Friday, January 1, 2010

"Shhhe has her EYES she has her Lily's hazel EYES"

...need I say that I am a bad bad baaad blogger when it comes to holidays?...

Right now. This is random. But. I MUST share. Infact. I shall TAKE A PICTURE. With my handy-dandy Photobooth. Where would we be without photobooth. *opens said program to take a picture*

That is where we have "Right ho, Jeeves!" paused right now. Don't we have skilz? I mean. Yeah. This is Gussie Finknottle. Which I most likely got the spelling of his last name wrong, please forgive me. He has a tank of newts on his lap. And expressing to Jeeves that "Yes, Dame Dafthne Winkworth is the lady I am going to thee" (yes, incorrect spelling intended. The Christmas break has not so affected my brain that I can't spell "see" lol.) Um. so yes. I needed to share.

Um. what was I going to say? I had a perfectly awesome thing I wanted to share (besides picture thing.) and I FORGOT IT.


Oh. I had a statement. That I thought of...when I wrote the opening sentence. Skilz! (Beg pardon if I say this very often...and it gets annoying, lol.)

It seems. that. When big things happen. Holidays come around. I say to myself. "YES. I WILL BLOG ABOUT EVERYTHING. YES YES YES!!" Next day I'm like "NO NO NO NO."

I very obviously fail.


I also love the enter button. It is my favorite. I should name my enter button something...any ideas?

Where was I? Uuuuum. Oh. yeah. I will blog. Then I'm like no. The reason I am "like no!" (lol...that sounded funny.) is most likely because A) I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF A KNITTING PROJECT/ROW. DON'T DISTURB ME. (but this is almost always the case in...every other case. ) B) THere's people here. People who I am not around normally. I need to BE WITH PEOPLE. *goes into complete silence and watches people* or C) Blogging. *thinks* Blooooggging...*thinks* Um. nope. I know. let's go KNIT. (which this then plays into A.)...This is getting my horribly confused. What was I writing about? OH. I know. So....wait...

That had NOTHING to do with my point...*headdesk*

*ginormous dog comes up. everyone is wondering why in the world is there a dog. * we are infact babysitting a Labradoodle. for some friends. Of my parents. while they go to a funeral. This dog. Is like huge. Like talking...sheep. Little llama. Um. Mini Wooly Mammoth. It's name is Griffin. He is leaving on Sunday. Bertie is quite put out. He thinks Griffin is here to stay. he is very angry. Bertie, not Griffin. Griffin is quite the opposite.

Anyways. I know. I'll go back. Scratch all that. And I'll start over. And put things very simply. That'll be very good for me...*cringe*

Holidays come. I say I'll write. I don't. Because....because...of...multiple reasons. Um yeah. Very deep. it took ALL that. for me to say that. Skilz, dude.

I got piano music. Josh Groban piano music. (And Forrest Gump music, but that's beside the point) it. is. BLISS.

and I shall end with that.

Oh, and?


Not as much as POTO though. That's still #1.

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