see picture) was amazingly awesome. Any storm with clouds *that* dark has to be amazingly awesome. Hmmmmhm.

I love the rain. It's raining right now. Life is awesome.

I <3 Rain!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #12 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

I'm thankful for a break-ish thing off of school.

The actual fact of our break, is that we do just geometry, writing, and all our online homerwork on Monday -Tuesday then we LEAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (*cough* sorry.) But then thinking since we have a lot of online classes this year, that kinda pretty much takes up our time thing. The rest that is extremely important is writing. and geometry. Hm. So yeah. We have vocab (which I also really detest with a passion. I'm not against words of anything, but THIS BOOK IS EVIL.) and Greek....something else. Oh, and biology. Which isn't my favorite. friends will agree with that whenever anyone mentions any kind of injury....or like shots, or anything that hurts/goes in your body. It makes whatever part was hurt/stuck, of my own, feel funny.

"Hmmhm. I was sleeping? And like this scorpion came and like stung my upper lip..."
me: " >.< my..whole face feels funny...."

And yes. I do have a friend who this did happen to her. I didn't know her when it happened. But yeah. Talk about painful?

What was I talking about?

OH. right. thankfulness. lol. Sorrrrry.

So yeah. could be doing this.

Yep. So. Hmmhm. Yeah.

I <3 break-ish things!! Even though I STILL have to do geometry, lol. I'll live....just barely.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #11 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

I am thankful for....candles.

Especially ones that smell good...

I think it was last month....we went out to do a couple of errands. And stopped into this place...that had all this old stuff. But it was cool. Majorly cool. The main reason why we went into this place (Anne's) was that they had a big selection, and a sale, on Yankee Candles. I got to pick out a big one. And....a lot of little ones.

My big one. I luuuuurved. It was Whipped Cream. Which you might imagine to be waaaay too sweet. But it wasn't. It was really nice. That's now gone...:-(. Alas. So, last night I got one of the small ones that I picked out called "Oatmeal Cookie" WHICH I LOVE. almost as much as Whipped Cream.

So yeah.

I <3 Candles!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #10 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today.

Wow. Is it really....only 4 more days? This thankfulness dealibopper made it go faster, lol.

Um. Not to be obsessed with anything or anything. But. I have to be thankful for something today.

Caaaan anyone guesssss? (I know Haley would, lol. )

It's. NORO. I'm thankful for Noro today. But especially. Noro Sock Yarn. I lovey this stuff. For this. I shall quote one of the workers from Yarns 2 Ewe on her opinion of Noro.

I LOVE Noro! It keeps me occupied. I'm always like OOOO it's BLUE. and then OOOO it's red! Yeah. Noro keeps me out of trouble, haha

I think her name was Kate. Or Katie. Or something like that. Some form or Kate.

Got a lot of it. Cause, of THANKGIVING. OH MY GOODNESS. OOOOOOOOH MY GOODNESS. And I get to see some EXTREMELY AMAZING PEOPLE. OOOOOH MY GOODNESS. and yes. And we're driving. As you can imagine, the car ride from Houston (which is almost on the gulf) to Tulsa OK, then Topeka KS, then PONCA CITY, OKLAHOMA!!!! It's around 11 hours to Tulsa. 3-4 ish hours to Topeka from Tulsa. Then....that and may be plus a little more for Ponca from Topeka. The major good thing (besides that I have TONS OF SOCK YARN. WHEEEEEE!!) is that we'll be taking our new car. So. it'll be comfy. We'll have 2 DVD players that..Joey and I can watch separate things on...(they're kinda attached to the head rests of the front seats.) Um. and yeah. Oh, and Katie will be with us! We're picking her up in Dallas. On Wednesday. Around lunch :-D I'm UBER UBER UBER UBER EXCITED.

So yeah. That's me speel...about not really Noro Sock yarn..but mostly about our travel plans...whoops, lol. sorry.

