Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Beatles and Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is my best friend. My hands shall be foreverly sticky. Joy. 

For Mother's Day, my mom wanted some Beatles music she could bike to. So, my dad went to this Russian site where we can get the music really cheap, and got all these old songs. I burnt them on a cd. Now. I'm sitting next to our cd player thingy in our living room...listening to the Beatles. sounds kinda...soothing. Call me weird, but it's true. Lol. The music has really weird twists to, there's one song where it's got this weird noise that reminds me of the super old Super Mario World, for the Nintendo 64.  

Jeff and Laurie are here. Eating lunch. I'm sitting here, feeling really sleepy. Katie's...napping, lol. Mom and Dad are talking to J&L while they eat. The Beatles playing in the background. 

One super fun thing about the weekend. Katie, usually likes to just lay in the sun..not really get in the pool. THIS TIME. She got in. Swam. Played games (Marco Polo, and catch) and raced. It was like...going back to childhood. It's evil, when people get too old, when they think that doing things they did when they were kids, that that's stupid, and there's no way they'll be caught dead doing that again. I'm glad Katie isn't like that. Oh, we also did Weeki-Washi Mermaid. 

Weeki-Washi Mermaid: When I was little, Katie would pick me up, and I'd do these crazy movements and positions while she walked around. 

This time...doing Weeki-Washi Mermaid wasn't as easy as it was when I was 7, lol. Katie said I was heavy after 10 minutes of holding me. Racing was total fun. Katie and Jeff used to be really big on a swim team, before and a little after I was born. So, I like grew up with swimming. Swimming laps, flip turns, you get the idea. Anyway, so like, when we built the pool, my dad wanted it so it'd be long enough so he could do laps in it if he wanted to. After that, I started swimming laps, and really enjoying it. Lol, but I don't want to join as swim team...ballet and biking is enough for me. So, then. My dad teaches me some stuff, we race a lot, I get better. Then, Katie comes, and I get to race her :-D Little does she know :-D. She didn't know that I like to swim Marco Polo is also suuuuper fun. Another thing, like Weeki-Washi Mermaid.  Do it as a kid, have a huge-o break, one day do it again with siblings, I feel like I'm 10 again. Ok, that sounded weird. Like...I'm super old, and I'm reminiscing my childhood. Creepy. Anyway. We played this a lot when we were in Ponca. My dad joined in. And yeah. It was a lot of fun swimming with Katie again. I hope we can do it again next time. But anyway. Siblings are awesome. Nothing better than them. 

So, Katie and I got reallllly badly sun tanned. Right now, it's a sun burn, but it'll (hopefully, in my case) fade to a tan, lol. So, the day we got it, we were going out to eat with my extended family for various birthday dinners. (For Katie -June 2nd- and my uncle -May 4th-) After that, we had to run to the HEB (meaning, grocery stores for people who don't know) and other places to get stuff before we went home. There were a couple of guys who were around Katie's age, who like commented on how we had gotten a LOT of sun. One guy, was super creepy. He checked us out at the HEB. He had really long hair. He had really bad teeth. And his name was John. Creeeeeeeepy. Also, cause he kept talking about it. Like, how he couldn't go outside cause "he burns really easily"

I better go...maybe more later. 


Grace B. said...

*I love the Beatles!* I also love aloe vera...I burn like a hot dog. That made almost no sense...but oh well, I burn. lol

Kaley Grace said...

Awwww, that sounds like SO SO much fun!! Weeki-Washi Mermaid....Love it!! AHHHH! :)
Da Beatles are the best :) And have weird haircuts :)

SPEAKING of sticky hands...we were playing with Faith last night, and Haley was pretending to be the prince, and Faith was the princess, and Haley took Faith's hand and was like, "Will you marry me, Princess?" and she goes, "Your hands are sticky!" (We'd been having ice cream haha) It was SO funny!! And Ashley goes, "Say Yes, please." And Faith goes, "Say Yes Please!" LOL :)

Kaley Grace said...


I hope your sunburn feels better. Quickly. Or else, I'll have to send the FUGU fish to scare it away :)

Kaley Grace said...

John sounds creepy. Ick!