Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #4

Who/What am I thankful for today?

Since I am limited on time, I shall post short. Which shall (hopefully) be a nice breather from that last post..heh heh.

I am thankful for time.

Pretty much awesome. That picture.

Time holds....everything. To put things....that are like...shallow. not getting into the *real* *philosophical* meaning...of what holds everything. Just in general. Time holds a lot of stuff. it holds our lives. It can kill us (lol.) it can bless us. It can shower upon us with abundance. Or slap us in the face laughing that we either a) did not finish that Latin/GB/Logic/Music History in time and you are SO going to get into trouble. b) You didn't get the time to read that book you want to read, or put that new album on your iPod. or c) it's mean like that.

This is one reason why I like weekends. It has the flexibility to be open about this. It can be majorly squished (experienced this.) or it can be totally empty and you get to the point where you wish you had school to do. Or it could be a happy medium.

And that. Seeing as my time was squished this evening. Was my squished, and thankful blog post.

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