I <3 Noro Sock Yarn! (especially uber colorful kind :-D)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #9 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

My cat. He's pretty famous. You most likely know his name. Because, someone who I will not mention, loves to call him obese (and that kinda gave it away, lol.) And...yeah. He's mentioned in Latin, in Logic, at church, with friends, at prayer group...and just with the family. But that doesn't really count to be listed because the whole family already knows *someone's* perspective on Bertie, lol.

And yes. One of those pictures is NOT of Bertie. But of Jeeves. But today can also be thankful for cats in general. But for Bertie, lol. And see? His raccoon! EDDY. Not...whatever. lol. But yes. This is prof that he does sometimes sleep with it. and other times Joey is throwing it around and Bertie tries, and fails, to catch it and eat it.

He makes me happy, makes me sad. Makes me annoyed/angry. Wakes me up when I REALLY don't want to get up. Spills water everywhere. Loves anything I touch. Likes to eat/drink the following. Pizza. Any diary product (and no, no matter what you think about cats and milk, it's horrible for them.) gatorade. Dr.Pepper. Any bread product. contact solution. (yes, this is true.) and root beer.

I still love him anyway. When he was just brought home from the humane society. He could sit in my two hands. He couldn't see me, cause his eyes were still closed. Covered in flees. (which I had to pick off of him...igh. Oh well, totally worth it :-D) and the list goes on..

And now, he thinks I'm his mother...type figure. And I love it :-)

I <3 my baby angel little boy...Bertie Wooster :-)
(and if you're wondering. Well, if you're not wondering too. His personality. Fits his name. Like perfectly. Just imagine Bertie Wooster, as in the dude. And then just imagine a cat. And that would be my cat :-P)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #8 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

I am thankful for crayons. And any form of color. Whether it just be "Oh look. Color." or "OOO COLOR." "Or, it's a colorful stick of wax that I can scrape across some piece of paper and make ART" (seriously...ever think about that..?)

(Got this from Google. Just so everyone knows. Btw, Google Images ROCKS. Heeee)

Crayons. Color...of any form. Is so wonderful.

A) It shows everything that God has so intricately created in such an amazing way, it's just uncomprehendable.

B) It shows emotion...the little that we can through color. Yet it still does it in such an amazing way.

C) it's fun to create anything with color. An outfit, next knitting project, pen color, personalizing your computer...whatever you can think of. A lot of it includes color in it.

Everyone has their preferences. I know *many many* girls who detest the color pink. Hate to see it...especially on them. Hate to say it. hmmmhm. Another weird thing is that I know a lot of guys who like pink. Which is actually kind of creepy....

I..really don't have a hated color. Color. is color. Pure awesomeness. Like the Phantom. Or the Ponca People (yes, this is a title that *uber special* people have.) Or thunderstorms. Or a good book. Or anything that's amazingly awesome to you.

Look around you. See ALL that color? Nothing cannot be without a color. Color. is awesome. end of story.

What's your favorite color...?

This. is a sign of a well-loved crayon box.

And if anyone is wondering. Yes, I still to love to matter who childish the coloring book may be....and yes, I am 16. (almost 17...which is a scary thought. so we won't go there.)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #7 - Out of 14

Who/What am I thankful for today?

All my teachers...every single one of them. But to be specific right now, mesa ballet teacher. Also known as Miss Sunny. (Don't ask me why we call her "miss", she is married. For some reason....everyone over the age of 12 or something is referred to as "Miss What'sherbucket".)

Talk about an influence on my life? Miss Sunny, I mean. Not being called "Miss Grace" all the time, lol. She's one of the sweetest people I know. Oooh my goodness. I can't understand how *anyone* can not like her, disobey her (someone did in class today...I felt horrible about it even though it wasn't me..heh heh.) or be disrespectful to her. (see disobey).

Without her...I wouldn't be able to do the splits today. I wouldn't be on pointe. I wouldn't be perusing my dream of dancing of some sort later in life.

Now, I can do those things. And more. Like learn dances from....Copellia. and Sleeping Beauty. Who would have thought?

