Friday, May 8, 2009

Edit: More books added on!

Whenever you're in need of books to read? Go to fathers. Lol, my dad like pulled all these books out for me.

This is what came up

  1. The Divine Comedy - Dante (never read Dante before...ought to be interesting.)
  2. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
  3. The Tolkien Reader - J. R. R Tolkien. (my dad didn't pull this out, but, I also added the Simlmarillion, so I was thinking, hey, just go all Tolkien stuff, lol. Haven't done that in awhile)
  4. Sherlock Holmes - A. C. Doyle (*shields self from the chance of an attack of Holmesian people. * No, I have never read it...before the summer. Nope. *covers head* don't hurt me, lol)
  5. Lorna Doone - R.D. Blackmore. (Nope, never read this one either. Heard a ton about it though.)
  6. The Collected Poems - Emily Dickinson.
But still, I'm always open for books, so...go ahead and recommend them anyway :-D


Grace B. said...

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was good...not the greatest thing to read at night, but it's no Edgar Allan Poe. =D

Sherlock Holmes *rocks* my *socks*. =) I won't attack you, I swear.

Lorna Doone...I have really vague memories of this was probably good...I can't remember. lol

And I love Emily Dickinson (I always spell her last name wrong...yeah).

Kaley Grace said...

Oooo yeah, I read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...last year, I think. It's good..and kinda weird :)

Ooo, Amy B. got the movie Lorna Doone for her birthday, and she said it was awesome! We all need to watch it some time :)

Book list looks awesome!! How many more books to do you need?

Fathers are rather nice, aren't they? :)

Sam said...

The Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara. That's a great book on par with Les Miserables.

Bre said...

lol! I have one thing to say. I hated Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. *shakes head* But you can read it if you want.

And, Holmesians unite yet again! *high fives Grace* Now we can add another one :D Once you start reading Sherlock can't stop. I'm already re reading my book.

And, I read the Silmarillion too. That was AWESOME. But..really difficult to read, because of name pronunciations and the language stuff. But just read it slowly and you'll get it.

OMG I am so excited for you to read Sherlock! *jumps* And, I solemnly promise never to attack you. Ever. (lol)