Friday, May 8, 2009

Book List.

People who have not read the post before this one. They shall have no idea what I'm talking about. SO. Peoples go read that one first.

Here's my list for people who have/will ask.

  1. 1- Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens
  2. 2 - Fellowship of the Ring (my mom said I could re-read them :-D) - everyone knows this, lol.
  3. 3 - Two Towers
  4. Return of the King
  5. North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell
  6. Tess of the Dubervilles - ? (half way through this already. Just need to finish it.)
  7. Daniel Deronda - George Elliot
  8. Les Miserables - victor Hugo
  9. Miss Bishop - Bess Streeter Aldrich
  10. My Antonia - Willa Cather...? (question marks due to me not being able to read my handwriting, lol)
  11. Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Edgar Allen Poe (lol, that conversation about him made me want to read his stuff. But...I won't read it at night, lol)
  12. Unnatural Death - Dorothy Sayers (who can go wrong with her??)
  13. Gaudy Night - Dorothy Sayers (I started....hard to get into...stopped, lol. Shall preserver this time!)
  14. The Girl of the Limberlost - Gene S?elton Porter
  15. The Hobbit - J.R. R. Tolkien
  16. Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott
  17. The Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
  18. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens

And, I'd also appreciate, if you've read the book. Whatcha think?

Grace }|{

Quote of the Day ~

You're never safe from surprise till you're dead.
~ Mrs. Rachel Lynde

This. Is a very big quote in my family. We use it a ton. It's best used with a Southern Accent. Preferably Texan. Enjoy, lol.


Grace B. said...

Ok, Les Miserables was one of the best books ever. Some of the "commentary" chapters were really boring, but the rest was awesome.

My Antonia (and yes, Willa Cather lol) was good. Warm fuzzies and such is what I remember.

I don't know if I've read precisely Tales of such and such...but don't read at night...really.

The Girl of the Limberlost was really good, way better than that dumb

And A Tale of Two Cities is the best Dickens ever. Ever. I cried. Oh, David Copperfield is good too. =D

Grace B. said...

Oh, and that Rachel Lynde quote? Awesome! We have a saying of hers we use a lot too. "I'm known throughout these parts as a woman who speaks her mind." =D

Kaley Grace said...

LOVE the Rachel Lynde quote! :) She's amazing :)

David Copperfield is SO SO good, lol, I cried on that one...

*thinks* I had ideas...but...heh...they left. So, if they return soon, I'll let you know :)