My first class. I went. Knew absolutely nothing....all the steps they were doing. I felt like the huge ugly duckling in class. Miss Sunny was uber uber nice. The class ended. I got in the car. Burst into tears. And being asked why in the world I was crying. I responded "They were so nice!"

Wouldn't be able to do that either. Nope. 2 and 1/2-3ish years ago, I would have scoffed...180 degrees? Me? You're insane. But I did it!

All to Miss Sunny.

I <3 Miss Sunny!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #6 - Out of 14

Who/What am I thankful for today?

Joseph Alan Sapp.

Otherwise known as my brother, my little brother, my little brother-who-is-now-much-taller-than-I-am, Joey, you weenie, and many other names.

Seriously. I dunno WHERE IN THE WORLD I would be without Joey. The weenie person. And my little brother who happens to be taller than I am (see pictures) (The picture where it looks like I am expressing some...pain of some sort. Joey had just bit my arm. but moved fast enough to get out of the

He makes me laugh every SECOND of the day. With whatever song/rap/face/joke/voice/whatever/anything you can think of....that he's come up with. Oooh my goodness. I have cried so hard...while laughing of course, because of Joey. Oooooh my goodness.

This evening. While washing the dishes. Joey touched me with a spoon that had chicken soup on it. A little got on my arm. And he therefore started creating this rap-ish song about how there was chicken on my arm. There was chicken on my face. There was chicken EVERY PLACE. There was chicken in my ear. Chicken in my sock. Chicken on my arm...

and it kinda was repetitive.

But seriously. Take time to think about your little brothers. Or big brothers. Or sisters for that matter...I guess.

Do they not make you laugh or WHAT.

We know one another's faults, virtues, catastrophes, mortifications, triumphs, rivalries, desires, and how long we can each hang by our hands to a bar. We have been banded together under pack codes and tribal laws.

~Rose Macaulay

Whoever that is...she was right. Oooh yes.

I <3 JOEY!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #5 - Out of 14

What/who am I thankful for today?


Seriously. Think about it. Where would we be....without tea (or any caffeinated drink, for that matter.)? I dunno about you guys , but it kinda keeps me alive.

I was drinking And was trying to think of something special that I was thankful for. And. Light bulb moment! tea!

Right now, as I speak...type...whatever, I am having vanilla carmel tea. It's totally the bomb. It rocks my feet. It makes me stay up late. And when with friends, and late at night, it makes things oh-so awesome! *takes another sip*

I like herbal tea...(especially peach! always reminds me of roast beef. Yes. I am serious. Yes, you can laugh.) I like black tea (like the one I'm having now) I like...well. I guess those are the only ones that I've had. Main kinds, anyway. The different kinds in those general sections are....bigger. lol.

I <3 tea!

P.S This is not to say I do not like hot chocolate, coffee, and any other hot drink like this. I love hot chocolate, and coffee (but...only if it's from Starbucks, lol.) and...yeah. :-)

DUDE. Thanksgiving is coming up FAST. Soon. Just think. I'll be in Tulsa. Eating. Then...Topeka. With family. THEN. GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AAAAAAh.

I'll leave you hanging. And I'll let you guess :-)

Where am I going after Topeka? (*hint* It's in...OKLAHOMA. *squeals*)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #4

Who/What am I thankful for today?

Since I am limited on time, I shall post short. Which shall (hopefully) be a nice breather from that last post..heh heh.

I am thankful for time.

Pretty much awesome. That picture.

Time holds....everything. To put things....that are like...shallow. not getting into the *real* *philosophical* meaning...of what holds everything. Just in general. Time holds a lot of stuff. it holds our lives. It can kill us (lol.) it can bless us. It can shower upon us with abundance. Or slap us in the face laughing that we either a) did not finish that Latin/GB/Logic/Music History in time and you are SO going to get into trouble. b) You didn't get the time to read that book you want to read, or put that new album on your iPod. or c) it's mean like that.

This is one reason why I like weekends. It has the flexibility to be open about this. It can be majorly squished (experienced this.) or it can be totally empty and you get to the point where you wish you had school to do. Or it could be a happy medium.

