Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ok. So.

lemme splain.

We are redoing Joey and I's bathroom. And so, right now. only half of the wallpaper is done. BUT the main thing that the SHOWER CURTAIN is gone. And so, like now it's all echo-y, and PERFECT for singing.

So, I thought to myself, "Self, try this. It'll be awful, but let's do it anyway."

So, I obeyed myself. And did it. I did like 10 songs, and only a couple of them were only an itty bitty decent. So. I did save those, and they still kinda stink. But I kinda liked this one. ish. We sang this in church today.

What I'd really like to do, is record the soprano, then also record the alto and line them up. But I have NO idea how do to that. Plus, this is like the only song that I actually know how to sing the alto.

(BTW: it sounds really cool in here...I mean typing in an echo-y room. lol.) So.

If you hate it, tell me. If you love it, tell me. If you're like "eeehh", tell me. If you want me to do another, or post another. (My other ones, that I would be willing to post, which still stink. THEY REALLY STINK. For me, it's like BLEH. Are a re-make of Think of Me, for those who haven't heard it yet, and Wishing you were Somehow Here Again. Seriously, I LOVE THE PHANTOM OF THE OEPRA.), tell me. OR, another option. If you have very strange liking for my voice, and want to hear more that I have NOT done, suggest a song, and I'll try...heh heh. if it know it.

Also, as a btw. I am still getting over a cold, and my nose is stopped up. And yeah...! Heh heh. So yeah. If it sounds nasally, that's why.


Kaley Grace said...

WAIT! I see no link. And this makes me very much sad. Because, you have an AMAZING voice. And the shower thing sounds completely awesome.

RainyDayDreamer said...

BLEH. I know. I totally failed at doing it. So, hopefully somehow...I'll get something that'll make it work.