And that. Seeing as my time was squished this evening. Was my squished, and thankful blog post.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #3

What/who am I thankful for today?

(I love this. This was brilliant...whoever came up with this!)

I am thankful for BOOKS.

I am thankful for books because..there are tons and tons of reasons. We could get all historical and go back to Plato, Cicero, Cato, and the like and say that because it's teaching us about our ancestors and how they goofed up and how we can avoid what they did.

Obviously, I have been reading a lot of Great Books recently. Lol.

Anyway. Also, they can drag you (kicking and screaming maybe, depends on how much you like what you're reading) into that world (if it's well written). It *ALMOST* replaces friends. It's always there...not to listen, but to talk. Tell you about *their*...(which that doesn't really make sense, cause a book doesn't have a "their"...IT'S. That's it.) *it's* problems. And makes you forget about the ones of your own. There are ones that are instructional (*hint* *hint* can anyone see where I'm going with this? lol. If you know me well..) LIKE KNITTING BOOKS. Yes, knitting books. Motivational books...with big fancy color pictures...(I could go into detail about this one journal of this girl who was 15, and got accepted in tour in Carmen with the Russian Ballet Company...or some place like that. But that would bore peoples. So I won't. But the PICTURES WHERE HUGE. AND COLORFUL. AND AMAZING. and majorly motivational, lol.)

Instead of listing all the books that are my favorite (that's impossible...really. Anyone who asks that question is seriously insane.) I shall list the books that I can think of (which means, just because I don't list one...does NOT mean I a) hate it, b) dislike it, c)....or yeah.) which mean something to me. And if I have a reason (and if it's relatively short) I shall state it.

Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield.
~My copy. Is awesome. It looks like a book that you'd expect to find in some old British nursery. Plus, it smells awesome. It was Katie's..(I think...which is prob why it looks like it should be in a British nursery. It prob came from England.) and it was passed down to me..when I was itty bitty. And, loved it. It seriously, is like one of the greatest stories EVER. If you want to do that kind of the book. Which is kinda self-explanatory...I mean "Ballet Shoes." Is...obviously about ballet. and shoes. Oooh yes. Brilliant

Emily of New Moon, Emily Climbs, and Emily's Quest: all by L.M. Montgomery
~ I. seriously. love. these. books. so. hunkin. much. I'm not sure why I'm so attached to them. I just am. When I first picked up Emily of New Moon, I found it at the library...(it was right across from the Nancy Drew, *now misses the Ponca City library...that place smelled AWESOME.) *ahem* and seeing it was L.M. Montgomery, immediatly thought "OH. It has to be good." (Seriously, that lady was a GENIUS. I'll get into that later.) And, at the was when my grandmother was getting worse and worse, and then passed away. So, I was reading these books while that was going on...and somehow. I just found that these really like...comforted me, in some way. It was majorly easy to get into, which was what I needed. And Emily was just really....connectable. Which shows how AMAZINGLY AWESOME L.M. Montgomery is. If someone can do that. They are officially foreverly awesome.

Stargirl, and Love, Stargirl: both by Jerry Spinelli
~ Everyone knows my stance on these books. And I shall leave it at that.

the Crown Duel, and Court Duel (later made into one book) Crown Duel: by Sherwood Smith
~ I just realized how...deep and philosophical I'm a really dorky way. These are just books. But. Oh well. It's ok laugh. Um, this book. Was AWESOME. It was kinda weird at times. But it was realllllly sweet. It had major tense times. and major crying times. I read this a day and 1/2. My parents took those days to start on looking for a new car, and left Joey and I at home because A) I had an uber bad cold, and there was no way I was going to be hanging around with car sales-people in one car....the whole day. and B) it'd be kinda boring for us...seeing as it was just getting started, and the selection was majorly broad. So, I picked up this book. I had gotten it awhile back...started it, didn't really interest me at the time, so I kinda stopped it. Later, picked up again...and could not put it down. It's sooo awesome

The Phantom of the Opera
~ O.O. Ok. well. I could get majorly into this. and that'd be bad. So. Um. *see Stargirl* just to put it simply. I LOVE THIS BOOK.

And. that's all I can think of.

OH. SMOG. and Little Owl. *goes to google it to find a picture*

Ok. that's just SAD. I could not find Smog. or Little Owl. *pout* That stinks. Uberly. Anyway. Smog, and Little Owl are both British children's books. (grew up on a lot of that, lol.) Smog, is this black tabby...who got into a bunch of trouble. It was my favorite. I loved his Christmas book. And Little Owl. as you can imagine, was about a little. Owl. Kinda like Little Bear. Wow, memory lane there. Anyway. And little owl had a family. And...I think, he either had a pink little baby sister. Or a pink bear that he had. One or the other. And I always wanted the pink thing...cause the way it was looked so soft. And squishy. Also, the oatmeal (which they always called porridge) looked amazingly appitizing. Which always disappointed me in real never tasted quite what I imagined it to be

The Naming - Alison Croggon

Currently what I'm reading right now. I saw it at the library. Read the back of it. Said that people thought it was like LOTR. So, I checked it out. Started it, didn't interest me. Brought it back. 4 months later....went to Barns and Noble, saw it..was interested, and got it. Started it, loved it, got busy...and stopped. (So, last night, I started at the beginning again.) It has weird parts in it (Like the Crown Duel) but it's awesome. it's fantasy, one of my favorites. And yeah. The stuff at the beginning, where you learn about all the things that these people ("the Bards") can do, it's almost like...they can do everything. Why do they have any problems. You know how like..when we were (or when I was younger...and all the Providence girls wrote stories every Sunday, lol.) and we always wrote the main character with like nothing wrong with her, she could do anything and everything. It seemed that way in the beginning...which isn't my favorite thing. But you get used to it. There are 4 books in this series, The Pellinor Series. The Naming, The Riddle, The Crow, and The Singing..It think. The last one came out recently, and I haven't seen it yet.

And that. is a picture of it.

And THAT. is what I am thankful for. Wow, long post. lol. All about books. Woot.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #2

Daaaay 2. Ishness.

Who/what am I thankful for today?

Myyyy friends.

Now, I've written like at least 2 posts like this...but hey, it's a good reason. er, good thing to write about.

My friends are the awesomeness. Most awesomeness in the WHOLE WORLD. They make me laugh. Make me cry (but only because a) I've been laughing SO EXTREMELY hard. or b) I miss them or c) I love them so much.) They make me....laugh about the stupid things I've done. They listen to my ramblings about absolutely nothing in particular (especially knitting...heh heh.) They laugh at my faces. They laugh at my jokes...or when I'm not trying to be funny, they laugh anyway. They pull me up when I'm down. They never push me down when I'm in...well. Yeah.

I'd post a picture. I'll try and get a picture of something of the general idea. But I sadly, do not have a picture of all of my friends all together. Cause...not all of you know everyone. And, don't want to forget anyone :-)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

*Joins Haley and Kaley*

If you people don't know (if not, you can look on their blogs...) but I'll explain anyway. Posting every day (er....trying to...heh heh.) about something that I'm thankful for...leading up to Thanksgiving. So two weeks...ish.

Seeing that this IS Thursday, and ........I'll be off


I think I'm on...track ishness. kinda. Oh well. If I come out wrong, oh well. I tried.

What am I thankful for today...the list is practically endless.

I am thankful, ever so thankful for my mom. (and my dad of course :-)

She's the bestest. She helps me with all my school (*cough* geometry *cough*) sticks with it when Great Books paper (or any paper for that matter..) writing either gets uber confusing or just plain tough. She helps me get through tricky bits in knitting projects. She always did my hair in the morning when I was younger. She drives me to ballet twice a week, giving up time she had to be doing something else. And piano to. Takes care of me when I get doing my dusting. She puts up with once in a while watching the most recent Disney "big hit"...and we laugh at the stupidness of it all. She and my dad learned the Posties so they could do it with the rest of the people instead of having to be with the older people. She supports my idea about dancing, playing the piano, and playing the piano for church..

I <3>